fdf webinar

FDF Webinar The Challenges of Improving Food Safety - How - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FDF Webinar The Challenges of Improving Food Safety - How HorizonScan Can Be Used in Business For Real-Time Alerting To Make Those Informed Decisions 21 November 2019 3.30pm Who is Fera Science? Adding value across the agri-food chain

  1. FDF Webinar The Challenges of Improving Food Safety - How HorizonScan Can Be Used in Business For Real-Time Alerting To Make Those Informed Decisions 21 November 2019 – 3.30pm

  2. Who is Fera Science?

  3. Adding value across the agri-food chain Sustainable Chemical safety Food safety & Proficiency productivity & authenticity testing environmental protection From Farm to Fork Crop health Targeted Food packaging Novel foodstuffs protection knowledge for & migration informed decision making

  4. Our Food & Feed Experience Trusted researcher, advisor & trainer of food & drink >30 years ‘Forensic’ analysis & interpretation of (bio)chemical constituents & contaminants in food and feed Novel, sustainably derived and bio-degradable packaging Developing intelligent, predictive data tools and AI systems Innovative approaches to authenticity & integrity Alternative proteins from plants, insects and algae – waste valorisation – vertical farming State-of-the-art analytical equipment & facilities, detailed knowledge of current & emerging food safety regulations Accredited to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2015 17025:2005 & GLP; National Reference Laboratory – EFSA article 36 list

  5. Introducing Jordina Farrus – Technical Lead on HorizonScan

  6. Let’s Log into HorizonScan

  7. Introducing Hélèna Blackshaw – Leading Food Industry Consultant

  8. Risk Management Process

  9. HorizonScan Risk Categories

  10. Ingredient Risk Categories * This list is not exhaustive

  11. HorizonScan – Pesticide

  12. HorizonScan – Dried Rice

  13. Supplier Scanning

  14. Country Scanning

  15. Supply Chain Risks – Dried Rice

  16. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

  17. Mitigation Measures

  18. Establishing Testing Limits

  19. Designing HorizonScan Assessments into ERP Ref: One Advanced

  20. Designing HorizonScan Assessments into ERP Ref: SAP

  21. FDA Supply Chain Preventative Control Current industry co- manufacturing arrangements may include a “ supply chain program” established and implemented by the brand owner, the co-manufacturer, or both

  22. Why is it important for Businesses to use HorizonScan? To mitigate risk……… BRC Compliance ➢ “Systems shall be in place to minimise the risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterated food raw materials and to ensure that all product descriptions and claims are legal, accurate and verified” Global Legislation Compliance ➢ Compliance to the importing/exporting countries regulations Export/Import Customs Clearance ➢ Right first time customs clearance. Recalls Prevention Brand protection ➢ Consumer Protection ➢ “Proactive Management of Business Risk & Consumer Protection”

  23. Thank you Helena for that very interesting & insightful look at how you have used HorizonScan over the years. If you are interested in having a company demonstration, please do not hesitate to get in touch, email: sales@fera.co.uk Now let’s make some time to take those questions that have come in during the session.

  24. Questions & Answers Email: sales@fera.co.uk

  25. Thank you for your time today! We do hope you have enjoyed the session. For any further information email us at sales@fera.co.uk or call +44 (0) 0300 100 0321

  26. Barry.Hilton@fera.co.uk Jordina.Farrus@fera.co.uk hblackshawfsa@aol.com


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