eu grid research and the european research area

EU Grid Research and the European Research Area Enabling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EU Grid Research and the European Research Area Enabling application technologies Wolfgang Boch Architecture, Head of Unit Design and DG Information Society Development Unit F2 - Grids for Complex of the next Problem solving

  1. EU Grid Research and the European Research Area Enabling application technologies Wolfgang Boch Architecture, Head of Unit Design and DG Information Society Development Unit F2 - Grids for Complex of the next Problem solving generation GRID UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 1

  2. Outline � � Grid Research - IST Work Programme 2003-04 � Preparation of the EU Grid Research Agenda 2010 � Why an ERA pilot/Technology Platform for Grid Research? UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 2

  3. Grid Research and Deployment in FP6 Application-oriented Strategic Objectives e.g. eBusiness, eGov, eWork, Research eHealth, risks management Grids for Complex Infrastructure Problem Solving R&D – Deployment of specific – Architecture, design and high performance Grids development of the next generation Grid – Deployment of high-capacity and high-speed communi- – Enabling application cations network - GEANT technologies DG IST - F2 DG IST - F3 Research & Development Deployment 125 M € (IST) 200 M € RI Technology-oriented strategic objectives R&D e.g. semantic web, software and services UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 3

  4. Focus of FP5 IST Grid Projects (58 M€) • Infrastructure DataTag • Computing Applications EuroGrid, DataGrid, Mam m oGrid Damien GEMSS Se Le Ne • Tools and Middleware BioGrid AVO Ope nMolGrid GridLab, GRIP EGSO FlowGrid GRIA MOSES • Applications COG EuroGrid GRACE EGSO, CrossGrid, CrossGrid DAMIEN BioGrid, FlowGrid, Middleware GridLab Moses, COG, GEMSS, Grace, Mammogrid, GRIP DataGrid OpenMolGrid, Selene, • P2P / ASP / Webservices DataTAG P2People, ASP-BP, GRIA, MMAPS, GRASP, GRIP, WEBSI Infrastructure • Clustering 1/ 10/ 2000 1/ 10/ 2001 1/ 10/ 2002 GridStart UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 4

  5. IST-FP6 commitment to Grid research • First actions launched in IST-FP5 • Grid research is a key strategic objective 125M€ 58M€ From FP5 to FP6 Grid FP6 research funding more FP5 than doubles 2000-2002 2002-2006 UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 5

  6. The Challenge (1) Complexity - Interoperability - Ease of Use - ... Hypermedia Web Web Services Semantic Web Next OGSI OGSA Information Generation Current Retrieval Grids Grids Database Authentication Scheduling Metacomputing UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 6

  7. The Challenge (2) Moving Grid from e-Science to Industry Promote Grid research to • Solve complex problems with high economic and Industry & Business societal impact Grids • Exploit the potential of e-Science Grids beyond e-Science • Ease access and use of Grids UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 7

  8. Research Focus Grid-based Systems for Complex Problem Solving Applications Application Application e-business, Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Sector 3 e-health, e-gov, Sector 1 Application Sector 1 Sector 3 Sector n Sector 1 Sector 1 Sector n e-learning, Sector 2 Sector 2 environmen t “Grids for CPS” focus IP4 IP 1 Generic enabling application technologies Tools and environments for simulation, data mining, knowledge discovery, collaborative working, ... IP3 Next generation Grid IP 2 Architecture, design and development addressing security, business models, open source/standards,interoperability, … UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 8

  9. Outline � Grid Research - IST Work Programme 2003-04 � � Preparation of the EU Grid Research Agenda 2010 � Why an ERA pilot/Technology Platform for Grids Research? UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 9

  10. Expert Group Report: Next Generation Grid(s) European Grids Research 2005-2010 • Long term visions that cannot be realised based on existing or near term Grid technologies • Areas of research that need to be addressed in the medium to long term Implementing the visions will enable Europe to become a strong competitive player in Grid technology and its applications. UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 10

  11. Next Generation Grid(s): 3-fold vision s e • • s G C s r e o i d c n o t s t n i r e n e p r u m v s o i Abstraction s n c r u Simplification e e e s o S w n s l y i i o o s s d c p u f i e h t V m b v w a e e o n r a l t o g e r e t r p i r Next n s e s m o g u U p e v - r p d - n e Generation i u d n s t q s E e i u n - o n e Grids i r E • n v f e i i L m r o • e n n m t s e n t s Architectural Vision • Societal behaviour (millions of self-organising nodes) • Computational semantics, ontologies, meta-descriptions • Pervasive virtual organisations Virtualization UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 11

  12. Next Generation Grid(s): Identified Research Themes Properties Open Reliable Scalable Persistent Transparent Person-centric Pervasive Secure / trusted Standards-based Research Themes Next Generation Grid(s) Facilities Models Virtual Organisation User Interface Systems Management Grid Economies Co-ord. and orchestration Business models Information representation UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 12

  13. Outline � Grid Research - IST Work Programme 2003-04 � Preparation of the EU Grid Research Agenda 2010 � � Why an ERA pilot/Technology Platform for Grids Research? UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 13

  14. European research policy context • European Research Area (Lisbon Summit, March 2000) IST-FP6 to boost the emergence of ERA! Grids: a main strategic objective! • R&D investments from 1.9% up to 3% of GDP by 2010 (Barcelona Council, March 2002) UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 14

  15. Investment in R&D, 3% action plan (DG RTD) • Council resolution adopted on 22/09/2003 • Making Europe a more attractive place for R&D investment requires a determined and sustained efforts of public and private sectors… • Improving framework conditions for private investment in research – IPRs, Regulation of products and standardisation, Competition rules, Financial markets, Fiscal environment, Corporate research strategy & financial reporting • Progressing jointly – OMC, ETP, mutual learning for regions... • Improving public support to research and innovation – HR, link public /private R&D, enhance public financing instruments (direct measures, fiscal measures, guarantee…) • Redirecting public spending towards research and innovation – Modernise State aid rules, Use better public procurement to support research and innovation... UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 15

  16. European Research Area: opportunities & challenges • Realising ERA requires ….. – Focusing on strategic research topics – Cooperation, concentration, critical mass & flexibility • FP6 provides a key opportunity to shape and improve the impact of research in Europe – Europe is well positioned to shape the future and compete – Coordination of public and private R&D funding • Efforts are needed ..... – to mobilise the constituency – to establish priorities within a long term vision European Technology Platform for Grid Research UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 16

  17. What is a European Technology Platform? • Strong mobilisation of actors fostering effective public- private partnerships – between research, industry and regulatory and finance stakeholders, public and private bodies – for sharing an European long-term vision on high impact sectors or leading technologies • Primary output – European Strategic Research Agenda for the next decade(s) – Recommendations for its implementation (strategy & action plan) • Final goal to achieve EU industrial leadership and meet society’s needs through optimisation of the benefits for all parties • ETP can lead to a new form of governance UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 17


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