Exercises What problem did Tim Berners-Lee t hink he could solve using t he Web? What is t he difference bet ween a firewall and proxy? Name t wo ways t hat bias could be int roduced int o search result s
Exercises Which of the following statements is F ALS E? Google search results return the same information to anyone a) who enters the same keywords P ersonalised search results can help people to find relevant b) information. S earch enginesare gatheringvast amountsof information about our c) searchesand ourselves which is used for advertisingpurposes. A filter bubble risks isolating people within their own bubble of d) information. S earch history can be used to identify individuals, even when e) searching anonymously .
Exercises Given t he URL: https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~andrew/teaching.html which of t he following st at ement sis F ALSE? teaching.html is t he resource. a) ~andrew is t he pat h on t he server . b) www.cs.auckland.ac.nz is t he domain. c) URL st ands for Uniform R esource Locat or . d) https st ands for hypert ext t ransfer prot ocol st andard. e)
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