Enhanced Family Planning Counseling and Regular Reminder messages in Northern Jordan with a Behavioral Economics Lens Heath J. Prince, PhD | University of Texas, Austin; Ray Marshall Center
Main findings Barriers to Family Planning services • Fear of adverse side effects and complications of Modern Family Planning Methods • Limited availability of skilled Family Planning counselors • Passive and short counseling sessions that lack privacy and don’t address women's needs Enhanced Counseling Beliefs and biases are the Guide + Regular basis for decisions reminder message
Main findings cont. Continuation of Using Modern Family Planning Effectiveness of Enhanced Counseling and Reminder Messages Methods • Use for 9 months The percentage of women who continued using MFPM for 9 months: 50% 45% o 45% of women in Enhanced Counseling and Reminder Messages Group 45% 42% 40% Percentage o 35% 42% of women in the Enhanced Counseling Only Group 27% 30% 25% o 27% of women in the Control Group (Routine Practice) 20% 15% 10% 5% • Enhanced Counseling resulted in a 50% reduction in pregnancy rates 0% Control Counseling only Counseling and reminder messages • Exclusive breast feeding: Pregnancy Rates after 9 months of intervention o Women received enhanced counseling were twice more likely to exclusively 16% 14% 14% breastfeed their babies 12% Percentage 10% 7% 7% 8% o 6% Women received enhanced counseling and reminder messages were three times 4% 2% more likely to exclusively breastfeed their babies 0% Control Counseling only Counseling and reminder messages
Possible contribution to SRHR policy • Enhanced counseling can: o Improve women’s compliance to use of Modern Fmily Planning Methods o Reduce the rate of unwanted and unplanned pregnancy • Recommendations: o Revise and update the Family Planning Counseling guide to be used for counseling postpartum women. o Train midwives to adequate and comprehensive counseling to postpartum to ensure that women fully understand the information delivered. o Maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of clients during family planning provision. o Develop and implement digital solutions such as mobile applications to enhance counseling o Consider couples’ counseling
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