exploiting carbon and nitrogen exploiting carbon and

Exploiting carbon and nitrogen Exploiting carbon and nitrogen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Exploiting carbon and nitrogen Exploiting carbon and nitrogen compounds for enhanced energy compounds for enhanced energy and resource recovery and resource recovery Bahareh Kokabian Veera Gnaneswar Gude Civil & Environmental Engineering

  1. Exploiting carbon and nitrogen Exploiting carbon and nitrogen compounds for enhanced energy compounds for enhanced energy and resource recovery and resource recovery Bahareh Kokabian Veera Gnaneswar Gude Civil & Environmental Engineering Department

  2. Content  Introduction Energy Concern, Sustainable Energy Recovery Photosyntheitc Microbial Desalination Cell Algae role as sustainable Biocathode  Objectives Light and Dark cycles effect on PMDC effect Effect of Wastewater Concentration Microbial community detection  Materials and Methods  Results  Conclusion

  3. Introduction Energy Concerns  Over 95% of the world's energy requirement is currently met by fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas.  Provision of clean water and wastewater treatment requires about 4 Kwh m-3 .  Needs for alternative non-fossil, non-nuclear, environmental friendly and renewable energy producing technologies.

  4. Introduction Bioelectrochemical Systems(BES) e - O 2 H + Wastewater CH 3 COO - plant HCO 3 - pollutants NO 3 - H 2 O, H 2 H 2 O H 2 O 2 HCO 3 - ,C 2 H 6 O cathode Anode ions N 2

  5. Introduction Reactions with Standard potential (E 0 ),ad actual potential (E) (Hamelers et al. 2010)

  6. Introduction Photosyntheitc Microbial Desalination Cell Anodic Reaction - +30H + +24e E=-0.429 C 6 H 12 O 6+ 12 H 2 O Anodiphilc Bacteria 6HCO 3 Cathodic Reaction O 2 +4H + +4e Algae H 2 O E=0.805  Self sustainable system  O 2 production/utilization  Electricity production  Desalination of sea water  Wastewater treatment

  7. Introduction Why Algae?  Photoautotrophic microorganisms provide oxygen as an electron acceptor to the cathode reaction. lg , a ae hv    ( ) nCO nH O CH O nO 2 2 2 2 n  Biocatalystic role of Algae increases the sustainability of MDCs and makes them more environmental friendly by replacing the toxic, unsustainable chemical cathodes.  Algae function as or provide a substrate for supplying electrons

  8. Introduction Why Algae?  Energy Resource, Algal Biofuel • Biodegradable • Harmless to the Environment • Only release CO 2  Ease of growth They provide many vitamins including: A, B1, B2, B6 and C, and are • rich in iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium and Calcium  Nutrition  Nutrient Removal (Nitrogenous and Phosphorus compounds)  CO 2 Fixation and Sequestration 106 CO 2 +16 HNO 3 + H 3 PO 4 +78 H 2 0 C 106 H 175 O 42 N 16 P + 150 O 2

  9. Objectives  To investigate the effect of light/dark cycles on the Current generation  To Study the effect of wastewater organic concentration on PMDC performance  To elucidate the role of microalgae in the biocathode of microbial desalination cells  To detect microbial communities responsible for electricity generation

  10. Material and methods  Anode: Microbial consortium from wastewater treatment plant in Starkville  medium used in anode chamber was a synthetic waste water containing: Glucose 468.7  mg/l, KH 2 PO 4 (4.4 g/l), K 2 HPO 4 (3.4 g/l), NH 4 Cl(1.5 g/l), MgCl 2 (0.1 g/l), CaCl 2 (0.1 g/l), KCl(0.1 g/l), MnCl 2 4.H 2 O( 0.005 g/l), and NaMo.O 4 .2H 2 O(0.001 g/l)  Cathode: The micro algae-Chlorella vulgaris-  CaCl 2 (25 mg/l), NaCl (25 mg/l), NaNO 3 (250 mg/l), MgSO 4 (75 mg/l), KH 2 PO 4 (105  mg/l), K 2 HPO 4 (75 mg/l) , and 3 ml of trace metal solution with the following concentration was added to the 1000 ml of the above solution: FeCl 3 (0.194 g/l), MnCl 2 (0.082 g/l), CoCl 2 (0.16 g/l), Na 2 Mo.O4.2H 2 O (0.008 g/l), and ZnCl 2 (0.005 g/l).

  11. Material and methods MDC Reactors  2 plexiglass cylindrical-shaped with 7.2 cm diameter, V=180 ml  Graphite papers as electrodes  Cation exchange membrane (CEM, CMI 7000, Membranes international,)  Anion exchange membrane(AEM, AMI 7001, Membranes international)  Volume of desalination chamber=200 ml  Initial NaCl=10 g/l  Initial COD= 500 mg/l

  12. Results Anode chamber Desalination Cathode Chamber Chamber COD(mg/L) pH NaCl(g/L) pH DO (mg/L) Light/dark effect influent 1039.4 6.5 9.9 7.9 7.78 Effluent 366.3 5.7 6.9 10.7 5.56

  13. DO a DO St. COD pH Results ve Dev Cycle 1 8.1 7.5 initial 0.172 500 11.3 6.6 Effect of organic carbon Concentration final 0.030 1000 11.4 5.9 0.036 Voltage generation Cycle 2 initial 8.2 7.8 0.026 500 final 11.4 5.3 0.151 1000 11.6 5.7 0.415 Cycle 3 initial 8 8.3 0.115 500 final 11.7 5.5 0.515 1000 11.4 5.9 0.300 Cycle 4 initial 8.2 9.6 0.206 500 final 12 4.3 0.212 1000 11.7 4.5 0.175

