European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and E-learning. Athens University of Economics & Business Department of Informatics 21 of June of 2005 Alfredo Pina Universidad Pública de Navarra Pamplona, Spain
Contents What is the EHEA? Why the EHEA? How we can construct the EHEA? Macro level Micro level E-learning in “physical presence” universities G9 experience EHEA end E-learning Why? What? How?
The path already done.... 1987 - Programa ERASMUS 1987 - Programa ERASMUS 1989 - Programa ECTS 1989 - Programa ECTS 1996 - Programas SOCRATES y LEONARDO 1996 - Programas SOCRATES y LEONARDO 1998 - Declaración de LA SORBONNE (4 estados) 1998 - Declaración de LA SORBONNE (4 estados) 1999 - Declaración de BOLOGNA (29 estados) 1999 - Declaración de BOLOGNA (29 estados) 2000 - Consejo Europeo de Lisboa 2000 - Consejo Europeo de Lisboa 2001 - SALAMANCA - GÖTEBORG 2001 - SALAMANCA - GÖTEBORG - Comunicado de PRAGA (33 estados) - Comunicado de PRAGA (33 estados) 2002 - Consejo Europeo de Barcelona 2002 - Consejo Europeo de Barcelona - Parlamento Europeo - Parlamento Europeo 2003 - GRAZ (EUA) 2003 - GRAZ (EUA) - Comunicado de BERLÍN (40 estados) - Comunicado de BERLÍN (40 estados) 2005 - BERGEN (45 estados) 2005 - BERGEN (45 estados)
European Convergence � Global changes: o To harmonize European University Systems: o Homogeneous degree systems (Bachelor & MsC/PhD) o Same value fo student workload o Course structure and contents compatible across countries. COMPATIBILITY // COMPARABILITY // COMPETITIVENESS
Key aspects in the convergence ECTS (Learning) Diploma Supplement Information TRANSPARENCY STRUCTURE QUALITY (2 Cycle) (assurance) ECTS demands new education models centered in students work and learning
Convergence implementation Implementation of Bologna process Implementation of Bologna process Adoption of: Adoption of: � ECTS credits � ECTS credits � Comparable assesments � Comparable assesments � Normalized docs � Normalized docs � Diploma Supplement � Diploma Supplement TRANSPARENCY TRANSPARENCY Degrees revision: Quality level measurement Degrees revision: Quality level measurement � Structure (cycles) � Structure (cycles) (National & transnational (National & transnational � Duration (60 ECTS/year) parameters) � Duration (60 ECTS/year) parameters) � New curricula based on � New curricula based on contents & competences contents & competences COMPETITIVENESS COMPETITIVENESS SOCIAL DEMANDS SOCIAL DEMANDS EMPLOYABILITY EMPLOYABILITY
Current disparity Estat Estructura Estat de Inici Estat Estructura Estat de Inici l’adaptació estructura l’adaptació estructura Alemanya 3 + 2 En curs 2002-2003 Itàlia 3 + 2 Pendent 2001-2002 d’iniciar tots Àustria 3 + 2 En curs 2002-2003 els Master Bèlgica 3 + 1 Inici pels 2004-2005 Letònia Mixta 3 / 4 + Bachelors Variable (Flandes) Bachelor 1/ 2 des del 1991 Bèlgica 3 + 1 / 2 Inici pels 2004-2005 Lituània 4 + 1 / 2 Completa 1999 (Walonia) Bachelor Dinamarca 3 + 2 Bachelor Anys 90 Luxemburg Mixta 3 / 4 + Completa 2003-2004 anteriors a 1/ 2 Bolonya Malta 3 + 2 En curs 2003-2004 Eslovàquia 3 + 2 Progressiva 2002-2003 Països 3 + 1 / 2 Completa en 2002-2003 Baixos els Bachelor Eslovènia Per definir No iniciada No iniciada Polònia Per definir Pendent de No prevista Estònia 3 + 2 Quasibé 2002-2003 legislació completa Portugal Per definir Documents No prevista Finlàndia 3 + 2 Bachelors 2005-2006 preliminars anteriors a del Ministeri Bolonya. Regne Unit 3 + 1 No es No prevista Us (ECTS) considera progressiu que calguin d’ECTS canvis França 3 + 2 En curs 2002-2003 Rep. Txeca 3 + 2 Adaptació 2002-2003 Grècia Ara és 4+2 Es considera No prevista progressiva que el Suècia Per definir Proposta del Pendent sistema ja ministeri en és adaptat discussió Xipre 4 + 2 Es considera Abans de Hongria 3 + 2 Encara en 2006 ja feta Bolonya discussió Irlanda Mixta 3 / 4 + No es No prevista 1 / 2 considera que calguin canvis
Current disparity DE PROPERA INTEGRACIO EUROPEA Estat Estructura Estat de l’adaptació Inici estructura Bulgària Actual 4 + No prevista Pendent 1 Islàndia 3 + 2 No es considera que No prevista calguin canvis Liechtenstein 3 + 2 No necessita Abans de adaptació Bolonya Noruega 3 + 2 Completa 2003-2004 Romania 3 + 2 Regulada pel 2004-2005 Ministeri Suïssa 3 + 2 Les Universitats 2005-2006 s’estan adaptant (2004-2005) Turquia 4 + 2 No s’ha fet cap canvi Pendent
Current disparity
Comparability & Competitiveness
Comparability & Competitiveness EUROPE USA JAPAN PhD & Graduates in Science & Tec (1999) 5,4 Res./1000 Work. 8,7 Res./1000 Work. 9,7 Res./1000 Work. Research funding (2000) 1,94% of GDP 2,80% of GDP 2,98% of GDP A significative number of the best European “brains” prefer to go to North America: • better job conditions and research facilities. • others stop research and remain in Europe in “normal” jobs.
