
Engagement AUDIO PROBLEMS? Listen on your phone using the phone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Business Continuity Best One More Voice: Practices for Remote Work Increasing Hoosier Civic Engagement AUDIO PROBLEMS? Listen on your phone using the phone number provided. 7/24/2020 Zoom Logistics All participants are currently muted.

  1. Business Continuity Best One More Voice: Practices for Remote Work Increasing Hoosier Civic Engagement AUDIO PROBLEMS? Listen on your phone using the phone number provided. 7/24/2020

  2. Zoom Logistics • All participants are currently muted. (if joining by phone use *6 to mute/unmute) • Rename yourself by hovering over your name in the "Participants" list so it includes your name and organization. Ex: Claudia Cummings | Indiana Philanthropy Alliance. This will help us identify who is on the call. • Use the chat function to send comments and ask questions. • To speak, use the "Raise Hand" function. We will call on you and you may unmute yourself. – By Computer: Found at the bottom of the "Participants" list. – By Smart Phone/Tablet: Click "Participants“ & choose “More” at the bottom of screen. – By Phone: Press *9 • When speaking, please announce yourself and your organization.

  3. Today’s Presenters BILL MOREAU ROSE MEISSNER Co-Founder President Indiana Citizen Education Community Foundation Foundation, Inc. of St. Joseph County

  4. Presentation to: Indiana Philanthropy Alliance July 24, 2020 Bill Moreau Co-Founder & President bill.moreau@indianacitizen.org 317.370.1505 www.indianacitizen.org

  5. www.indianacitizen.org

  6. The rankings are IN … www.indianacitizen.org

  7. www.indianacitizen.org

  8. 34.7% are unregistered … and Indiana’s in the Bottom 10 again www.indianacitizen.org

  9. 2018: 49.3% Despite a record turnout in 2018, we finished 43rd www.indianacitizen.org

  10. We weren’t much better in 2016, 41st 2016: 58.3% www.indianacitizen.org

  11. www.indianacitizen.org

  12. National American History Test of Adults :  The state of Indiana ranked 41st  64% got an F grade  14% got a D grade www.indianacitizen.org

  13. RECOMMENDATION #1: To continue to promote civic engagement, we propose convening a civic education task force to study methods of instruction, programs, and educational outcomes to improve civic education opportunities for all ages and prepare specific policy recommendations to improve civic education opportunities and programs in Indiana. www.indianacitizen.org

  14. Indiana Civic Education Task Force Members Chair: Suzanne Crouch, Indiana Lieutenant Governor Dr. Lemuel Watson, Dean, Indiana University School of Education Senator J.D. Ford, Indiana Senate District 29 Senator R. Michael Young, Indiana Senate District 35 Representative Tonya Pfaff, Indiana House District 43 Representative Tony Cook, Indiana House District 32 Hon. Connie Lawson, Indiana Secretary of State Hon. Loretta Rush, Chief Justice, Indiana Supreme Court Amy Dudas, President, Indiana Bar Foundation Scott Barnhart, President-Elect, Indiana Bar Foundation Janet Chandler, Social Studies Teacher, Hamilton Southeastern High School Dr. Laura Hammack, Superintendent, Brown County School Corporation Dennis Bland, President, Center for Leadership Development Dr. Elizabeth Osborn, President, Indiana Council on Social Studies Kevin Brinegar, President & CEO, Indiana Chamber of Commerce Dr. Eva Zygmunt, Professor, Ball State University Teachers College Honorary Members Hon. Randall Shepard, Former Chief Justice of Indiana Hon. Greg Zoeller, Former Indiana Attorney General Hon. Lee Hamilton, Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Bill Moreau, President, Indiana Citizen Education Foundation www.indianacitizen.org

  15. RECOMMENDATION #2: As we head toward the 2020 elections, Indiana should aspire to increase voting turnout substantially , with the goal of moving from the Bottom 10 to the Top 10 of states. www.indianacitizen.org

