Examples of established approaches – effective partnerships within the EU Cohesion Policy Czech Republic Dusan MARTINEK Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (CMKOS) Head, Department for Human Resources Development, CMKOS Seminar Katowice, 9 November 2009 www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Preparation phase for 2007 – 2013 period, Czech Republic Ministry for Local Development National strategic reference framework participation of social partners (for CMKOS – Vice-President Z. Malek Steering/coordination committee participation of non-governmental organizations HRD Enterprise Working group Working Working for regional group group operational programmes participation by CMKOS (Head of HRD dept. – D. Martinek Horizontal working group participation of non-governmental – cross-sectional organizations www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Implementation phase of 2007 – 2013 period, Czech Republic Operational programmes (20) Gestion: Ministry of Gestion: Ministry of Gestion: Prague City Labour, ESF Education, ESF Council, ESF Operational programmes OP Human OP Education for OP Adaptability resources and competitiveness Monitoring committees employment OP Science, research Monitoring committee and innovation Monitoring committee invitation of social partners´ representatives Monitoring committees participation of social partners and non- Ministry of Industry – governmental OP Enterprise and innovations participation of social organizations Ministry for Local Development – partners and non- Regional OP governmental organizations www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Evaluation of OP implementation in 2007 – 2013 Participation of social partners: 1. Ministry of Labour Working group for evaluation of the OP HRE and previous programmes 2. Selection / evaluation committees for individual calls for proposals from OP Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 3. The afore-mentioned monitoring committees www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Good practice example by social partners in the Czech Republic Full project title: „Strengthening of the social dialogue with focus on the modernization of institutions, human resources development and higher quality of services provided by the social partners“ Administration: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs CR Human Resources and Employment (HRE) Operational Programme Project duration: 1 March 2008 – 28 February 2010 (24 months) Total budget: 118 079 996,- CZK / 4 723 200 EUR (25 CZK=1 EUR) www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Contractor: Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic (SP CR) Partners: Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (CMKOS) Association of Independent Trade Unions (ASO) Confederation of Employers´ and Entrepreneurs´ Associations of the Czech Republic (KZPS) www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Preparation of the ESF project I. 1.1.2006 Project „Strengthening social dialogue“ – Funded from the state budget of the CR 31.12.2007 Total budget: 20 000 000,- CZK = 800 000 EUR (25 CZK=1 EUR) Contractor: CMKOS Partners: ASO, SP CR, KZPS 9.1.2007 Meeting of the RHSD (Council for Economic and Social Agreement of the CR) conclusions: � to allocate financial resources for social partners, amounting to approx. 1% of the ESF funds, according to the Regulation (EC) No 1081 and 1083/2006 of the European Parliament and Council of the EU � to prepare the Call for Proposals concerning social partners - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs CR � to prepare the project proposal making use of the ESF funding - CMKOS, SP CR www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Preparation of the ESF project II. 18.2.2008 Publication of the ESF Call for Proposals for social partners 27.2.2008 Submitting of the common project of social partners in the CR 27.6.2008 Approval of the project funding 29.8.2008 Decision by the Ministry of Labour to grant the funding, effective from 1.3.2008 www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
The objectives of Czech social partners´ project � to build-up capacities of social partners � to democratize the society � to develop employees´ competences and qualifications with focus on their competitiveness � to reduce the impacts of current economical crisis on employees � to provide legal and social counselling for employees � to make the social partners more visual towards the public www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
Thank you for your attention... Dusan Martinek Department for Human Resources Development CMKOS martinek.dusan@cmkos.cz www.esfcr.cz Podporujeme vaši budoucnost
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