
Everest BioPharma International Inc. Investor Presentation. June - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Everest BioPharma International Inc. Investor Presentation. June 2020. Everest BioPharma In International In Inc. We have the COR and we are rolling with completing our build out by October 2020! We have our team in place, our The

  1. Everest BioPharma International Inc. Investor Presentation. June 2020.

  2. Everest BioPharma In International In Inc. “We have the COR and we are rolling with completing our build out by October 2020! We have our team in place, our The Company premises, ready to use the best cutting- edge organic extraction technology. With Everest is a private company that received its our tolling service agreements executed, Certificate of Readiness (COR) on April 8, 2019 we will be in EBITDA Q4 2020.” – And will complete the build out by Q4 2020. Nigel Boa oast t Presid esident t & CEO (C (Co o Foun ounder) r) Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 2

  3. “Our vision is to become an internationally trusted organic cannabis Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 3 extraction, formulation & product development company.” - Rob ob Ha Hatch. COO

  4. The Company Based in The Team COR Kelowna B.C Tightly held, private Highly skilled; with Received on April 8, company an experienced 2019. For a Standard analytical chemist Processing Licence Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 4

  5. Our Investment Objectives F or Shareholders… Through… By Building… That will… F or Shareholders… Dividends & Long- Capital Appreciation & operating a Serve the extended Provide a valuable term returns cannabis value chain licensed cannabis return ROI with processing facility dividends and exit Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 5

  6. The Certificate of Readiness (COR) Approved Everest is approved to build out its Kelowna processing facility Premise Buildout near completion, ready in Q3 2020 Processing Licence Full processing licence granted in Q4 2020 Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 6

  7. The Standard Processing Licence will allow  Everest to sell tolling services to existing & new licence holders in 2020.  Import & Export CBD; and trade within a global network.  Everest to create formulations of medical CBD/ THC to meet patients’ needs.  Everest to sell white labelling services to Big Pharma clients in 2021.  Everest to acquire cannabis & CBD for processing into value added products.  Everest will service the valuable edibles market. Your Logo or Name Here 7

  8. • Based in Kelowna, BC • Property secured and a commercial long-term lease signed • The company has selected a project manager and an engineering team to complete the internal build out according to Health Canada’s GMP Our Extraction Facility • Approximately 2,000 Sq. FT & will have a processing capacity of 163,000 Kgs of Biomass per annum Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 8

  9. Canadian Market Opportunity Current Market • Domestic production & sales of medical cannabis within Canada; supplied from a licenced producer to authorized patients • Sale of processing and extraction services to micro cultivators • Importing CBD from USA for medical products for sale in Canada • Covid-19 pandemic see Canadian cannabis sales increase 100% (CTV News) Future Market Predic ictions s by y Hea Healt lth Cana Canada: • 2022 2022: Industry revenues predicted to be $22B • 2024 2024: 450,000 registered patients with annual revenues of more than $1.3 billion • Adult use market predicted at 600,000 Kgs per annum Other Predic Oth ictions: • Market will be worth more than $5B in one year (Dundee Capital Markets analyst; Aaron Sulz) • Based on Colorado & Oregon Medical models & projections by industry analysts: number of registered patients will be 700,000 in 2021 Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 9

  10. The New Canadian Cannabis Market • Everest intends to take full advantage of Health Canada’s am amendment to o sch schedule fou our of of th the Can annabis Act Act in in October 20 2019 19 • The three new classes will be defined as; • Edib ibles: 1.6B or 59% edibles, infused beverages $529M 37% • Can annabis is Ext xtracts: concentrates ($140M), tinctures (($116M), capsules ($114M) and; • Can annabis is Top opicals ls: intended for use on external body surfaces($174M 53%) Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 10

  11. The Business Plan “Our mission is to sell our product & organic services at the highest price, with consistently high quality.” -Nig igel l Boas oast Presi esident & CEO Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 11

  12. The 2019/2020 Rollout December 2020 De September 2019 March 2020 September 2020 Oct ctober 2020 April il 2019 Buildout completed Evidence Partial EBITDA Internal build package sent Extraction Internal COR received out services Positive cash Processing, buildout commenced commence flow sales and completed medical licence granted Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 12

  13. What Everest Will Do Processin ing, Extraction & other Ser oth ervices Liv Live e ros osin in, Kie Kief, fu full ll spect ectrum bubble le hash, , THC HCA is isola olate, hash rosin Ba Badder, sauce ce & dia iamonds Whit ite La Labell llin ing. Prop oprie ietary valu lue- added ed prod oducts Tin inctu ctures, Ex Extracts , , Be Bever erages Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 13

  14. Everest extraction Services; Q4 2020 • Everest intends to pursue an organic Extr xtract t Servi vices Per Day ($ ($1/ / gr gram) tolling revenue service model in Q4 Capacity (1x - 300 Lbs. 2020 8 hour shift) 136 Kgs. • This will obviate $2M or more in working Tolling service fee <$1 Gm $136,0 ,000 capital that would otherwise be used to purchase raw material • Everest is successfully soliciting tolling/ processing contracts Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 14

  15. Cutting-edge Ice Water Extraction Technology The WT 30 300 0 Ice Ice Water Trich richome Iso Isolation System Everest focuses mainly on ice water extraction to produce pure hash. This also creates significant product throughput; rated at 1000 lbs. a day with the lowest capital and operational costs of any extraction equipment today. Once extracted the trichomes are dried and can then be further processed or can be used without any additional processing when manufacturing edibles as cannabinoids are oil soluble. Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 15

  16. Extraction Everest’s Services Everest’s Service Fees 3. Organic 1. Hash White 2. Refined Labelling Oil Processing from flower to full spectrum Formulation bubble hash, live Processing and product rosin, hash rosin from hash to development of various refined badder, hash & oils oils & tinctures Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 16

  17. Extraction Everest’s Organic Extraction Process Agitation Wet, frozen or Solvent less hash, Oil Refinement separates dried Cannabis rosin & live resin trichomes into hash Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 17

  18. Bubble Hash, Kief Derivative Products Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 18

  19. CBD Derivative Medical Products Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 19

  20. Everest’s Going Organic! “We will be one of f th the fir first t Canadian cannabis extraction companies that will be organically certified. This meets the ground swell of demand for organically certified products & services.” – Nigel Boas oast. Presid sident & CEO Your Logo or Name Here 20

  21. Everest Competitive Advantages • Everest’s long term sustainable competitive advantage is the organic certification of its products & services to meet high demand in this market segment • Everest has minor debt on its balance sheet; allowing Everest an early break-even with corresponding larger EBITDA profits • Everest is small, adroit & cost efficient with a large production capacity; nearly equal to our larger competitors • Everest will use off take agreements from 89 Canadian Cultivation LPs without processing licenses to process raw material & flower • Everest will take early advantage of servicing the organic edibles markets. Everest BioP oPharma Inter ternati tion onal l Inc nc. Your Logo or Name Here 21

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