
ENGAGEMENT WITH RURAL YOUTH Annual General Assembly Global Donor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DONOR ENGAGEMENT WITH RURAL YOUTH Annual General Assembly Global Donor Platform for Rural Development 13 June 2018 G20 Rural Youth Employment Initiative to create job opportunities for at least 30 % of the youth in agricultural value

  1. DONOR ENGAGEMENT WITH RURAL YOUTH Annual General Assembly Global Donor Platform for Rural Development 13 June 2018

  2. G20 Rural Youth Employment Initiative ‘to create job opportunities for at least 30 % of the youth in agricultural value chains by 2025’

  3. Decent Future of agriculture Employment & Rural Decent Lives development

  4. Capacity development engaging with rural youth 1 TVET Entrepreneurship Multiple ways of 2 Business support Access to 3 finance Support to youth org. Access to land ICTs for Ag SHRH

  5. What has been changing in the way donors engage with youth / rural youth

  6. Youth is diverse and can play different roles beyond just beneficiaries • Contracting agreements [youth as advisors] • Youth Think Tank • Linking students with farmers

  7. From farmers to agripreneurs Agriculture as a business • Land: leasing, intergenerational transfer • Finance: tailored & non-financial support • Entrepreneurship: clear targeting, mentoring & follow-up support, linkages to markets

  8. Widening the spectrum of employment opportunities VALUE TERRITORIES CHAIN

  9. Rethinking the provision of of skills & information • Matching demand & supply • Results-based mechanisms • Proximity services & Incubation models • Digital opportunities

  10. Designing policies that are youth responsive • Integrated approach, cross-sectoral • Building capacity of governments • Building capacity of rural youth / org.

  11. Common lessons learned & remaining questions

  12. Nothing can happen without the 1 active engagement of youth [ How to leave no one behind? ] Intentionally applying a youth 2 lens into programmes What is measured becomes visible- 3 [ How to measure progress in quantity and quality?]

  13. Unprecedented need for 4 public and private Coor Coordina dination tion Collabor Colla boration tion Co-design Co design of Sharing Sharing infor inf orma mation tion interventions Combining resources about interventions Linking Linking youth, at national level private sector, gvts.

  14. ‘Just imagine what solutions might be found if young people are given the space and encouragement to participate and lead’. Kofi Annan


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