Degree design (Macro level)
Involved entities (Macro level)
Convergence Teaching changes (Micro level) � Basic purposes: o Student centered teaching: autonomous learning. o Different Prof. role : learning process manager. o A clearer definition of the goals: competences o New activities organization: shift from input to output o Changes in the organization of the learning process: modularity TO REINFORCE HOMOGENEITY BETWEEN COUNTRIES
Teaching changes (Micro level) � A DIDACTIC BASIC PRINCIPLE: “ The shift from teaching to learning, from input to output, and to the processes and the contexts of learner” • Autonomy with company. • Using learning tools is as important as gathering knowledge • Equilibrium in the demand-support relation in learning process (Prof.-Student) • Curricular parameters in teaching: continuity
Teaching changes (Micro level) •Competences •Autonomous learning •Lifelong Learning •Didactic materials To propose a new approach to the teaching-learning process, to the assesment and to quality maintenance
COMPETENCES COMPETENCES (ACADEMIC or PROFESSIONAL) They help to describe the expected results when learning some course program in terms of generic and subject- specific competences. They may express needs in knowledge, skills or application, and attitude & responsabilities. To know more….Project TUNING……
Autonomous Autonomous Learning Learning - The control- autonomy axis: (Brown & Atkins, 1988) Control & participation of the lecturer Control & participation of the student Master Research Small group Self-learning Lab work class tutoring teaching systems
Autonomous Autonomous Learning Learning Definition: A way of learning where the student asumes an important part of the responsibility of his work organization, tuning it to his own rythm.
Lifelong Lifelong Learning Learning 2 Key ideas: 1.- The university as the first stage of an education or learning process that lasts the whole life. 2.- “Not all that can be taught, has to be taught in this first education stage” CONSEQUENTLY…
Lifelong Lifelong Learning Learning CONSEQUENTLY…. • To focus on fundamental aspects (those that better prepare for continous education). • To distribute contents in the different stages of the educational process (bachelor-Master-PhD- continous education) • To create resources and devices for continous education
Didactic Didactic material aterial Teaching guides: New didactic materials to help the autonomous learning in the new context of EHEA
New New Teaching eaching Guides Guides 1.- It is to reconstruct the subject taking the role of the student. 2.- It permits to the authors a deep analysis and decision making about contents, activities design, reinforcement of the principal ideas of the subject, preventing errors, etc… It is like the “program” but more developed, better “guide” for learning.
New New Teaching eaching Guides Guides
Instruments: ECTS ¿What is it? ECTS = European Credit Transfer System � Academic activity measure unity � Total student workload � Integrates theory, practice and others directed activivities
STUDENT TOTAL WORKLOAD � Theoretical classes � Practical classes � Preparing assignments from Theoretical classes � Preparing assignments from Practical classes � Studying & Preparing classes � Solving problems & Preparing practices � Studying & Preparing exams � Doing exams � Consultancy (Office hours) � Seminars & activities participation Presence hours + personal work hours
ECTS: STUDENT TOTAL WORKLOAD Academic Year Proposed Value Weeks /year 40 weeks Hours / week 40 hours Hours / year 1.600 hours Credits / year 60 ECTS credits Credits / week 1,5 ECTS credits Hours / credit 25 – 30 hours
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