extended double seesaw model for neutrino masses and low

Extended double seesaw model for neutrino masses and low scale - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Extended double seesaw model for neutrino masses and low scale leptogenesis. International workshop on neutrino masses and mixing Decmeber 17-19 2006, Shizuoka, Japan Sin Kyu Kang (Sogang University) in collaboration with C. S. Kim

  1. Extended double seesaw model for neutrino masses and low scale leptogenesis. International workshop on neutrino masses and mixing Decmeber 17-19 2006, Shizuoka, Japan Sin Kyu Kang (Sogang University) in collaboration with C. S. Kim hep-ph/0607072

  2. Outline Introduction Extended Double Seesaw Model Constrains on the active-sterile mixing Low Scale Leptogenesis Numerical Estimation Summary

  3. Introduction: Motivation for postulating the existence of singlet neutrinos: ◮ Smallness of neutrino masses ⇒ introducing heavy singlet neutrinos : seesaw mechanism. ◮ Sterile neutrinos = ⇒ a viable candidate for dark matter ◮ LSND experiment = ⇒ need a sterile neutrino What happen if the sterile neutrinos exist ? ◮ ν s can mix with ν a = ⇒ such admixtures : contribute to various processes forbidden in the SM ◮ They affect the interpretations of cosmological and astrophysical observations.

  4. Virtue and Vice of the Seesaw Mechanism: ◮ ◮ Accomplishment of smallness of neutrino masses ◮ Responsibe for baryon asymmetry of our universe ◮ Seesaw scale 10 10 ∼ 14 GeV : impossible to probe at collider ◮ High scale thermal leptogenesis M > 10 9 GeV = ⇒ encounters gravitino problem in SUSY SM. Low scale seesaw is desirable ! = ⇒ ◮ A successful scenario for a low scale leptogenesis = ⇒ Resonant leptogenesis with very tiny mass splitting of heavy Majorana neutrinos with M 1 ∼ 1 TeV. (Pilaftsis) (( M 2 − M 1 ) / ( M 2 + M 1 ) ∼ 10 − 6 ) ◮ However, such a very tiny mass splitting may appears somewhat unnatural due to the required severe fine-tuning.

  5. Motivation and Aim of this work ◮ In order to remedy above problems, we propose a variant of the seesaw mechanism. ◮ Our model : typical seesaw model + equal # gauge singlet neutrinos = ⇒ a kind of double seesaw model ◮ Unlike to the typical double seesaw model, ◮ Permit both tiny neutrino masses and relatively light sterile neutrinos of order MeV. ◮ Accommodate very tiny mixing between ν a and ν s demanded from the cosmological and astrophysical observations. ◮ We show that a low scale thermal leptogenesis can be naturally achieved.

  6. Extended Double Seesaw Model ◮ The Lagrangian we propose in the charged lepton basis as L = M R i N T ν i φ N j + Y S ij ¯ N i Ψ S j − µ ij S T i N i + Y D ij ¯ i S j + h . c . , ◮ ν i : SU (2) L doublet, N i : RH singlet neutrino ◮ S i : newly introduced singlet neutrinos ◮ φ : SU (2) L doublet Higgs ◮ Ψ : SU (2) L singlet Higgs ◮ The neutrino mass matrix after φ, Ψ get VEVs becomes   0 m D ij 0  , M ν = m D ij M R ii M ij  0 − µ ij M ij where m D ij = Y D ij < φ >, M ij = Y S ij < Ψ > . ◮ Here we assume that M R > M ≫ µ, m D .

  7. ◮ After integrating out N R in L , we obtain the following effective lagrangian, ( m 2 D ) ij i ν j + m D ik M kj ν T ν i S j + ¯ −L eff = (¯ S i ν j ) 4 M R 4 M R M 2 ij S T i S j + µ ij S T + i S j . 4 M R ◮ After block diagonalization of the effective mass terms in L eff , 1. The light neutrino mass matrix : m ν ≃ 1 � T m D � m D M µ , 2 M 2. Mixing between the active and sterile neutrinos : 2 m D M tan 2 θ s = . M 2 + 4 µ M R − m 2 D

  8. ◮ Note : typical seesaw mass m 2 D / M R = ⇒ cancelled out. ◮ Sterile neutrino mass is approximately given as m s ≃ µ + M 2 . 4 M R ◮ Depending on the relative sizes among M , M R , µ , = ⇒ θ s and m s are approximately given by ( for M 2 > 4 µ M R : 2 m D  Case A ) , M      ( for M 2 ≃ 4 µ M R : m D Case B ) , tan 2 θ s ≃ sin 2 θ s ≃ M    ( for M 2 < 4 µ M R :  m D M  Case C ) , 2 µ M R M 2  ( Case A ) , 4 M R      m s ≃ 2 µ ( Case B ) ,      µ ( Case C ) .

  9. Note on the above formulae : ◮ For M 2 ≤ 4 µ M R , the size of µ is mainly responsible for m s . ◮ The value of θ s is suppressed by the scale of M or M R . ◮ Thus, very small mixing angle θ s can be naturally achieved in our seesaw mechanism. ◮ For Case A and Case B , constraints on θ s leads to constraints on the size of m ν /µ .

  10. Constrains on the active-sterile mixing ◮ Existence of a relatively light sterile neutrino = ⇒ observable consequences for cosmology & astrophyics. ◮ m s and θ s ⇒ subject to the cosmological and astrophysical bounds. ◮ Some laboratory bounds = ⇒ typically much weaker than the astrophysical and cosmological ones. ◮ In the light of laboratory experimental as well as cosmological and astrophysical observations, there exist two interesting ranges of m s , = ⇒ order keV and order MeV.

