evaluation of asr landfill impact through lysimetric tests

Evaluation of ASR landfill impact through lysimetric tests - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT NAXOS ISLAND, GREECE, 13-16 JUNE 18 G. Mancini, A. Luciano, P. Viotti, D. Fino Evaluation of ASR landfill impact through lysimetric tests giuseppe.mancini@unict.it 775

  1. 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT NAXOS ISLAND, GREECE, 13-16 JUNE 18 G. Mancini, A. Luciano, P. Viotti, D. Fino Evaluation of ASR landfill impact through lysimetric tests giuseppe.mancini@unict.it

  2. 775 Number of passenger cars per 1000 308 inhabitants in Europe

  3. Number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants

  4. Average age of the EU car fleet The mean age of vehicles has grown in the last decade as a consequence of the economic crisis. .

  5. Age classes of circulating vehicles in Italy

  6. the gear shift

  7. …. and its consequences on new PC registration Every year, end-of-life vehicles (ELV) generate between 7 and 8 million tonnes of waste in the European Union which should be managed correctly.

  8. Cause radiazioni autoveicoli Con la fine della campagna d’incentivi governativi alla rottamazione, che obbligava i veicoli a essere demoliti in impianti autorizzati, si è assistito alla forte crescita del fenomeno dell’esportazione degli autoveicoli. Spesso accade che i veicoli vengano esportati non per essere utilizzati nei Paesi di destino, ma per essere, diversamente da quanto previsto dalla normativa comunitaria, demoliti, realizzando così una esportazione di rifiuti e non di beni e sottraendo materiale prezioso all’industria nazionale del riciclo e a quella siderurgica. 8

  9. Every year, end-of-life vehicles (ELV) generate between 7 and 8 million tonnes of waste in the European Union which should be managed correctly. ELV Directive (2000/ 53/ CE) of European Parliament… .. … … ..for vehicles produced after 1980, the vehicle recovery and recycling in terms of weight percentage must compliance the 95% before January 2015 (with only 10% of this recovered through energy) 9

  10. Legislative Framework The ultimate goal of ELV Directive (2000/ 53/ CE) of European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 this directive is to put only 5% of ELV residues (ASR) into landfills. It states: for vehicles produced after 1 9 8 0 , the vehicle recovery and recycling in term s of w eight percentage m ust com pliance the 9 5 % before January 2 0 1 5 ( w ith only 1 0 % of this recovered through energy) ( Jalkanen, 2 0 0 6 ) . ( Decreto legislativo 2 0 9 / 2 0 0 3 .) The EU Landfill Directive [ 1 9 9 9 / 3 1 / EC] requires reductions on all biodegradable w aste w ithin 1 7 years to 3 5 % of 1 9 9 5 values m eanw hile forbidding further disposal in landfills of w astes w ith high calorific values ( higher than 1 3 0 0 0 kJ/ kg.) . ASR shows calorific values ranging from 14000 up to 30000 kJ/ kg. ALTERNATI VES TO LANDFI LLI NG ARE COMPULSORY

  11. How far from the targets we are? 11

  12. How the targets are achieved? 12

  13. ELVs Recovery and Reuse (Italy) 13

  14. Gestione dei veicoli a fine vita

  15. La gestione degli ELVs The conventional route for end-of-life vehicle recovery and recycling is determined by standard practices of metal recycling. The process steps include the pretreatment or de-pollution (e.g. removal of tires, the battery, lubricants and fuel), and shredding and sorting the vehicle to recover valuable metals.

  16. ELVs Management Metals are recovered by using m agnetic separation, and constituting about 7 5 % of the total w eight of ELV’s they are recycled in iron and steelm aking processes Il residuo prodotto dal processo di demolizione costituisce circa il 25% in peso di un’automobile e stato, fino adesso, smaltito in massima parte in discarica. The rem aining 2 5 % , w hich is called auto shredder residues ( ASR)

  17. Recovery routes of ELVs and Fluff

  18. La gestione dell’ASR The management of automotive shredder residue (ASR) is considered an increasingly problematic subject of worldwide concern The pressure to achieve commercial processes to deal with such a complex waste feedstock is growing year by year, also because it is increasingly considered unsuitable for landfill disposal. This is due its high fluctuating levels of TOC, PCB, sulphur, chlorine, heavy metals and contaminant oils arising from elastomers, PVC, metals and car fluids. Adding to these properties is the very high energy content.

