extremal results for sparse pseudorandom graphs

Extremal results for sparse pseudorandom graphs Yufei Zhao - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Extremal results for sparse pseudorandom graphs Yufei Zhao Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint work with David Conlon and Jacob Fox Sparse extensions Extending classical results to sparse settings. For example: Sparse extensions

  1. Extremal results for sparse pseudorandom graphs Yufei Zhao Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint work with David Conlon and Jacob Fox

  2. Sparse extensions Extending classical results to sparse settings. For example:

  3. Sparse extensions Extending classical results to sparse settings. For example: Szemer´ edi’s Theorem Every subset of the integers with positive density contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions

  4. Sparse extensions Extending classical results to sparse settings. For example: Szemer´ edi’s Theorem Every subset of the integers with positive density contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions Green-Tao Theorem The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions

  5. Sparse extensions Extending classical results to sparse settings. For example: Szemer´ edi’s Theorem Every subset of the integers with positive density contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions Green-Tao Theorem The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions The primes have zero density, but there is a pseudorandom set of “almost primes” in which the primes form a subset with positive relative density. Transference principle: dense → sparse.

  6. Sparse setting Dense setting Host graph: K n G : arbitrary dense graph

  7. Sparse setting Dense setting Host graph: K n G : arbitrary dense graph Sparse setting Host graph: pseudorandom graph with Ω( n 2 − c ) edges

  8. Sparse setting Dense setting Host graph: K n G : arbitrary dense graph Sparse setting Host graph: pseudorandom graph with Ω( n 2 − c ) edges G : relatively dense subgraph

  9. Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma Roughly speaking, every large graph can be partitioned into a bounded number of roughly equally-sized parts so that the graph is random-like between most pairs of parts.

  10. Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma Roughly speaking, every large graph can be partitioned into a bounded number of roughly equally-sized parts so that the graph is random-like between most pairs of parts. Regularity Method 1 Apply Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma. 2 Apply a counting lemma for embedding small graphs.

  11. Regular partition Edge density: d G ( U , V ) = e G ( U , V ) | U || V | .

  12. Regular partition Edge density: d G ( U , V ) = e G ( U , V ) | U || V | . Definition ( ǫ -regular) X Y Bipartite graph ( X , Y ) G is ǫ -regular if for all A ⊂ X , B ⊂ Y , with | A | ≥ ǫ | X | and | B | ≥ ǫ | Y | , we have | d G ( A , B ) − d G ( X , Y ) | < ǫ .

  13. Regular partition Edge density: d G ( U , V ) = e G ( U , V ) | U || V | . Definition ( ǫ -regular) X Y Bipartite graph ( X , Y ) G is ǫ -regular if B A for all A ⊂ X , B ⊂ Y , with | A | ≥ ǫ | X | and | B | ≥ ǫ | Y | , we have | d G ( A , B ) − d G ( X , Y ) | < ǫ .

  14. Regular partition Edge density: d G ( U , V ) = e G ( U , V ) | U || V | . Definition ( ǫ -regular) X Y Bipartite graph ( X , Y ) G is ǫ -regular if B A for all A ⊂ X , B ⊂ Y , with | A | ≥ ǫ | X | and | B | ≥ ǫ | Y | , we have | d G ( A , B ) − d G ( X , Y ) | < ǫ . Definition ( ǫ -regular partition) A partition of vertices into nearly-equal parts where all but ǫ -fraction of the pairs of parts induce ǫ -regular bipartite graphs.

  15. Regularity method Regularity method 1 Apply Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma. 2 Apply a counting lemma for embedding small graphs.

  16. Regularity method Regularity method 1 Apply Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma. 2 Apply a counting lemma for embedding small graphs. Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma For every ǫ , there is some M so that every graph has an ǫ -regular partition into ≤ M parts.

  17. Regularity method Regularity method 1 Apply Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma. 2 Apply a counting lemma for embedding small graphs. Szemer´ edi’s Regularity Lemma For every ǫ , there is some M so that every graph has an ǫ -regular partition into ≤ M parts. Triangle counting lemma X If G is a tripartite graph that is ǫ -regular between each pair of parts, then the number of triangles in G is Y Z ≈ d G ( X , Y ) d G ( Y , Z ) d G ( X , Z ) | X | | Y | | Z | .

  18. Sparse regularity Original regularity method applies only for dense graphs. In the 90’s, Kohayakawa and R¨ odl independently developed a regularity lemma for sparse graphs.

  19. Sparse regularity Original regularity method applies only for dense graphs. In the 90’s, Kohayakawa and R¨ odl independently developed a regularity lemma for sparse graphs. Open problem A counting lemma for sparse regular graphs.

