exceedance modelling and exposition

Exceedance modelling and exposition Dr. Stephan Nordmann Unit II 4.1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

For our environment FAIRMODE Technical Meeting 19-21th June 2017, Athens Exceedance modelling and exposition Dr. Stephan Nordmann Unit II 4.1 General aspects of air pollution control Statutory regulations information on exceedance

  1. For our environment FAIRMODE Technical Meeting – 19-21th June 2017, Athens Exceedance modelling and exposition Dr. Stephan Nordmann Unit II 4.1 – General aspects of air pollution control

  2. Statutory regulations – information on exceedance exposure Reporting of an exceedance situation according to implementing decision 2011/850/EC 6. Estimate of the surface area where the level was above the environmental objective 7. Estimate of the length of road where the level was above the environmental objective 10. Estimate of the total resident population in the exceedance area 11. Estimate of the ecosystem/vegetation area exposed above the environmental objective 19.06.2017 2

  3. Methods for determining exceedance information Modelling Station-based 19.06.2017 3

  4. Methods for determining people living in the execeedance area • Counting residents by using house numbers along the exceedance road segment (residents registration office) or Parametrization: • Assuming a popultion density depending on the geometry of the street (e. g. Baden-Württemberg, urban areas with buildings at both sides of the road 1,5 residents/m) • More complex approach also used in noise mapping (e. g. Berlin, estimates by using variables like building height, stay probability, fraction of appartments , …) 19.06.2017 4

  5. Proposed approach by UBA Work step Method 1. Identification of road segments with limit value Measurement+Modelling exceedance assessment zone (e. g. Screening) Modelling or simple 2. Determination of road length with exceedance estimation 3. Determination of the building density along the Geometry data+GIS road 4. Determination of population density according Spreadsheet analysis to 3. 5. Determination of the population living at road Spreadsheet analysis segments with limit value exceedance using road length and population density 19.06.2017 5

  6. Future perspectives UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations: first steps towards the development of a model based and area related assessment strategy “ (2015-2017) Contractor: IVU Umwelt GmbH, Freiburg, Germany Florian Pfäfflin, Rainer Stern, Volker Diegmann Goal: New strategy of air quality assessment and determination of exposition by using area averages of pollutant concentration 19.06.2017 6

  7. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ 19.06.2017 7

  8. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ 7 x 8 km² 2 x 2 km² 500 x 500 m² 06.04.2015 8

  9. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ Frequency distribution for Berlin CTM results 19.06.2017 9

  10. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ • spatial distribution of concentration within a CTM cell varies  influence on exposure  • modelling of concentration fields within CTM cell (500 x 500 m²) RANS-model MISKAM for flow modelling coupled with • Lagrangian particle model LASAT for transport modelling • horizontal resolution 2.2 x 2.2 m² evaluation of level 1.5 - 2.2 m above ground • all known sources of road traffic and domestic combustion 19.06.2017 10

  11. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ 19.06.2017 11

  12. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ Frequency distribution for CTM grid cell with microscale modelling for hot spot 19.06.2017 12

  13. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ Frequency distribution for CTM grid cell with microscale modelling for urb. backgr. 19.06.2017 13

  14. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ wish: relate micro scale frequency distributions to CTM values • microscale means on avg. ca. 25 % > CTM grid cell values range: 14 – 39 %  micro scale mean cannot be easily derived from CTM  frequency distributions cannot generally be derived • sample of 6 too small for reliable quantifications ! … • … however, as indication for further research some hints target: “ microscale mean X % > CTM grid cell value” using ... – percentage of area covered by roads ? – vehicle emissions in CTM cell ? 06.04.2015 14

  15. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ First elements of a new strategy to assess AQ indicative relationship based on road surface area 19.06.2017 15

  16. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ First elements of a new strategy to assess AQ indicative relationship based on road surface area 19.06.2017 16

  17. UBA project „Urban NO2 and PM10 concentrations “ • NO 2 and PM10 • CTM results for 3 cities • 6 micro scale results (2 per city) • frequency distributions – CTM in 3 resolutions – micro scale 19.06.2017 17

  18. For our environment Thank you for your attention! Dr. Stephan Nordmann (UBA, II 4.1 - General aspects of air pollution control)

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