
EQ Day Time Room How can I build a vessel that is lakeworthy in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Student Name EQ Day Time Room How can I build a vessel that is lakeworthy in Adams, Seth Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am Theatre NE waters? What does free speech look like on a modern Alger, Jacob Wednesday May 23rd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 227

  1. Student Name EQ Day Time Room How can I build a vessel that is lakeworthy in Adams, Seth Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am Theatre NE waters? What does free speech look like on a modern Alger, Jacob Wednesday May 23rd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 227 day college campus? What are the essential elements of making Allen, Benjamin Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 208 and designing a high performing ATV that What are the impacts of rites of passage on Allen, Evan Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am 125 adolescents as they enter adulthood? What are the essential building skills Amadon, Dylan Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 128 necessary to construct a utility shed? How does one live a gluten free lifestyle? Amari, Nicole Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 129 How does one effectively reduce hunger in Angulas, Grace Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 227 their community? How do you create a tattoo that endures the Learning Anton, Isabella Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm Commons test of time? Do art and creativity benefit the artist more Apple, Elizabeth Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am Chorus Room than we realize? How does suffering a concussion impact a Archambault, Kyle Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 129 human brain How to make a successful live action video? Arnold, Aidan Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am Chorus Room What is the process of styling an outfit to look Arnold, Marin Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 125 high fashion? How has technology changed and enhanced Bader, Sarah Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am 128 live theater? Why do people run? Barretto, Madalyn Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 116 How can a community within a public high Barry, Cayley Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 227 school best support, establish and promote What is the importance of the 2nd NH Barton, Drew Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 105/106 Turnpike?

  2. Learning what is the future for genetic engineering? Beane, Samuel Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am Commons What is the history of CAD software and how Beck, Michael Wednesday May 23rd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 226 has it impacted manufacturing? How can I inform people about Parkinson’s, Behn, Caelan Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 206/207 while supporting the Parkinson’s foundation What does it take for a school to change its Belowski, Palmer Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 229 athletic logo? What is an effective business plan for starting Bertrand, Chloe Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am 104 a mobile data destruction company? What is the process involved to design and Blake, Matthew Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 205 produce a quality piece of casted jewelry? What are the advantages of language Blume, Isabel Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 208 learning? How do I design and build a chicken coop to Boothroyd, Ryder Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 229 raise and keep chickens? Brisson, Joseph What makes the perfect pie crust Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am 129 Brogioli, Julia Can the ability to draw well be taught? Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am 228 How does one successfully execute a Burnett, Jared Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 130/131 backcountry ski trip? Hoe does a baseball player prepare for an off- Burns, Alec Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 105/106 season How do you create an inclusive community? Camello, Jamie Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 226 What does it take to be an E.M.T.? Campbell, Hannah Wednesday May 23rd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 204 Why is diversity in literature so important and Carbery, Isabel Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 130/131 what can be done to help create a more What makes good user interface (UI) design in Carlson, Dylan Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 228 video games? What happened to town ski area in Sothern Carnick, Benjamin Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 228 New Hampshire?

  3. What makes a good coach? Casey, Brigid Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 228 How does one successfully portray real life Cashman, Olivia Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 107 issues in a dramatic tv show? Castaneda, Joseph How can you build a custom guitar? Wednesday May 23rd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 204 What's the best snowboard for New England Catrambone, Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 228 Michael riding? Chamberlain, What does adopting a dog involve? Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 126 Mallory How does understanding the octopus help us Charest, Julia Wednesday May 23rd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 130/131 understand ourselves? This is my updated EQ: What's wrong with our Chen, Melody education system and how can students help Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am Chorus Room What do parents need to know when adopting Clay, Kristina Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 126 a child? How are women sexually objectified and Clough, Hannah Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 127 exploited in the media? Cohen, Hannah How is mosaic art created? Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 227 At what point does a school feel like they are Coppola, Caterina Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 206/207 fully prepared and safe? How does one create and record a memorable Corrigan, Sean Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am 125 cover song? Would you last a shift in the ER? Coulter, Isabelle Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am 127 How does creating interior design for people Cranney, Abigail Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm Chorus Room with disabilities affect the design? What are the historical roots and cultural Culver, Marlena Wednesday May 23rd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 228 traditions of henna tattoos? How does one go about learning how to salsa Dancoes, Zachary Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am Theatre dance? Why does graffiti matter? Darnall, Charles Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 104

  4. What goes into making plans for a house? Davis, Noah Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 125 How can we raise enough money to beat Dechambeau, Wednesday May 23rd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 206/207 Kathryn ALS? How does lack of sleep affect academic Desmarais, Grace Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 127 performance? How does one build an efficient gaming Dessureault, Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 230 Thomas computer and gaming space in under $600? Why is South Korea known as the plastic Dickinson, Kaylyn Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 129 surgery capital of the world? Dimartino, Mary- How does one live a healthy lifestyle Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 204 Kate How can one utilize their chemistry knowledge Dix, Margaret Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am Chorus Room to deliberately change a characteristic of a What political climates generate a pattern of Learning Doiron, Sophie Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am terrorism in a society? Commons How does one safely and effectively achieve Dube, Alexander Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 127 aggressive vocals How can marketing be used to engage Dudek, Taylor Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am 128 students in a healthy lifestyle? How does an idea become reproducible Dutile, John Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am 105/106 product? Earley, Liam How can one see math expressed in music? Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 116 How do horror films target our greatest fears? Eccleston, Connor Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 229 Edvalson, How does one prepare to enter the FBI? Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 230 Annemarie What is the science behind solar panels? Estabrook, Abigail Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 204 What is Skimboarding? Estes, Dale Wednesday May 23rd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 230 What are some practices that enable people Ewiess, Hamza to conduct business successfully in the Middle Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 227

  5. How does one make an effective and Facey, Cade Tuesday May 22nd 9:45 - 10:40 am 125 informative documentary? Why does the United States treat dictatorships Fiebke, Danielle Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 128 differently? Field, Melissa What is involved in flipping a room? Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 130/131 How do you effectively create a functional and Fluet, Zoe Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 229 personalized dorm room? How do recreational programming and Freud, Nicholas Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 128 facilities build strong communities? What are the skills and techniques needed to Freud, Olivia Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 128 create art out of glass? How do swim coaches modify swim methods Gagnon, Nicole Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 116 for different age and skill levels? How does a structured workout and nutrition Garcia, Nicholas Tuesday May 22nd 8:45 - 9:40 am 105/106 plan affect your body? Geffrard, Andersen How can bullying be prevented? Wednesday May 23rd 7:45 - 8:40 am 129 Giannakopoulos, How does one safely storm chase? Wednesday May 23rd 9:45 - 10:40 am 101/102 Katherine Giordano, How do people learn differently? Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 208 Christopher Girard, Joseph How is a limited run fashion line created? Tuesday May 22nd 1:25 - 2:20 pm 116 What makes a good chef? Goohs, Trevor Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am 125 What does it take to rehabilitate an abused Gordon, Jackson Tuesday May 22nd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 105/106 dog? What elements are necessary to become a Learning Greany, Matthew Wednesday May 23rd 8:45 - 9:40 am Commons private pilot? Can a female be successful in a Greenwood, Wednesday May 23rd 12:25 - 1:20 pm 130/131 Elizabeth predominantly male sport? How can dance be used as an art form to Griffin, Kaitlin Tuesday May 22nd 7:45 - 8:40 am 129 portray meaning?


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