extracting excitations from a fractional quantum hall

Extracting excitations from a fractional quantum Hall groundstate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Extracting excitations from a fractional quantum Hall groundstate N. Regnault Labortoire Pierre Aigrain, Ecole Normale Sup erieure, Paris 24/11/2010 Acknowledgment A. Sterdyniak, Z. Papic (PhD, ENS) A. Chandran (PhD, Princeton) R.

  1. Extracting excitations from a fractional quantum Hall groundstate N. Regnault Labortoire Pierre Aigrain, Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure, Paris 24/11/2010

  2. Acknowledgment A. Sterdyniak, Z. Papic (PhD, ENS) A. Chandran (PhD, Princeton) R. Thomale (Postdoc Princeton) M. Hermanns (Postdoc Princeton) A.B. Bernevig (Princeton University) F.D.M Haldane (Princeton University)

  3. Motivations : nu=4/11 paper, Fig.1 testing candidate wavefunctions for a 4 5 1.5 T ~ 35 mK 5 4 13 17 given fraction using numerical 11 13 7 1 2 simulations 2 11 3 1 7 1.0 5 3 2 R xx (k Ω ) 2 5 overlap can be misleading. At least one 3 3 0.5 known example where two different 3 10 8 6 states have large overlaps : Abelian 10 10 17 19 21 0.0 (Jain CF) vs non-abelian (Gaffnian). 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MAGNETIC FIELD [T] is the groundstate enough to 10 characterize a FQH phase ? 8 6 new tools to probe the groundstate Energy 4 how deep are encoded the excitations 2 0 within the groundstate ? 0 5 10 15 20 L

  4. Outline : 1. Orbital entanglement spectrum 2. Conformal limit 3. From the edge to the bulk 4. Probing the non-universal part of the OES 5. Conclusion

  5. Orbital entanglement spectrum

  6. Landau level without spin with spin 5<ν<6 N=2 hg µ b B 4<ν<5 h ω c 3<ν<4 N=1 hg µ b B 2<ν<3 h ω c 1<ν<2 N=0 hg µ b B 0<ν<1 Filling factor : ν = hn eB = N N φ Cyclotron frequency : ω c = eB m Lowest Landau level ( ν < 1) : z m exp � −| z | 2 / 4 l 2 � N-body wave function : Ψ = P ( z 1 , ..., z N ) exp( − � | z i | 2 / 4) the Hamiltonian is just the (projected) interaction ! � V ( � r i − � H = r j ) i < j (including screening effect, finite width, Landau level,...)

  7. The Laughlin wave function A (very) good approximation of the ground state at ν = 1 3 | zi | 2 ( z i − z j ) 3 e − P � Ψ L ( z 1 , ... z N ) = i 4 l 2 i < j ρ x add one flux quantum at z 0 = one quasi-hole � Ψ qh ( z 1 , ... z N ) = ( z 0 − z i ) Ψ L ( z 1 , ... z N ) i ρ x Locally, create one quasi-hole with fractional charge + e 3

  8. ν = 5 / 2 : the Moore-Read state R.L. Willett, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West (PNAS 0812599106) � 1 � � ( z i − z j ) 2 Ψ pf ( z 1 , ..., z N ) = Pf z i − z j i < j add/remove one flux quanta − → create a pair of quasi-holes /quasi-electrons ( ± e / 4) non Abelian statistics !

  9. Entanglement entropy for the FQHE look at the ground state | Ψ � cut the system into two parts A and B in orbital space ( ≃ real space, orbital partition) reduced density matrix ρ A = Tr B | Ψ � � Ψ | , block-diagonal wrt N A and L A z compute the entanglement entropy S A = − Tr A ( ρ A log ρ A ).

  10. Entanglement entropy for the FQHE calculation directly done at the level of the Fock decomposition topological entanglement entropy : extract the γ from S A = cL − γ (Haque et al.). Only depends on the nature of the excitations. But : highly non-trivial looking at the entanglement spectrum : plot ξ = − log λ A vs L A z for fixed cut and N A Schmidt decomposition | Ψ � = � p exp( − ξ/ 2) | A , p � ⊗ | B , p � key idea : think about exp( − ξ ) as a Boltzmann weight, ξ as “energies” of a fictious Hamiltonian for N A particles

  11. Entanglement spectrum (Li and Haldane) Laughlin N = 13 , l A = 36 (hemisphere cut), N A = 6 L A z angular momentum of A , ξ = − log λ A , λ A ’s are ρ A eigenvalues.

  12. Entanglement spectrum a way to look at the Fock space decomposition “banana” shaped spectrum for pure CFT state (not only Jack polynomials) with a given maximum L A z “low energy” part : a signature of the state (edge mode degeneracy). i z 2 example Laughlin (1,1,2) : Ψ L , Ψ L × � i z i , Ψ L × � i and Ψ L × � i < j z i z j Probing physics of the edge from the ground state on a closed surface

  13. Coulomb case and entanglement gap

  14. Entanglement spectrum for the FQHE : some results probing non abelian statistics (Li, Haldane 2008) looking at (precursor of ) phase transition through closing entanglement gap (Zozulya, Haque, NR, 2009) differentiate states with large overlap but different excitations (from the ground state only !) (NR, Bernervig, Haldane 2009) non-trivial relation between ES and edge mode (Bernervig, NR 2009) when N → ∞ recover degenerate multiplets and linear (relativistic) dispersion relation for the edge mode (Thomale, Stedyniak, NR, Bernervig 2010) torus geometry, tower of edge modes ( L¨ auchli et al. 2010 )

  15. Entanglement spectrum : beyond FQHE quantum Hall bilayers quantum spin systems superconductor topological insulators Bose-Einstein condensates SUSY lattice models

  16. An application : probing statitics of excitations Write wavefunctions for localized excitations and move them ! e/4 A A B B N F N F N F N F e/2 e/4 In the Laughlin case (abelian excitations), the counting stays the same (1,1,2,...) | | | • • • (a) 010101010101010101010101 (b) 101010010101010101010101 (c) 101010101010010101010101 50 50 50 8.05 8 11 10 40 40 40 7.8 9 8 7.6 8 7 30 30 30 7.4 7.95 6 ξ ξ ξ 30 31 32 33 34 33 34 35 36 37 36 37 38 39 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 A A A L z L z L z

  17. An application : probing statistics of excitations In the Moore-Read case, the counting is able to detect if there is an even or odd number of excitations. 16 12 8 ξ 4 (a) 0202...02 (b) 1111...11 0 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 50 A A L z L z

  18. Conformal limit

  19. Different geometries, similar ES sphere cylinder N F N F disk R N F annulus N F Ψ = � µ c µ sl µ , c µ will one differ by some geometrical factors different eigenvalues of ρ A (shape of the ES) but the same number of non-zero eigenvalues (counting) The counting IS the important feature. For model states (CFT) , exponentially lower than expected


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