  14. Results Effect of organic carbon Concentration Wastewater CE% Cyclic Voltammetry test 500 mg/l 64.21% 0.7 1.2 1000 mg/l 63.47% 0.6 1 0.5 Power (W/m3 ) 0.8 Voltage (v) 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 B 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 I (A/m3) 500 mg/l COD, voltage 500 mg/l COD Power (NCC) 1000 mg/l COD Power(NCC) 1000 mg/l COD, voltage 500 mg/l COD Power (NAC) 1000 mg/l COD Power (NAC)

  15. Results Effect of organic carbon Concentration Salinity test 12 1000 mg/l 10 500 mg/l 8 Salinity(g/l) 6 4 2 0 1 18 25 30 39 45 time (day)

  16. Results Effect of organic carbon Concentration Current Efficiency 1200 COD mg/l Current Efficiency 1000 500 mg/l 216% Electron Harvested ( C) 1000 mg/l 226% 800 500 mg/l COD 600 1000 mg/l COD Linear (500 mg/l COD) 400 Linear (1000 mg/l COD) 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 NaCl Removed expressed as Coulomb ( C)

  17. Results Effect of batch test PMDC 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 V 0.1 ( v 0.08 Cycle 1 ) 0.06 Cycle 2 0.04 Cycle 3 0.02 PMDC 0 0 100 200 300 120 -0.02 time hr 100 80 Salt removal% 60 Coloumbic 40 Efficiency 20 0 final S1 final S2 final S3

  18. Results Continuous PMDC Voltage Generation in Continuous Flow Mode 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 Algae OD Voltage (V) 0.03 2 0.025 0.02 1.5 0.015 0.01 ABS 1 0.005 0 0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time hr 0 0 5 19 21 25 30 time hrs

  19. Results Cathode DO 10 Continuous PMDC 9 8 7 DO mg/l 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cathode pH 0 0 5 19 21 25 30 9 time hrs 8 7 6 5 pH 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 19 21 25 30 time hr

  20. Results Continuous PMDC -3 NO 3 -N PO 4 30 140 120 25 100 20 NO 3 -N (mg/l) -3 (mg/l) 80 15 60 PO 4 10 40 5 20 0 0 0 5 19 21 25 30 0 5 19 21 25 30 Time (hrs) Time (hrs)

  21. Results Microbial Analysis Real Time QPCR Bacterial Real Time QPCR 18 Log DNA Quantity (gu/g or /ml) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

  22. Results Microbial Community Result Purple Solids o Anode suspension solution Bacteroides graminisolvens o Bacteroides graminisolvens Salmonella enterica (Gammaproteobacteria class ) Paludibacter sp.(Bacteriodes) Biofilm on Anion exchange membrane Electrode Biofilm o o Klebsiella pneumoniae Toluene-degrading methanogenic consortium Proteobacterium ( Reported as Exoelectrogenic bacteria) Anode Sediment o Klebsiella pneumoniae (Gammaproteobacteria class, Reported as Exoelectrogenic bacteria ) alpha proteobacterium ( Reported as Exoelectrogenic bacteria) Salt solution o Klebsiella pneumoniae (Gammaproteobacteria class, Reported as Exoelectrogenic bacteria ) Photobacterium damselae subsp.(Gammaproteobacteria class )

  23. Results  The algae biocathode performs better under natural light/dark cycles.  Increasing initial concentration of organic compound in PMDC did not have a considerable effect on salinity removal but a slight reduction in maximum power density was observed  Regular renewal of algae medium in the cathode chamber maintains the PMDC performance in long term operating hours  Salt removal in our system mostly occurred due to the osmosis pressure than current transfer. Future Studies should focus on improving current density .  Continues flow mode biocathode PMDC allows for Algae growth, nutrient removal as well as electricity generation and desalination  Microbial Analysis confirmed the growth of electroactive bacteria in our cells.

  24. Introduction Anammox biocathode in MDC(ANXMDC) • Anammox Reaction • ANaerobic AMMonium Oxidation (1999) + + 1.32NO 2 ‐ + 0.066HCO 3 ‐ + 0.13H + → 1.02 N 2 + • 1.00 NH 4 ‐ + 0.066CH 2 O 0.5 N0 .15 + 2.03 H 2 O 0.26NO 3 Compared to Conventional nitrification/denitrification Reduced 58% of the oxygen requirement 100% of the carbon requirement 83% of the biosolids production By ‐ products do not include greenhouse gases

  25. Introduction Annamox Microbial Desalination Cell (ANXMDC) Anodic Reaction : C 6 H 12 O 6 +12 H 2 O 6HCO 3 - +30H + +24 ē E=-0.3919 Cathodic Reaction : HNO 2 - + 3H + +3e 1/2N 2 +2 H 2 O E=0.98 v 2NO 3 - +12H + +10e N 2 +6H 2 O E=0.706 V • Electricity production • Desalination of sea water • Wastewater treatment, nutrient Removal Self Sustainable system, less bioslids production • • Less energy consumption

  26. Objectives • To Prepare the culture for growing Anammox bacteria in Anaerobic condition • To test the proof of concept by using Anammox bacteria as biocathode in Microbial Desalination Cell (MDC) • To evaluate Nitrogenous compounds removal and anammox reaction and the efficiency of Anammox ‐ MDC • To study the effect of increase in ammounium concentration and adaptation process of anammox bacteria


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