EU Grid Research and the European Research Area Enabling application technologies Wolfgang Boch Architecture, Head of Unit Design and DG Information Society Development Unit F2 - Grids for Complex of the next Problem solving generation GRID UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 1
Outline � � Grid Research - IST Work Programme 2003-04 � Preparation of the EU Grid Research Agenda 2010 � Why an ERA pilot/Technology Platform for Grid Research? UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 2
Grid Research and Deployment in FP6 Application-oriented Strategic Objectives e.g. eBusiness, eGov, eWork, Research eHealth, risks management Grids for Complex Infrastructure Problem Solving R&D – Deployment of specific – Architecture, design and high performance Grids development of the next generation Grid – Deployment of high-capacity and high-speed communi- – Enabling application cations network - GEANT technologies DG IST - F2 DG IST - F3 Research & Development Deployment 125 M € (IST) 200 M € RI Technology-oriented strategic objectives R&D e.g. semantic web, software and services UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 3
Focus of FP5 IST Grid Projects (58 M€) • Infrastructure DataTag • Computing Applications EuroGrid, DataGrid, Mam m oGrid Damien GEMSS Se Le Ne • Tools and Middleware BioGrid AVO Ope nMolGrid GridLab, GRIP EGSO FlowGrid GRIA MOSES • Applications COG EuroGrid GRACE EGSO, CrossGrid, CrossGrid DAMIEN BioGrid, FlowGrid, Middleware GridLab Moses, COG, GEMSS, Grace, Mammogrid, GRIP DataGrid OpenMolGrid, Selene, • P2P / ASP / Webservices DataTAG P2People, ASP-BP, GRIA, MMAPS, GRASP, GRIP, WEBSI Infrastructure • Clustering 1/ 10/ 2000 1/ 10/ 2001 1/ 10/ 2002 GridStart UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 4
IST-FP6 commitment to Grid research • First actions launched in IST-FP5 • Grid research is a key strategic objective 125M€ 58M€ From FP5 to FP6 Grid FP6 research funding more FP5 than doubles 2000-2002 2002-2006 UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 5
The Challenge (1) Complexity - Interoperability - Ease of Use - ... Hypermedia Web Web Services Semantic Web Next OGSI OGSA Information Generation Current Retrieval Grids Grids Database Authentication Scheduling Metacomputing UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 6
The Challenge (2) Moving Grid from e-Science to Industry Promote Grid research to • Solve complex problems with high economic and Industry & Business societal impact Grids • Exploit the potential of e-Science Grids beyond e-Science • Ease access and use of Grids UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 7
Research Focus Grid-based Systems for Complex Problem Solving Applications Application Application e-business, Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Sector 3 e-health, e-gov, Sector 1 Application Sector 1 Sector 3 Sector n Sector 1 Sector 1 Sector n e-learning, Sector 2 Sector 2 environmen t “Grids for CPS” focus IP4 IP 1 Generic enabling application technologies Tools and environments for simulation, data mining, knowledge discovery, collaborative working, ... IP3 Next generation Grid IP 2 Architecture, design and development addressing security, business models, open source/standards,interoperability, … UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 8
Outline � Grid Research - IST Work Programme 2003-04 � � Preparation of the EU Grid Research Agenda 2010 � Why an ERA pilot/Technology Platform for Grids Research? UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 9
Expert Group Report: Next Generation Grid(s) European Grids Research 2005-2010 • Long term visions that cannot be realised based on existing or near term Grid technologies • Areas of research that need to be addressed in the medium to long term Implementing the visions will enable Europe to become a strong competitive player in Grid technology and its applications. UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 10
Next Generation Grid(s): 3-fold vision s e • • s G C s r e o i d c n o t s t n i r e n e p r u m v s o i Abstraction s n c r u Simplification e e e s o S w n s l y i i o o s s d c p u f i e h t V m b v w a e e o n r a l t o g e r e t r p i r Next n s e s m o g u U p e v - r p d - n e Generation i u d n s t q s E e i u n - o n e Grids i r E • n v f e i i L m r o • e n n m t s e n t s Architectural Vision • Societal behaviour (millions of self-organising nodes) • Computational semantics, ontologies, meta-descriptions • Pervasive virtual organisations Virtualization UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 11
Next Generation Grid(s): Identified Research Themes Properties Open Reliable Scalable Persistent Transparent Person-centric Pervasive Secure / trusted Standards-based Research Themes Next Generation Grid(s) Facilities Models Virtual Organisation User Interface Systems Management Grid Economies Co-ord. and orchestration Business models Information representation UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 12
Outline � Grid Research - IST Work Programme 2003-04 � Preparation of the EU Grid Research Agenda 2010 � � Why an ERA pilot/Technology Platform for Grids Research? UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 13
European research policy context • European Research Area (Lisbon Summit, March 2000) IST-FP6 to boost the emergence of ERA! Grids: a main strategic objective! • R&D investments from 1.9% up to 3% of GDP by 2010 (Barcelona Council, March 2002) UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 14
Investment in R&D, 3% action plan (DG RTD) • Council resolution adopted on 22/09/2003 • Making Europe a more attractive place for R&D investment requires a determined and sustained efforts of public and private sectors… • Improving framework conditions for private investment in research – IPRs, Regulation of products and standardisation, Competition rules, Financial markets, Fiscal environment, Corporate research strategy & financial reporting • Progressing jointly – OMC, ETP, mutual learning for regions... • Improving public support to research and innovation – HR, link public /private R&D, enhance public financing instruments (direct measures, fiscal measures, guarantee…) • Redirecting public spending towards research and innovation – Modernise State aid rules, Use better public procurement to support research and innovation... UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 15
European Research Area: opportunities & challenges • Realising ERA requires ….. – Focusing on strategic research topics – Cooperation, concentration, critical mass & flexibility • FP6 provides a key opportunity to shape and improve the impact of research in Europe – Europe is well positioned to shape the future and compete – Coordination of public and private R&D funding • Efforts are needed ..... – to mobilise the constituency – to establish priorities within a long term vision European Technology Platform for Grid Research UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 16
What is a European Technology Platform? • Strong mobilisation of actors fostering effective public- private partnerships – between research, industry and regulatory and finance stakeholders, public and private bodies – for sharing an European long-term vision on high impact sectors or leading technologies • Primary output – European Strategic Research Agenda for the next decade(s) – Recommendations for its implementation (strategy & action plan) • Final goal to achieve EU industrial leadership and meet society’s needs through optimisation of the benefits for all parties • ETP can lead to a new form of governance UK/FR Grid Workshop 3-4 November 2003, London Wolfgang Boch - European Commission - DG INFSO-F2 17
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