Kelly Griffith, Superintendent 1 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools Vision ion of a 1:1 learning ning env nvironmen ronment An overview of the TCPS 1:1 Laptop Initiative
2 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools /about 8 Schools ols Easton n High School St Michael aels Middl dle High School Easton n Element mentary (Moton & & Easton n Middle le School Dobson) n) St. Michae aels ls Eleme ment ntar ary Chapel pel District Element mentary White Marsh Element mentary Tilghma man Eleme ment ntar ary
3 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools /about Demogra graphics phics Enrollm ollmen ent: : 4,630 630 WHITE 64% AFRICAN AMERICAN 16% HISPANIC/LATINO 13% 2 OR MORE RACES 5% ASIAN 2%
4 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools /goals 1:1 Goals Increase se Student Engagement 1 . 2 Improve Educa catio ional l Access 3 Increase se Student Achievement Effe fect ctive use of Tech chnolo logy Through gh Teach ching g and 4 Learning g
5 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools /TCPS Technology Timeline 2005 2005 2006 2006 Pilot Program LMS Integration StudyWiz 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 Program Donor Funded Funded through Capital SMART Boards in all Budget classrooms 2013 2013 2015 2015 iPads Introduced 1:1 grades 6-12 FROG LMS 2:1 grades k-5
6 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools Infras astru tructu cture re Professional al Develo lopment Meetin ting changing bandw dwidth dth and techn chnolo logy Adaptiv tive, effectiv ctive teache acher r trai aining require rements ts 10 Years Manag agement t Lessons Learn rned d Mainte tenan ance ce and balan anci cing accessibili lity ty with th stude dent t Challe allenges, unexpect cted d proble lems and solutio tions safety ty
7 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools Professional Development Vanguard d Team A team of teach cher mentors s to lead d professi ssional devel velopment at the school l level Profess ssional l Develo lopment Adaptive, ve, effect ctive ve teach cher training
8 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools Infrastructure Infrast struct cture Meeting and adapting to changing requirements
100 MB Network 2010-2015
2016-2020 Talbot County Public Schools Wide Area Network Easton Elementary Talbot County Education Center Easton Middle Chapel District Elementary Easton High Talbot County Free Library St. Michaels Branch White Marsh Elementary St. Michaels Campus Talbot County Free Library Tilghman Elementary MD State Library Network 10 GB SAILOR 1 GB
11 11 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools Management and Safety Management and Safety Maintenance ce and balanci cing access ssibility with h stude dent safety • Interne net Filters • LAN School • Tech Staff • Loaner computers and parts
12 12 Talbot t County nty Public c Schools Lessons Learned Lesso ssons s Learned Challenges, unexpected problems and solution ons
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