  20. Sparse regularity Original regularity method applies only for dense graphs. In the 90’s, Kohayakawa and R¨ odl independently developed a regularity lemma for sparse graphs. Open problem A counting lemma for sparse regular graphs. Previous work: counting triangles [Kohayakawa, R¨ odl, Schacht & Skokan ’10]

  21. Main result Sparse Counting Lemma [Conlon–Fox–Z.] For any graph H , there is a counting lemma for embedding H into a regular partition in a sparse pseudorandom graph.

  22. Main result Sparse Counting Lemma [Conlon–Fox–Z.] For any graph H , there is a counting lemma for embedding H into a regular partition in a sparse pseudorandom graph. Applications Sparse extensions of: Tur´ an, Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Ramsey Graph removal lemma · · ·

  23. Pseudorandom graphs Definition We say that a graph Γ is ( p , β )-jumbled if for all vertex subsets X and Y of Γ, we have � | e ( X , Y ) − p | X | | Y || ≤ β | X | | Y | .

  24. Pseudorandom graphs Definition We say that a graph Γ is ( p , β )-jumbled if for all vertex subsets X and Y of Γ, we have � | e ( X , Y ) − p | X | | Y || ≤ β | X | | Y | . Examples Random graph G ( n , p ) is ( p , β )-jumbled with β = O ( √ np ) w.h.p. ( n , d , λ )-graph is ( d n , λ )-jumbled by expander mixing lemma.

  25. Tur´ an-type results Tur´ an’s Theorem r − 1 ) n 2 1 Any K r -free graph on n vertices has at most (1 − 2 edges.

  26. Tur´ an-type results Tur´ an’s Theorem r − 1 ) n 2 1 Any K r -free graph on n vertices has at most (1 − 2 edges. Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Theorem For any fixed H , any H -free graph on n vertices has at most � 1 � � n � 1 − χ ( H ) − 1 + o (1) 2 edges, where χ ( H ) is the chromatic number of H .

  27. Tur´ an-type results Tur´ an’s Theorem r − 1 ) n 2 1 Any K r -free graph on n vertices has at most (1 − 2 edges. Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Theorem For any fixed H , any H -free subgraph of K n has at most � 1 � 1 − χ ( H ) − 1 + o (1) e ( K n ) edges, where χ ( H ) is the chromatic number of H .

  28. Tur´ an-type results Tur´ an’s Theorem r − 1 ) n 2 1 Any K r -free graph on n vertices has at most (1 − 2 edges. Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Theorem For any fixed H , any H -free subgraph of K n has at most � 1 � 1 − χ ( H ) − 1 + o (1) e ( K n ) edges, where χ ( H ) is the chromatic number of H . Sparse extension: replace K n by a jumbled graph Γ.

  29. Sparse extensions of Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Previous work: H = K t [Sudakov, Szab´ o & Vu ’05] [Chung ’05] H triangle-free [Kohayakawa, R¨ odl, Schacht, Sissokho, Skokan ’07]

  30. Sparse extensions of Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Previous work: H = K t [Sudakov, Szab´ o & Vu ’05] [Chung ’05] H triangle-free [Kohayakawa, R¨ odl, Schacht, Sissokho, Skokan ’07] Sparse Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits [Conlon–Fox–Z.] For every graph H and every ǫ > 0, there exists c > 0 such that if β ≤ cp d ( H )+ 5 2 n then any ( p , β )-jumbled graph Γ on n vertices has the property that any H -free subgraph of Γ has at most � � 1 1 − χ ( H ) − 1 + ǫ e (Γ) . edges. d ( H ) is the degeneracy of H

  31. Sparse extensions of Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits Previous work: H = K t [Sudakov, Szab´ o & Vu ’05] [Chung ’05] H triangle-free [Kohayakawa, R¨ odl, Schacht, Sissokho, Skokan ’07] Sparse Erd˝ os-Stone-Simonovits [Conlon–Fox–Z.] For every graph H and every ǫ > 0, there exists c > 0 such that if β ≤ cp d ( H )+ 5 2 n then any ( p , β )-jumbled graph Γ on n vertices has the property that any H -free subgraph of Γ has at most � � 1 1 − χ ( H ) − 1 + ǫ e (Γ) . edges. d ( H ) is the degeneracy of H

  32. The difficulty with pseudorandom graphs Alon (1994) constructed a triangle-free ( n , d , λ )-graph √ d and d ≥ n 2 / 3 . with λ ≤ c I.e., there exists a ( p , cp 2 n )-jumbled graph Γ containing no triangles.

  33. The difficulty with pseudorandom graphs Alon (1994) constructed a triangle-free ( n , d , λ )-graph √ d and d ≥ n 2 / 3 . with λ ≤ c I.e., there exists a ( p , cp 2 n )-jumbled graph Γ containing no triangles. → No counting lemma for Γ → Extensions of applications false for Γ

  34. Ramsey-type results Ramsey’s Theorem For any graph H and positive integer r , if n is sufficiently large, then any r -coloring of the edges of K n contains a monochromatic copy of H .


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