expanding high grade

Expanding High Grade Gold and VMS Discovery In Invest estor or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Expanding High Grade Gold and VMS Discovery In Invest estor or Pr Prese esent ntation tion 11 11 M Mar arch 20 h 2020 20 (ASX: TSC) (ASX: TS C) Rover Project in WA goldfields Corporate Snapshot. ASX CODE: TSC CURRENT SHARE PRICE:

  1. Expanding High Grade Gold and VMS Discovery In Invest estor or Pr Prese esent ntation tion 11 11 M Mar arch 20 h 2020 20 (ASX: TSC) (ASX: TS C) Rover Project in WA goldfields

  2. Corporate Snapshot. ASX CODE: TSC CURRENT SHARE PRICE: $0.006* SHARES: 1,486.4m OPTIONS/PERFORM RTS: 191m PERFORMANCE RIGHTS: 280m CASH POSITION: $1.8M* Major shareholders *Note: Pricing @ 3 March 2020; Est cash balance @ end February 2020 Top 20 ~49% Board & Management >~2% 2

  3. Board of Directors & CEO. Rob ob Scott cott - Chair Chairman man Long-term Board member of several groups and, since 2010, Sandfire Resources where he has overseen the commercialisation of the world-class, high-grade Degrussa Copper-Gold Mine in Western Australia. A chartered accountant with >35 years’ experience as a corporate advisor at major accounting firms, fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, memberships with Taxation Institute of Australia and Australian Institute of Company Directors . Mar ark k Bur Burchnall hnall - Non on-Executiv ecutive Dir e Director ector Corporate lawyer with >20 years’ experience in mining & resources industry. Currently with Perth boutique law firm, Murcia Pestell Hillard, but previously worked for majors Allens and Clayton Utz. In addition, held senior managerial / Board-level roles with Sylvania Platinum (AIM), Nyota Minerals (ASX/AIM), Washington Resources (ASX), Carlton Resources (AIM) and Bezant Resources (AIM). Tim im Ar Arms mstr trong ong - Non on-Executiv ecutive Dir e Director ector Institutional financial advisor with GTT Ventures in Sydney with an extensive network across the financial PR, stock broking and investment banking industries in Australia and the UK. Previously worked in financial PR in Perth/London, which entailed advising numerous listed and private companies. He started his career in professional sport and spent five years as a first-class cricketer. Ian an War arland land - Chief Chief Executiv ecutive O e Officer icer A highly experienced and successful geologist with 25 years’ experience in Australia and internationally over a wide range of commodities. joint recipient for “Explorer of the Year” in 2006 for the Notably, a career highlight, when he worked with Iluka Resources, was being discovery of the Jacinth and Ambrosia zircon-rich mineral sand deposits. Holds a Bachelor of Applied Science Geology with First Class Honours from the University of Technology Sydney. 3

  4. Expanding high-grade gold/VMS discovery. • After a successful initial drilling campaign, a follow-up drilling program has commenced at the core Rover Project, with two prime objectives: Crea easy sy 1 pr prospect ospect: Extending shallow high-grade gold mineralisation; and Ha Harmon monic ic pr prospect ospect: Follow up VMS potential 1 • 13 conductors have been identified in the recent hi-tech airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey focussed on the VMS potential 10 Interest in the region continues to gain traction following recent takeover bids for Spectrum Minerals 3 (ASX: SPX) & Alto Metals 4 (AME), coupled with Cobre’s 5 (CBE) recent IPO 4

  5. Events underpinning Rover Drilling Campaigns. Mundi Mundi Placement Project c.$1.6m 0.012 formed Shallow high- 0.010 First Rover grade gold Project visit; Assays discovery at Placement / SPP New Board confirm VMS Creasy 1 & c.$850k 0.008 appointed mineralisation VMS @ Creasy 2 signature Placement 0.006 c.$178k Second 0.004 RC drilling campaign AEM Survey to start focused on 0.002 Inaugural RC VMS targets Rover Project Aeromag drilling Strategic tenure identifies >20 campaign review: extended 80% Second site gold/VMS 0.000 decision to to circa visit to targets focus on 460km2 Rover Rover Project Project 5

