family engagement

Family Engagement Hollenbeck Middle School Santee Education Complex - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Family Engagement Hollenbeck Middle School Santee Education Complex Brooklyn Avenue School Los Angeles Unified School District Presented by: Marissa Martinez If Parents are Involved, Students from All Backgrounds Tend to: Earn higher

  1. Family Engagement Hollenbeck Middle School Santee Education Complex Brooklyn Avenue School Los Angeles Unified School District Presented by: Marissa Martinez

  2. If Parents are Involved, Students from All Backgrounds Tend to: • Earn higher grades and test scores • Enroll in higher-level programs • Be promoted and earn credits • Adapt well to school and attend regularly • Have better social skills and behavior • Graduate and go on to higher education

  3. When families are effectively engaged in their children’s education and in the improvement of schools, what are the various roles they can play?

  4. Epstein’s Six Types of Involvement Parenti nting: ng: Assist families with parenting skills, understanding child and adolescent 1. 1. development, and setting home conditions to support learning at each age and grade level. 2. Communi unica cati ting: ng: Communicate with families about school and student progress. 2. Create two-way communication channels between school and home. 3. Volunte nteeri ering. ng. Improve recruitment, training, activities, and schedules to involve 3. families as volunteers and as audiences at the school or in other locations. 4. Learni ning ng at Home: Involve families with their children in academic learning at home, 4. including homework, goal setting, and other curriculum-related activities. Encourage teachers to design homework that enables students to share and discuss interesting tasks. 5. Decision on Making: ng: Include families as participants in school decisions, governance, and 5. advocacy activities through school councils or improvement teams, committees, and parent organizations. 6. Collab abora orati ting ng with the Communi unity ty : Coordinate resources and services for 6. families, students, and the school with community groups, including businesses, agencies, cultural and civic organizations, and colleges or universities.

  5. Title One Resources to support Parent Engagment X-Time for teachers to provide parent workshops - IMA to purchase supplies for parent workshops, - ie: parent book club Purchase Community Rep and use as Parent - Center lead and community outreach Sub/Coverage time for teachers to participate in - Family Action Team meetings Use Annual Title One Meeting as an opportunity - for Saturday conference style workshops Use school parent compact as an opportunity to - engage parents in meaningful agreements

  6. Family Action Team Parents • Teachers • Coordinator • Counselor • Community Rep • Community Partner • Administrator • Meets monthly to develop and implement strategic parental involvement activities that engage and empower families to support schools academic goals.

  7. Family Action Team Develop OUR WHY

  8. Family Action Team Goals Goal al 1/Meta a 1: Goal al 2/Meta ta 2: MATH/ H/ Goal al 3/Meta a 3: Goal al 4/Meta ta 4: LITER ERACY ACY/LEE EER Y MATEMÁTICAS RECL CLASS SSIFICATIO IFICATION N / PAR ARENTA ENTAL ESCR CRIBIR IBIR RECL CLASIFI SIFICA CACI CION INVOLVE VEME MENT/ NT/ INVOLUCR CRAMIEN IENTO TO DE PADRE DRES 65% of students 25% of students will 35% of English 100% of graduating will meet or exceed meet or exceed learner students Senior parents will English Math proficiency/ will meet participate in at proficiency. 25% de estudiantes reclassification least 4 parental Students will van a conocer o criteria involvement improve in lexile exceder activities for the reading levels. competencia en academic school Students will matemáticas. year./ 100% de improve in lexile padres de reading levels. estudiantes del 12 grado participaran en por lo menos 4 actividades en el año escolar.

  9. Goals to Strategies G oal 1/Meta 1: LITERACY/LEER Y ESCRIBIR 65% of students will meet or exceed English proficiency. Strategies aligned to SPSA/Estrategias aliniadas al SPSA: - Send out lexile level letters to parents at the BOY, MOY, EOY/Mandar cartas a padres con los niveles de lectura a todos los padres al principio, mediado, y fin del año. - Offer “Understanding Lexile Levels and Complex Text” workshops to parents/Ofrecer talleres de “Entender niveles de lectura y texto complejo” - Offer “SBAC ELA ICA” workshops to parents to share ICA data and goal setting/Ofrecer talleres de “SBAC ELA ICA” y compartir resultados de ICA y hacer metas. - Literacy Night/Noche de Literatura - Parent Classroom Observations with Literacy Focus: complex text, kagan, metacognitive skills / Observaciones de salones con énfasis de literatura: texto complejo, estrategias Kagan, capacidad metacognitivo.

  10. Annual Plan

  11. Parent Passport 14 parent participations for • the school year. 4 mandatory for senior • students Parents can submit to the • parent center for a certificate for the parent and for their child that will go into their Senior Portfolio End of the Year Banquet • for ALL PARENTS who complete the Parent Passport.

  12. What’s going on in the Parent Center? Monthly Parent • Newsletter with calendar is mailed home. Bi-Weekly Parent • Classroom Vits 2-3 Academic Parent • Workshops a Week that are aligned to goals Parent Volunteer Program •

  13. Parents are working just as hard for this as we are. Involve families in meaningful ways. Do it, because it is a part of your core belief that parents matter. Lead your school with parents as true partners.


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