  11. keV sterile neutrino ◮ A viable “warm” dark matter candidate. ◮ For sin θ s ∼ 10 − 6 − 10 − 4 , sterile neutrinos were never in thermal equilibrium in the early Universe = ⇒ their abundance to be smaller than the predictions in thermal equilibrium. ◮ A few keV sterile neutrino = ⇒ important for the physics of supernova, which can explain the pulsa kick velocities (Kusenko) . ◮ In addition, some bounds on m s from the possibility to observe ν s radiative decays from X-ray observations and Lyman α − forest observations of order of a few keV.

  12. MeV sterile neutrinos ◮ There exists high mass region m s � 100 MeV restricted by the CMB bound, meson decays and SN1987A cooling: sin 2 θ s � 10 − 9 . = ⇒ ◮ Such a high mass region may be very interesting in the sense that induced contributions to the neutrino mass matrix due to the mixing between ν a and ν s can be dominant = ⇒ responsible for peculiar properties of the lepton mixing such as tri-bimaximal mixig (Smirnov, Funchal ’06) . ◮ Sterile neutrinos with mass 1-100 MeV = ⇒ a dark matter candidate for the explanation of the excess flux of 511 keV photons if sin 2 2 θ s � 10 − 17 . ◮ In this work, we will focus on MeV sterile neutrinos. ◮ Similarly, we can realize keV sterile neutrinos (unnatural).

  13. Low Scale Leptogenesis ◮ We propose a scenario that a low scale leptogenesis can be successfully achieved without severe fine-tuning such as very tiny mass splitting between two heavy Majorana neutrinos. ◮ In our scenario, the successful leptogenesis = ⇒ achieved by the decay of the lightest RH Majorana neutrino before the scalar fields get VEVs. ◮ In particular, a new contribution to the lepton asymmetry mediated by the extra singlet neutrinos.

  14. ◮ Without loss of generality, taking a basis where the mass matrices M R and µ real and diagonal. ◮ In this basis, the elements of Y D and Y S are in general complex. ◮ The lepton number asymmetry required for baryogenesis : � Γ( N 1 → ¯ l i ¯ � H u ) − Γ( N 1 → l i H u ) � ε 1 = − , Γ tot ( N 1 ) i where N 1 : the lightest RH neutrino Γ tot ( N 1 ) : the total decay rate. ◮ The introduction of S = ⇒ a new contribution which can enhance ε 1 .

  15. ◮ As a result of such an enhancement, low scale leptogenesis is successful without severe fine-tuning. ◮ Diagrams contributing to lepton asymmetry : L i L i φ N 1 N 1 N k L j φ φ (a) (b) L i L i φ Ψ N 1 N k N 1 N k L j S j φ φ (c) (d) ◮ In addition to (a-c), there is a new daigram (d) arisen due to the new Yukawa interaction Y S ¯ N Ψ S .

  16. ◮ Assuming m φ , m Ψ , m S << m R 1 , to leading order, Γ tot ( N i ) = ( Y ν Y † ν + Y s Y † s ) ii M R i 4 π ◮ The lepton asymmetry : 1 � ε 1 = k � =1 ([ g V ( x k ) + g S ( x k )] T k 1 + g S ( x k ) S k 1 ) , 8 π where ◮ g V ( x ) = √ x { 1 − (1 + x ) ln [(1 + x ) / x ] } , ◮ g S ( x ) = √ x k / (1 − x k ) with x k = M 2 R k / M 2 R 1 for k � = 1, ν ) 2 Im [( Y ν Y † k 1 ] ◮ T k 1 = ( Y ν Y † ν + Y s Y † s ) 11 ◮ S k 1 = Im [( Y ν Y † ν ) k 1 ( Y † s Y s ) 1 k ] : coming from interference of the ( Y ν Y † ν + Y s Y † s ) 11 tree diagram with (d).

  17. ◮ For x ≫ 1 , vertex diagram becomes dominant : ν m ν Y † Im [( Y ∗ ε 1 ≃ − 3 M R 1 ν ) 11 ] , 16 π v 2 ( Y ν Y † ν + Y s Y † s ) 11 ◮ it is bounded as ( Davidson, Ibarra ) 3 M R 1 | ε 1 | < v 2 ( m ν 3 − m ν 1 ) , 16 π � ∆ m 2 ◮ For hierarchical m ν , m ν 3 ≃ atm and then it is M R 1 ≥ 2 × 10 9 GeV required : ◮ To see how much the new contribution can be important, let’s consider a case : M R 1 ≃ M R 2 < M R 3 .

  18. ◮ In this case, ε 1 : » – k � =1 Im [( Y ν Y † ν ) k 1 ( Y s Y † Im [( Y ∗ ν m ν Y † M R 2 P s ) 1 k ] ν ) 11 ] 1 R , s ) 11 + ε 1 ≃ − 16 π v 2 ( Y ν Y † ν + Y s Y † ( Y ν Y † ν + Y s Y † s ) 11 where R ≡ | M R 1 | / ( | M R 2 | − | M R 1 | ) . ◮ Denominator of ε 1 = ⇒ constrained by Γ N 1 < H | T = M R 1 : = ⇒ the corresponding upper bound on ( Y s ) 1 i : �� | ( Y s ) 1 i | 2 < 3 × 10 − 4 � M R 1 / 10 9 ( GeV ) . i ◮ The first term ( >> 2nd term) : bounded as ( M R 2 / 16 π v 2 ) � ∆ m atm 2 R TeV scale leptogenesis achieved by R ∼ 10 6 − 7 = ⇒ (implying severe fine-tuning).

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