eu mongolia research innovation cooperation boost your

EU-Mongolia Research & Innovation Cooperation Boost your - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EU-Mongolia Research & Innovation Cooperation Boost your Research Career through Mobility! Dr Laurent Bochereau Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section EU Delegation to Mongolia 2 European Key Instruments Horizon 2020 Erasmus

  1. EU-Mongolia Research & Innovation Cooperation Boost your Research Career through Mobility! Dr Laurent Bochereau Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section EU Delegation to Mongolia

  2. 2 European Key Instruments Horizon 2020 Erasmus + 1- Excellent Key Action 3 Key Action 1 Key Action 2 Cooperation Policy Support science Mobility €24.4 billion 3- 2- Industrial Societal leadership challenges €31 billion €17 billion Strategic Credit and Mobility Knowledge Marie Sklodowska European Alliances Curie Actions Research Council Degree 14.7 bln EUR Mobility 13 bln EUR 6.2 bln EUR

  3. Your Research Career ERC Advanced Senior Professor ERC Consolidators ERC Starters Full Professor Junior Professor/ Marie Sklodowska Curie Junior Researcher Associated Professor Doctoral students Post-docs Erasmus + Post Graduates Students

  4. Erasmus+ • The EU's programme to support education, training youth and sport • Funding for programmes, projects and scholarships • Fosters EU-EU and EU-international cooperation 1 Learning Mobility 2 2 Cooperation Jean Monnet Cooperation Sport 3 Policy support

  5. Erasmus+ Opportunitites for Individual Opportunitites for Higher Education Institutions Students and Staff from Partner Countries from Partner Countries  Credit mobility  Credit mobility + scholarships  Joint Master Degrees Short-term studies in Europe that will  Capacity Building for Higher Education count to your degree back home  Jean Monnet activities Joint Master Degrees +  scholarships A full degree programme at Master level, with study at two or more universities

  6. Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Innovative ITN Doctoral and initial training: European Training early-stage Training Networks, European Industrial researchers Networks Doctorates, European Joint Doctorates (< 4 years) Individual IF Support for experienced researchers to Fellowships experienced undertake international and inter-sector researchers mobility, incl. career restart and reintegration (> 4 years) Research and RISE International and inter-sector cooperation Innovation through the exchange of staff Staff Exchange Co-funding of COFUND Co-funding of regional, national and programmes international programmes: - doctoral programmes (ESR) - fellowship programmes (ER)

  7. Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks Research training for PhD & (some) first PostDoc • Doctoral and initial training of researchers proposed by international networks of organisations from public and private sectors • For institutions: apply to the MSCA call to set up the training network • For students: apply to the projects/networks as published on the website • transnational network in multi/interdisciplinary and emerging fields • training primarily through research on individual, personalised research projects • complemented by substantial training modules in key transferable skills

  8. Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Individual Fellowships Post-doctoral fellowships for outstanding researchers European Fellowships: Global Fellowships:  Mongolian researchers to go to  Mongolia can receive European Europe researchers • • International mobility within or into International mobility from Member EU Member States (MS) and States (MS) and Associated Associated Countries (AC) Countries (AC) to a third country • • Experienced researchers of any Experienced researchers of any nationality nationality: nationals of EU countries and long-term residents • Applicants must not have resided • or carried out their main activity in Must not have resided or carried out the country of the host organisation their main activity in the country of for more then 12 months in the 3 the 3rd country organisation for more years immediately prior to the call than 12 months in the 3 years deadline immediately prior to the call deadline

  9. Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions RISE – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange • It helps research organisations to set up or strengthen long-term cooperation with others, through a coordinated exchange programme for their staff. • All areas of scientific and technological research that are of interest to the EU • Organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe (EU Member States and Associated Countries) and outside Europe (third countries) • Support for a maximum period of 48 months. • The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes

  10. European Research Council  Funding excellent researchers of any nationality , to carry out frontier research in Europe, via annual competitions  In all fields of science and humanities , without thematic priorities  1 researcher, 1 Host Institution, 1 project, 1 selection criterion  No consortia or partnerships  Substantial grants and a recognised label of excellence ERC Grant Holders have International Team Members based in EU or in their home country Check out the list of ERC grant holders ! │ 10

  11. ERC Funding Schemes Advanced Grants Starting Grants Consolidator Grants track-record of starters consolidators significant research (2-7 years after PhD) (7-12 years after PhD) achievements in the up to € 2.0 Mio up to € 2.75 Mio last 10 years for 5 years for 5 years up to € 3.5 Mio for 5 years

  12. Open Calls Innovative Training Networks| MSCA-ITN-2017 | Deadline Date: 10 Jan 2017 RISE| MSCA-RISE-2017 | Planned opening: 01 Dec 2016 -- Deadline Date: 05 Apr 2017 Individual Fellowships (IF) | MSCA-IF-2017 | Planned opening: 11 Apr 2017--- Deadline Date: 14 Sept 2017 European Research Council | ERC-2017-PoC | Cut-off dates: 19 Jan 2017; 25 Apr 2017; 05 Sept 2017

  13. What now? 1. Search Information on the websites 3. Nurture personal contacts 2. Use EURAXESS Services 4. Deepen your existing partnerships 5. Go from bilateral to multilateral 6. Do not just look at immediate benefits and financial gains 8. Apply! 7. Focus on results and medium-term gains 9. … and Win! Expansion from person-to-person, group-to-group, institution-to-institution

  14. More Information Erasmus + Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions: Participant Portal: European Research Council (ERC) EURAXESS European Researchers Mobility Portal:

  15. EURAXESS – Your Gateway to European Research Rights Services • Initiatives for Relocation assistance in researchers ’ rights 40 European countries and regulations in • Helping researchers (visa, Europe accommodation) • • Jobs Links • Online job portal EURAXESS outside with thousands of Europe research jobs & funding offers • North America, Japan, daily available ASEAN, India, Brazil, China • •


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