evidence of a pathway of reduction in bacteria

Evidence of a Pathway of Reduction in Bacteria: Regression Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Abstract Biological Background Evidence of a Pathway of Reduction in Bacteria: Regression Models Reduced Quantities of Restriction Sites Impact Palindromes tRNA Activity in a Trial Set tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Oliver

  1. Abstract Biological Background Evidence of a Pathway of Reduction in Bacteria: Regression Models Reduced Quantities of Restriction Sites Impact Palindromes tRNA Activity in a Trial Set tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Oliver Bonham-Carter, Thanks To Lotfollah Najjar, Dhundy Bastola School of Interdisciplinary Informatics University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, 68182 USA Fall 2013 0 / 27

  2. Abstract Starting without information, ends without information Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway The study’s Pathway of Reduction describes the Conclusions phenomenon of missing palindromic DNA content, References extending to absent codon and tRNA content. Thanks To 1 / 27

  3. Abstract Pathway of Reduction Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Palindromes are generally found in statistically Pathway under-expected levels in bacterial DNA. Conclusions References Palindromes ( often restriction sites ) are thought to be a Thanks To danger to the host if they are failed to be methylated. DNA makes up triplets (mRNA codons) which are associated with tRNA anti-codons. tRNAs serve as the physical link between the nucleotide sequence of nucleic acids (RNA) and the amino acid sequence of proteins. 2 / 27

  4. Abstract Possible Benefits Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes The understanding of reduced quantities of particular tRNAs palindromes may help to predict which tRNAs may also be Pathway observed in reduced quantities. Conclusions References This tRNA usage information may be applied to controlling Thanks To translation efficiency and to slow protein growth in bacteria. For example, in the case of an infection. 3 / 27

  5. What Are Palindromes? DNA palindromes are complementary words Abstract Biological → → Background 5 ′ − ccc AT cc − 3 ′ Regression Models 3 ′ − ggg TA gg − 5 ′ Palindromes ← ← tRNAs Pathway ⇒ T , T = ⇒ A and C = ⇒ G , G = A = ⇒ C Conclusions The palindrome AT is the only common word; it is read the References same way from the 5-prime end of both strands. Thanks To 4 / 27

  6. Restriction Sites are Largely Palindromic Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To 5 / 27

  7. Common Restriction Sites Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To Figure : The most common group of restriction sites is length 6. Prepared using REBASE; R. Roberts, T. Vincze, J. Posfai, and D. Macelis. Rebase; a database for dna restriction and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes. Nucleic acids research , 38(suppl 1):D234D236, 2010. 6 / 27

  8. A Mechanism for Protein Translation Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To The ribosome translates the RNA to amino acid residues. 7 / 27

  9. Long reaching-effects Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To DNA affects tRNA mechanims. 8 / 27

  10. Palindromes From a Diverse Set of Organisms Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To The organisms, their abbreviations and the type of data used in our study. We note that “Mito” and “Chloro” indicate “mitochondria” and “chloroplasts,” respectively. 9 / 27

  11. The Taxonomy Tree of the Organisms. Diversity in the Set Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To Table : Graphic prepared using the taxonomy tool by; D. Wheeler, T. Barrett, D. Benson, S. Bryant, K. Canese, V. Chetvernin, D. Church, M. DiCuccio, R. Edgar, S. Federhen, et al. Database resources of the national center for biotechnology information. Nucleic acids research , 35(suppl 1): D5D12, 2007. 10 / 27

  12. What are the trends of avoided palindromes? Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes Next steps tRNAs → What do the palindromic avoidance trends look Pathway Conclusions like? References What are the tRNAs which are absent in the organismal Thanks To data AND also in the palindromic DNA content? 11 / 27

  13. Stepwise Regression Model Building Why use stepwise regression models? Abstract Biological Background Regression Models A regression model may be prepared when there is a Palindromes statistically significant relationship between its variables. tRNAs Pathway Modeling provided a good way to determine which variables Conclusions may have similar palindromic content trends. References Thanks To Since many models would have to be tested, we utilized stepwise regression software to automate the building procedure. 12 / 27

  14. Stepwise Regression Model Analysis Preliminary results: significant avoidance relationships were found Abstract Biological Background Regression Models We applied this palindromic avoidance data (lengths 4, 5 Palindromes and 6) to stepwise regression models. tRNAs Pathway The regression models showed that there were similar Conclusions trends of palindromic avoidance (all lengths) between the References organisms. Thanks To This implies that avoidance is a common trend in the organisms of our data. 13 / 27

  15. Avoided palindromes of length 4. Significant likeness across most of the data Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To The α -value significance of each relationship is indicated by * or ** for α = 0.01 or α = 0.05, respectively. 14 / 27

  16. Avoided palindromes of length 5. Significant likeness across all of the data Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To The α -value significance of each relationship is indicated by * or ** for α = 0.01 or α = 0.05, respectively. 15 / 27

  17. Avoided palindromes of length 6. Significant likeness across some of the data Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To The α -value significance of each relationship is indicated by * or ** for α = 0.01 or α = 0.05, respectively. 16 / 27

  18. SPSS Code for Regression Models Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To SPSS software suite (IBM Corp. Released 2010. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 19.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) 17 / 27

  19. A Relation By Avoidance Concluded from the models Abstract Biological Background Regression A high degree of palindromic avoidance common across Models diverse bacterial organisms. Palindromes tRNAs Arrows between variables suggested significant correlation. Pathway There were many cases to suggest that palindromic Conclusions avoidance was similar across the data (length 5 palindromic References data was especially correlated). Thanks To There were few variables of length-4 and 6 shown in the correlation graphs. This may suggest that there was so much palindromic avoidance that there was little non-zero data to graph. 18 / 27

  20. What are the trends of absent tRNAs? Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes Next steps tRNAs Pathway What do the palindromic avoidance trends look like? Conclusions References → What are the tRNAs which are absent in the Thanks To organismal data AND also in the palindromic DNA content? 19 / 27

  21. Which tRNAs are Missing in the Organisms? Finding missing tRNAs that are also found in palindromic DNA We obtained the tRNA’s in our set of organisms: Abstract Biological Isolated the organismal tRNA sequence data from the Background Genbank records Regression Models Obtained the amino acid anticodons from this sequence Palindromes data by BLASTing over known tRNA sequence data in tRNAs other organisms Pathway Conclusions Prepared a combined list of all tRNA’s taken from the References organisms together and found which tRNAs were missing Thanks To from the list. 20 / 27

  22. Which tRNAs are Missing in the Palindromes? Finding missing tRNAs that are also found in palindromic DNA Abstract Extracted possible codons from palindromic DNA to Biological Background determine tRNA content Regression Models Prepared a list of tRNAs created from the DNA of the Palindromes avoided palindromes. tRNAs Pathway Determined which tRNAs from palindromic DNA were also Conclusions found in the organismal data. References Thanks To 21 / 27

  23. Evidence of the Pathway of Reduction The number of amino acids possible from codons of palindrome Abstract Biological Background Regression Models Palindromes tRNAs Pathway Conclusions References Thanks To Table : A complete listing all codons for amino acids (AAs) that were extracted from the DNA of the avoided palindromes (APs). The columns contain the counts of codons correlating to each extracted amino acid. The gray cells indicate that a triplet from the AP code was also missing a corresponding tRNA according to our analysis using BLAST. These cells are evidence for the pathways of reduction of our study. 22 / 27

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