Friends, Families and Travellers – 25 th March 2011 Engagement with Gypsies and Travellers Jill Scarfield Head of Strategic Planning and Performance
HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL • Mainly rural district with 32 Parish Councils and three Neighbourhood Councils in Horsham town • 44 Councillors, Conservative controlled • 200 sq. miles ( 530 sq. km) • Population approx. 130,000 • Households approx.56,000 • Staff employed 430 fte • Electorate 102,000 2
Horsham District Gypsy/Traveller Population •Gypsy and Traveller Population (July 2010 count) = 94 caravans with estimated 180 Gypsies and Travellers • One Council run site – Hillside Park, Small Dole • Two County Council run sites – Adversane and Cousins Copse • Number of other sites - some have planning permission, some have temporary permission and some are unauthorised sites 3
Some of our sites 5
Background to working with FFT • New Leader of the Council, restructure of the Council and part- time Equality and Diversity Officer. • District Council making progress on Equality and Diversity issues • Approach from FFT to work with them on Government funded programme, Tackling Race Inequality, to : “ Develop mechanisms to promote greater Gypsy/Traveller engagement in local democratic and civic participation processes ” • Some good practice – and good officers – already in place • Project built on foundations and provided focus 6
Who is involved? Legal Officer Enforcement Officer Property Manager Community Development Manager Strategic Planning Officer Equality and Diversity Officer Councillors from Social Inclusion Working Group Head of Strategic Planning and Performance Plus Chris Whitwell and Henry Chapman from FFT 7
How we have organised the project • Initial meeting and discussion with key officers/FFT • Production of an Action Plan • Action Plan forms basis of quarterly meeting agenda • Awareness raising within the authority and District • Staff took Henry Chapman out to sites • Linked project into review by Social Inclusion Working Group on Minority Faith and Ethnic Groups 8
Friends, Families and Travellers Project Summer 2010 onwards red �� not started Green = completed amber = underway Traffic light status: Please note completed actions are at the bottom of the project table Action/Event Lead Timescales Progress (traffic light officer/attendees status) Consider and publicise an event in the FFT/HDC Summer 17/2/11:Discussed possibility of linking with “Sparks in the Park” Horsham District for 2011 2011 event on 24/7/11, an exhibition at the Museum and linking up with local schools for some project work – poster design etc. Action: HDC to provide details of a few local schools with Gypsy children attending (on basis close to larger sites) for Henry to contact. Axxxx to put Arts Inclusive Officer in touch with Henry to discuss options. Support Travellers got Talent – Posters to Henry Chapman Spring 2011 FFT welcomes input from Horsham District Council (if funds can come from FFT be located by FFT, HDC will assist with venue and possible judges for the event) 17/2/11: Town Centre Manager is main contact for Town Centre Events. One option is to link with Town Centre Festival in October. Henry keen to run in a hall – Arts Inclusive Officer to be asked to liaise with Henry on options. New seminar – focus on Development Equalities Officer/Jill March 17/2/11: Jill to link as part of Member Induction after elections in management team and other interested Scarfield/FFT 2011 May. Member peer review may be linked on the broader issue of parties (“dispelling myths” about G and Ts). Equality and Diversity Invite local gypsies to a meeting at the Henry January 17/2/11:Henry has identified a number of local Gypsies who Council to discuss project Chapman/HDC 2011 would be interested in coming in for a meeting. Agreed a structured agenda needed, with some time for Planning issues discussion. Equalities Officer to contact Henry to arrange. 9
What are we doing? • Working with electoral registration and Census • Information and awareness raising • Social/cultural events • Addressing illiteracy issues • Meetings of Councillors and Gypsies • Work shadowing opportunities 10
Elections and the Census 11
Information and Awareness Raising Equality and Diversity Calendar June 2011 Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month 12
Outcomes •18% increase in numbers on Electoral Register (38 to 45) • Information on how to vote circulated –words and pictures • Share names of candidates with FFT to extend engagement between Councillors and G&T voters •Proactive approach by Council to Census staff, providing information on sites • Awareness of Gypsies and Travellers increased and requests for further presentation from Councillors – post election •FFT provided evidence to Social Inclusion Working Group •Travellers’ Forum information incorporated into Council’s new diversity calendar •Officers attended meetings of Gypsy and Traveller groups •Interview planned with local Parish Councillor who is a Gypsy 13
Outcomes continued •Actively planning an event to celebrate Gypsy/Traveller culture •Adult literacy training courses information provided •Benefits Visiting Team aware of sites where Gypsies may need help completing applications •Local Gypsies identified to attend meeting at the Council to discuss project. Leader and key Councillors to attend. •Councillors identified to visit sites •Work on a Planning Policy for Gypsy and Traveller sites will link with this project •Opportunity for including young Gypsy within Councillor work-shadowing programme 14
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