epa cleanup grant progress meeting sanitary laundry and

EPA CLEANUP GRANT PROGRESS MEETING Sanitary Laundry and McClung - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EPA CLEANUP GRANT PROGRESS MEETING Sanitary Laundry and McClung Warehouse Sites Anne Wallace, City of Knoxville, Deputy Director, Office of Redevelopment Liz Porter, S&ME Inc. March 19, 2018 BACKGROUND T wo Brownfie ld Site s PA De

  1. EPA CLEANUP GRANT PROGRESS MEETING Sanitary Laundry and McClung Warehouse Sites Anne Wallace, City of Knoxville, Deputy Director, Office of Redevelopment Liz Porter, S&ME Inc. March 19, 2018

  2. BACKGROUND T wo Brownfie ld Site s ฀ PA De finition – re a l pro pe rty, the e xpa nsio n, re d e ve lo pme nt, E o r re use o f whic h ma y b e c o mplic a te d b y the pre se nc e o r po te ntia l pre se nc e o f a ha za rdo us sub sta nc e , po lluta nts, o r c o nta mina nt. ฀ F orme r Sa nita ry L a undry a nd Mc Clung Wa re house s Prope rtie s

  3. Knoxville’s Strategy for Brownfield Redevelopment

  4. TWO EPA CLEANUP GRANTS AWARDED SANITARY LAUNDRY ($200,000) MCCLUNG WAREHOUSES ($150,000) Both Grants require 20% City match ($70,000 total)

  5. EPA PA Brownf nfield lds s Grant Gr nt Progra gram EPA Ap Approval al Dat Date

  6. Sanitary Laundry Site Previous Assessments 625 North Broadway Example of Previous Findings Sub-slab Gas

  7. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway Drums of dry cleaning fluids removed in 1999 ฀ Dry cleaning compounds and solvents detected ฀ City and TDEC have negotiated a Brownfield Agreement ฀ City contracted roof replacement ฀

  8. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Removal and disposal of containers and debris ฀ Broadway Asbestos Removal ฀

  9. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway Almost 22 TONS of Waste Removed ฀

  10. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway Asbestos Abatement ฀ 900 linear feet of thermal system insulation 1,700 square feet of floor tile/mastic 800 square feet of ceiling cork board 400 square feet of boiler wrap

  11. Next Steps Additional Assessment to Support Vapor Intrusion System Design

  12. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway Roof loss on east wall Roof loss at the Broadway Facade

  13. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway

  14. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway

  15. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway Roof repair on east wall Roof repair at the Broadway Façade – two clerestory window panels to be closed

  16. Sanitary Laundry Site 625 North Broadway

  17. Jackson Avenue Streetscapes ฀ Sidewalk construction complete other than a few areas where pole removal was needed ฀ New lighting is installed and communications duct bank is constructed ฀ AT&T is pulling wire and this will allow for the removal of the last poles ฀ Completing storm water improvements

  18. Jackson Avenue Streetscapes ฀ Mill and overlay of the street surface is planned for the week of March 19 ฀ Final landscaping will follow ฀ Full completion is dependent on private development utility work at Broadway

  19. * Property added - now owned by the City of Knoxville *

  20. McClung Warehouse Sites Jackson Avenue

  21. McClung Warehouse Sites Jackson Avenue Phase I and Phase II ESA ฀ Sampled soil, groundwater, soil gas and suspect ฀ asbestos containing material

  22. McClung Warehouse Sites Jackson Avenue Elevated Metals ฀ Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) ฀ Benzene in soil gas exceeded ฀ residential screening levels

  23. McClung Warehouse Sites Jackson Avenue Asbestos removal ฀ Remove soils with elevated metals and replace with clean fill ฀ Since residential use may be proposed, address potential ฀ vapor intrusion

  24. McClung Warehouse Sites Jackson Passive Soil Vapor Survey ฀ Avenue Soil Sampling – Pesticides ฀ Soil Borings ฀

  25. Next Steps Asbestos Evaluation Address elevated metals in soil – limited, localized soil removal?

  26. Next Steps Additional Assessment to Confirm Soil Gas Survey Findings

  27. Questions & Comments For more information please visit our website: www.knoxvilletn.gov/cleanupgrants Contacts: Anne Wallace - awallace@knoxvilletn.gov Liz Porter - lporter@smeinc.com


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