  19. la disciplina europea dei veicoli fuori uso La gestione dei veicoli fuori uso costituisce uno dei focus delle politiche europee sulla gestione dei rifiuti. Con la Direttiva 2000/53/CE è stato imposto agli stati membri di raggiungere entro il 2015 obiettivi minimi di riciclaggio (85%) e di recupero complessivo (95%). La direttiva ha individuato in capo ai produttori di vetture il compito di assicurare il raggiungimento di questi obiettivi. In altri termini ha introdotto il cosiddetto regime della responsabilità estesa del produttore nel settore automobilistico.

  20. Legislative Framework The ultimate goal of ELV Directive (2000/ 53/ CE) of European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 this directive is to put only 5% of ELV residues (ASR) into landfills. It states: for vehicles produced after 1 9 8 0 , the vehicle recovery and recycling in term s of w eight percentage m ust com pliance the 9 5 % before January 2 0 1 5 ( w ith only 1 0 % of this recovered through energy) ( Jalkanen, 2 0 0 6 ) . ( Decreto legislativo 2 0 9 / 2 0 0 3 .) The EU Landfill Directive [ 1 9 9 9 / 3 1 / EC] requires reductions on all biodegradable w aste w ithin 1 7 years to 3 5 % of 1 9 9 5 values m eanw hile forbidding further disposal in landfills of w astes w ith high calorific values ( higher than 1 3 0 0 0 kJ/ kg.) . ASR shows calorific values ranging from 14000 up to 30000 kJ/ kg. ALTERNATI VES TO LANDFI LLI NG ARE COMPULSORY

  21. Tassi di recupero Vs obiettivi di legge- Europa In Europa nel 2015 sono stati prodotti oltre 6 milioni di ELVs (dati Eurostat pubblicati a settembre 2017). Per quanto riguarda gli obiettivi di riciclaggio, la media riscontrata nell’Unione europea nel suo complesso risulta in linea con il target 2015 , attestandosi a 87,1%. Rispetto agli obiettivi di recupero complessivo, però, il risultato ottenuto è pari a 93,4%, al di sotto del target del 95% disposto dalla Direttiva.

  22. Tassi di recupero Vs obiettivi di legge- Italia I dati pubblicati da Eurostat mostrano per il 2015 livelli di riciclaggio/recupero stabili rispetto a quelli rilevati nell’ultimo triennio. La percentuale di riciclaggio e reimpiego raggiunge l’84,6% del peso medio del veicolo, quasi in linea con il target dell’85% previsto per il 2015. Ampliando la lettura agli ultimi 9 anni si osserva, invece, come l’Italia non sia mai riuscita a centrare il target. La situazione peggiora se volgiamo l’attenzione agli obiettivi di recupero totale. L’Italia risulta decisamente lontano dal target del 95% previsto al 2015: i dati attestano una percentuale pari 84,7%.

  23. Potential alternatives to Fluff landfilling  • Thermal treatment of ASR Injection of ASR into blast furnace, Fluidized-bed combustion, Citron’s process (heat, electric energy, gas (emission in the atmosphere), slag and ash (landfill disposal) • Pyrolysis of fluff (fast, flash, conventional Catalytic, screw kiln pyrolysis, ultrapyrolysis)  gas, oils, slag (metals recovery and landfill disposal) Material recovery  recycled polymers (extraction with solvent, infrared • separation, density separation, Argon process) • Microwave and plasma-arc thermal destruction processes • Other utilization (as a binder in asphalt, as filler in concrete, utilization in composite applications, Thermo-bath process for recycling ASR)

  24. Current issues However, the physical nature of SR, cross contamination, unstable m arkets for recovered materials and the need for significant processing to meet market specifications, ham per significant recovery of m aterials from ASR . This generates high risk for independent investm ents in specific processes and banks reluctance in providing financial support , thus causing a further lack of stability of the market. Numerous technical, legislative, commercial and financial drivers affect fluff management. Under these circumstances therefore, it is scarcely surprising that not only very few processes currently undergo developm ent , but it moreover remains to be clarified which types of process are to be preferred.

  25. Gasification plants ASR combustion tests were carried out on a full scale tyres incineration plant (Anagni), specifically modified for the proper combustion of car and waste-collection residues. Both tyres and fluff deriving from end of life vehicles and white goods (WG) were alternatively burnt ASR in order: to evaluate the environmental impact of the fluff combustion (emission and deriving wastes composition). to evaluate fluff mass reduction to evaluate energy recovery

  26. Gassification plants

  27. Car Fluff can be now used for Some really recent news in Italy… RDF (CSS) production


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