  16. Jennifer Westerhaus Adams John Brown Niel and Karen Ellerbrook J. Michael Grubbs Ronald Katz Teresa and Mark Lubbers Linda Moreau David Poisson Eric and Jennifer Scroggins Catherine A. Usher Beverly Agnew Randy Brown Melody Ellert Jane Henegar and Matt Gutwein Gregg and Jannett Keesling Lumina Foundation Peter Morse Kathi and Bob Postlethwait David and Donna Sease Emily and Adam VanOsdol Kevin and Chris and Nancy Aldridge Brian and Bethany Burdick Dan and Marilyn Evans Lena Hackett Margo Kelly Donald Lundberg Kevin Murray Erika Powers Gene and Joanne Sease Stephene VandenBrink Elizabeth Moreau Lusink and Dan and Kate Appel Craig Burkhardt Phil Faccenda Greg Hahn Jeanne and Rod Kelsay Rufus (Bud) Myers Myrta Pulliam Charlotte Sellers Jennifer and Gary Vigran Baxter Lusink Amy W. MacDonell and Courtney Arango Moira and Bill Carlstedt Danielle Falconer Rick and Tami Hall Melina Kennedy Barbara MacDougall Fred and Nancy Nation Jeff and Julie Qualkinbush Tom and Tina Vujovich Randall T. Shepard Denise M. Arie Jan Carroll Nate Feltman Rashid and Katie Hallaway Nick Kile David Maidenberg Julie and Jim Newland Brad Queisser Ona Sircy-Dunaway Denise Wagner Fred and Kathi Armstrong Brian Casey Chris and Paje Felts Carey Hamilton Mickey and Jenny Kim John Maley Kent and Judy Newton Jeff Rasley Cynthia Simon Skjodt David and Susan Wantz John Hammond and Rebecca Aurand Beth and Fred Cate Christine Fitzpatrick Anne and Alan Kimbell Jeff and Julie Mallamad John Niemeyer Rebecca Reeder Mike and Sue Smith Amy Conrad Warner Diana Hamilton Nathan Baker Hillary Close George and Mary Fitzpatrick Nancy and Marshall Hanley John and Kathryn Kish Marissa Manlove Jane and Lewis Norman Terri Reilly Jeff and Heather Smulyan Linda Warner Community Foundation of St. Cindy and Jim Barkley Kevin and Anna Flynn David Harris Don Knebel Steven Mannheimer Samuel Odle Reuben Family Foundation Ann M. Stack Paul Weber Joseph’s County Kirk Grable and Lori Barnhart Russ and Mary Lou Cox Curt Wiley and Priscilla Fossum Rina Harris Jennifer Knebel Janet Mansfield Bill Oesterle Candice Reuben Rich and Janet Starkey Gary Wiggins Chelsea Haring-Cozzi and Matthew and Kellie Barr Trevor and Whitney Foughty Brian and Louise Henderson Michael Knight Donna and Bill Marsh John Olivieri Robert and Carol Reynolds Joni Sterne Heather Willey Anthony Cozzi Jane Ade Stevens and Roger Katrina and Frank Basile Helene and Bob Cross Shaw and Greta Friedman Brandt Hershman John and Julia Koenig Michael S. (Mickey) Maurer Alex and Katie Orlowski Charles Richardson Susan and Brian Williams Stevens John Krauss and Jackie Nytes and Kathleen DeLaney and Chris and Jessica Bayh CSO Architects Lou and Ty Gerig David Herzog Alison Kothe Sally Rideout Eric Williams Marnie Maxwell Michael O’Brien Jim Strenski Timothy J. Riffle and Evan and Susan Bayh Paul and Jennifer Cvar Sue Anne Gilroy William Hogg Bob Kraft Michael and Anne O’Connor Jay and Brenda Rigdon Robert Strohmeyer Mark Williams Sarah M. McConnell Steve Benz Janilyn Daub Fred and Barb Glass Martha and David Hoover Cynthia Kretz William McConnell Nancy Papas Dan and Lisa Riley Kevin Strunk Maura Sullivan Williams Neil Berman Kathy and John Davis Marianne Glick Al and Kathy Hubbard Martha and Ned Lamkin Tim and Jane McGinley Bill and Bernie Paradise Joan SerVaas and Larry Roan Brian and Mary Ann Sullivan David Willkie Susan Guyett and Brad and Lindsey Bingham Howard Gobstein Matt Impink Ann Latscha Holly & Phil McKiernan Sharon and Kirk Parr Blake Roebuck Frank and Cheryl Sullivan Mitzi and Tom Witchger David Dawson Michael Sample and Evan Kelsay and Robert Herzog and Jean Blackwell Terry Dawson Michael and Rita Goldenberg Indiana REALTORS Brian and Gail Payne Randy Rompola Steve Wolff Jhani Laupus Erin McLaughlin Kay Swank-Herzog Marvin Blade Ann and Ed DeLaney Cheryl Gonzalez Krisztina and Ken Inskeep Mark Lawrence Kaye McSpadden Ben Pearlman Terri Roney Janet and Kevin Sweet David and Stephanie Wright Christopher and Bob Blaemire Andrew Detherage Richard and Laurie Gordon Pamella Jahnke Barbara Lawrence Owen (Bud) and Chris Melton Peoples Bank Marya and Tony Rose Ellen Szarleta Simone Yeomans Kim Blanchet Louis Dezelan Jeanine Gozdecki Marcia Root Jansen Robert and Peggy Lazard David and Lisa Meyers Grant Peters John and Susan Ross Donald Tanselle Greg and Kerrie Zoeller David and Ann Bochnowski Thomas and Nancy Dinwiddie Dwight Graham Tim Jeffers Rachel Lerman Lu Pennal and Stan Mikosz Amy and Bart Peterson Mark Rust Jill Long Thompson Les Zwirn Mark and Charles Bantz and Jacob Bonifield Bruce Donaldson Martin and Patty Jischke Nancy Lesser Kendall Millard Samerian Foundation, Inc. John Tinder Meredith Gramelspacher Sandra Petronio Jon Bonsall Greg Downes Kyle Grand Stephen Joiner Christine and David Letts Alan and Sally Mills Tonya Pfaff Chris Scanlon Alan and Ruth Ann Townsend Katie Moreau and Dan Boritt Mary Downes Bob and Melody Grand Randal Kaltenmark Alan and Mary Levin Judith Mishler Jessamine Pilcher Jim and Laura Schellinger Mark Townsend Dave Wortman and Melissa Barbara Bosch Duke Energy Foundation Kelley Karn Michael Levitan Lily Mollabashy Aja May Pirtle John Schlechte Tony and Suzanne Twist Greenwell Jay and Laurie Boyd Charles R. Dunlap Julie Griffith Steven Karn Linda Lewis Janet Moran Barb Pitman Steve and Brynne Schultz Universal Roofing, LLC JoAnn Brouillette Joe Eaton Sean Griggs Kassem/Davis/Colten Families Joe and Susan Loftus Ann and Bill Moreau Tom Pitman Richard Schwartz University of Notre Dame www.indianacitizen.org

  17. Our Advisors www.indianacitizen.org

  18. Let’s encourage Hoosiers to vote without caring how they’ll vote, connected to unbiased information about the candidates and issues. www.indianacitizen.org

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