end user finance for access to clean energy technologies

End-User Finance for Access to Clean Energy Technologies (FACET) - PDF document

Finance for Access to Clean Energy Technologies (FACET) UNEP Round Table March 2013 End-User Finance for Access to Clean Energy Technologies (FACET) Background In Asia and the Pacific, over 800 million people have no access to electricity

  1. Finance for Access to Clean Energy Technologies (FACET) UNEP Round Table March 2013 End-User Finance for Access to Clean Energy Technologies (FACET) Background � In Asia and the Pacific, over 800 million people have no access to electricity � About 1.8 billion people still use wood, dung, crop waste, and other traditional biomass for cooking and heating (source: ADB, Energy For All Initiative) � Only a small percentage of South- and Southeast Asian end- users can afford to purchase clean energy technologies (too capital intensive to buy)

  2. End-User Finance for Access to Clean Energy Technologies (FACET) Objectives Mobilizing financial access to clean energy in Indonesia and � Vietnam Providing temporary financial support mechanisms like � interest rate softening or partial guarantees, combined with TA and capacity building measures Initial disbursements of around 10,000 loans per country � Initiate and scale up domestic bank lending to end-users of � small-scale energy technologies in South and South-East Asia Eligible Technologies Biogas Solar water heaters Solar PV digesters

  3. Eligible Technologies cont. Micro-hydro systems Improved biomass cook-stoves Eligible Technologies cont. Energy efficient appliances (e.g. air conditioners or refrigerators) � � � � Labelling as mandatory precondition

  4. Status in Southeast Asia I. Project preparation II. Project implementation Financial Support Mechanisms: Interest Pre-selection of countries rate softening, partial guarantees and technologies Desk studies: Short-list of partner Technical Support & countries and appropriate technologies Capacity Building Stakeholder consultations: Vietnam, Final goal: Disbursement of 10,000 – Indonesia 20,000 microloans for clean energy technologies Design of Individual country programmes: Selection of technologies, local partners, and Current phase support mechanisms Key Success Factors Country selection: Favourable framework conditions, i.e. RE � laws and action plans, low/decreasing fossil fuel subsidies, etc. Technology selection: Commercial availability, widespread � supplier networks, reliable partners, vendor qualification, definition of minimum product standards FI selection: Own funding, wide outreach/network, � motivated/qualified staff, top management support Financial support mechanisms (e.g. interest subsidy, credit, � guarantee) must be adapted to local market needs Awareness raising among end-users, communication � (partnership) among stakeholders, capacity building in FIs

  5. Thank you. Contact: Torsten Becker, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, t.becker@fs.de


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