  6. High-grade shallow gold discovery at Creasy 1. CR CREASY EASY 1 PR PROSP OSPECT ECT – NEW NEW GOLD GOLD DISCO DISCOVER VERY • Assay results for the inaugural RC drilling campaign completed in late 2019 (17 drill-holes; 1,482m), confirmed a high-grade shallow gold discovery at Creasy 1, with the best intercepts 8 : 5m @ 9.0g/ g/t Au Au inc including luding 1m @ 44 44.2g/ g/t Au Au from om 51 51m (19 19RVR VRC006 006) • 2m @ 26 26.2g/ g/t Au Au inc including luding 1m @ 51 51.2g/ g/t Au Au from om 57 57m (19 19RVR VRC001 001) • 4m @ 1.4g/t g/t Au Au from om 34 34m (19 19RVR VRC013 013) • 4m @ 4.3g/ g/t Au Au from om 104 104m (19 19RVR VRC014 014) • HAR HARMO MONIC NIC PR PROSP OSPECT ECT – VMS SI SIGN GNATURE TURE • Of the two drill-holes at the Harmonic Prospect (below), 19RVRC008 had high gold & silver grades accompanied by anomalous base metal mineralisation – a VMS signature 8 : 14m @ 1.0g/t Au 14 Au inc including luding 2m @ 3.3g/t Au Au & 21 21.2g/ g/t Ag Ag from 26 26m • (19 19RVR VRC008 008) 9m @ 1.4g/ g/t Au Au inc including luding 1m @ 7.3 g/ g/t Au Au from om 58 58m (19 19RVR VRC007 007) • • The inaugural drilling results verified gold mineralisation is open in all directions and, coupled with the VMS signature, justified a second campaign to gain a greater understanding of the underlying geology 6

  7. Key targets for current RC drilling campaign. • RC drilling has commenced with 2,000m planned at Creasy 1 and Harmonic prospects, which are on a 20km prospective gold strike that is part of the Maynard Hills greenstone belt • The upcoming campaign has two focus areas at Creasy 1 to extend shallow high-grade gold mineralisation 1 : • Focus Area 1: A ~200m strike length near where high-grades up to 3m @ 14 14.8g/ g/t Au Au inc including luding 1m @ 51 51.2g/ g/t Au Au fr from om 57 57m (19 19RVRC001 001) were intersected, with mineralisation open down dip and potentially extending along strike • Focus Area 2: An area near drill-hole 19RVRC006 with high- grades up to 3m @ 20 20.1g/ g/t Au Au inc nclu luding ding 1m @ 44 44.2g/ g/t Au Au fr from om 51 51m, m, with mineralisation open down dip and along strike • Follow-up drilling at the Harmonic prospect will focus on the VMS potential after drill-hole 19RVRC008 intersected high-grade shallow gold-silver mineralisation 1 linked with base metals: • Mineralisation is open down dip and along strike to the north and south 7

  8. AEM survey identifies 13 conductors (VMS targets). • AEM Survey identifies 13 conductors along the 20km prospective gold strike 10 • Two conductors were identified at Creasy 2 where RC drilling recently confirmed strong potential for VMS style mineralisation with including; • 24m @ 1,825ppm Zn from surface, with grades up to 3,020ppm Zn in a 3m composite sample(19RVRC016) 1 Grouping the remaining four conductive responses, highlights the following: • Five conductors from 60m deep over a 600m strike extent are coincident with a VMS target identified in a previous study3 at the newly named Red Bush prospect (south along strike from Creasy 3) • One conductor, west of Creasy 1, is located along a strong untested parallel magnetic anomaly • Three conductors identified at the southern part of Creasy 3 are coincident with a copper-gold soil anomaly already verified by TSC’s geology team • Two conductors are located over a gold target previously identified by a geophysics study commissioned by TSC in late 2019 • Across the region, AEM surveys have been successfully utilised by other groups to identify massive sulphide conductors 8

  9. Photo perspectives. 9

  10. Binding MOU to optimize Perseus Project. • TSC, PEX & private group NZR sign binding MOU to form MMP – a large tenement package (~680km2) located in the Broken Hill Block6 • MMP will be housed within a new vehicle (NewCo) owned by TSC (33%), NZR (33%) and PEX (34%) • TSC will contribute its Perseus Project, which complements contiguous tenements from PEX and NZR • To optimise MMP, the three stakeholders are seeking a strategic partner to fund exploration and development work 10

  11. MPP is highly prospective for I0CG / BHT. • The tenure is highly prospective for IOCG / Broken Hill Type lead-zinc-silver mineralisation • There are known priority targets within MPP, as historic drilling has intersected significant mineralisation at several prospects 6 , including: • Arde deeto etoo: 1.2m @ 4.6% Cu, u, 1.5g/t g/t Au Au fr from om 196 196m (dril drill-ho hole le PO2); and PO and 1.8m @ 7.4% Cu, u, 6.2g/t g/t Au Au from om 338 338m (d (dri rill-ho hole le DD95 DD 95SR SR1) • Ratho thole le: 1m @ 1.7% Cu, u, 2.1 g/t g/t Au Au fr from om 380 380m (d (dril rill-ho hole le PO PO17 17) • Thun under erdo dome me: 1m @ 23 23.1% Pb Pb-Zn Zn fr from om 327 27m (d (dri rill ll-ho hole DF DF02 02); and and 8.5m @ 6.6% Pb Pb-Zn Zn fr from 316 316m inc including luding 2m @ 23 23.1% Pb Pb- Zn Zn fr from om 316 316m (d (dril rill-ho hole le 11 11DF DF12 12) 11


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