ensuring opportunity campaign to end poverty in contra

Ensuring Opportunity Campaign to End Poverty in Contra Costa County - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

January 2019 Ensuring Opportunity Campaign to End Poverty in Contra Costa County What is Ensuring Opportunity? 2 A countywide initiative to end poverty in Contra Costa by addressing root causes Goal: Achieve equity and opportunity for

  1. January 2019 Ensuring Opportunity Campaign to End Poverty in Contra Costa County

  2. What is Ensuring Opportunity? 2  A countywide initiative to end poverty in Contra Costa by addressing root causes  Goal: Achieve equity and opportunity for all residents  Change systems & policies, so that every community member has an opportunity to thrive

  3. We engage diverse stakeholders… 3 Leadership Team Busine sse s Nonpr ofit F unde r s pr ovide r s L abor Re side nts or ganizations Public se c tor pr ovide r s Citie s & c ounty F aith c ommunitie s E le c te d offic ials …by creating a “big tent”

  4. We believe that everything is connected … 4 … and EQUITY is at the heart of our work

  5. Contra Costa snapshot 5  1.1 million residents, 804 square miles, 19 cities  Three distinct regions (West, Central, East)  Majority people of color (46% White, 25% Latino/Hispanic, 15% Asian, 9% Black)  Mix of rural, suburban & urban sensibilities

  6. Contra Costa Housing crisis index 6 o 1 in 6 : Residents are struggling to make ends meet o 30,939 : Additional affordable units needed o $7,667 : Monthly income to afford median rent o 75% : ELI* renters spend > 50% of income on rent o 2,234 : People experiencing homelessness (PIT count) o 66%: Decrease in housing funding, 2008-2016 * ELI = Extremely Low Income: earning 30% or less of Area Median Income

  7. 7 Join Ensuring Opportunity’s campaign!  www.endpovertycc.org  @endpovertycc  zgodinez@richmondcf.org


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