enabling dynamic security policy in the java security

Enabling dynamic security policy in the Java security manager - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Enabling dynamic security policy in the Java security manager Fabien Autrel, Fr ed eric Cuppens, Nora Cuppens FPS2012 symposium October 26 th 2012

  1. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Enabling dynamic security policy in the Java security manager Fabien Autrel, Fr´ ed´ eric Cuppens, Nora Cuppens FPS’2012 symposium October 26 th 2012 1

  2. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Introduction 1 JVM sandbox 2 Modelisation 3 Example and implementation 4 Conclusion 5 2

  3. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Introduction Context Security in large computer infrastructures Several different execution environments Several different security components Global security configuration Several ad-hoc configuration languages Manual configuration No global view Security requirements Policy enforcement 3

  4. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Introduction (cont) Need for a common security policy model Expression of a global security policy Organization Based Access Control (OrBAC) Dynamic policy Implementation-independent Automatic policy deployment Policy translation to ad-hoc configuration languages No need to manually modify the configurations 4

  5. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Case study: Java Virtual Machine (JVM) sandbox JVM sandbox Isolates a Java program from the host Boundary defined by an ad-hoc policy language Enforced by the security manager // Standard extensions get all permissions by default grant codeBase "file:${{java.ext.dirs}}/*" { permission java.security.AllPermission; }; ... // default permissions granted to all domains grant { // allows anyone to listen on un-privileged ports permission java.net.SocketPermission "localhost:1024-", "listen"; // "standard" properies that can be read by anyone permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.version", "read"; permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor", "read"; }; 5

  6. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Security policy language Policy: keystore + grants Keystore: private key database Grant: set of permissions grant signedBy "signer_names", codeBase "URL" { permission permission_class_name "target_name", "action", signedBy "signer_names"; permission permission_class_name "target_name", "action", signedBy "signer_names"; ... }; 6

  7. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Sandbox boundaries Sandbox boundaries defined by permission types Implies all permissions: AllPermission Other permissions: SecurityPermission, AWTPermission, FilePermission, SerializablePermission, ReflectPermission, RuntimePermission, NetPermission, SocketPermission, SQLPermission, PropertyPermission, LoggingPermission, SSLPermission, AuthPermission, PrivateCredentialPermission, DelegationPermission, ServicePermission, AudioPermission, UnresolvedPermission Our work covers FilePermission and NetPermission types 7

  8. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion The OrBAC model Models a security policy centered on the organization which defines it or manages it Specification done at the abstract level Roles, activities and views abstract respectively subjects, actions and objects Abstract rules: permissions, prohibitions and obligations Contexts: dynamic rules, can be combined The concrete policy is inferred from the abstract policy and the assignment of concrete entities to abstract entities: is permitted ( Subject , Action , Object ) : − permission ( Org , Role , Activity , View , Context ) , empower ( Org , Subject , Role ) , consider ( Org , Action , Activity ) , use ( Org , Object , View ) , hold ( Org , Subject , Action , Object , Context ) . 8

  9. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Expressing JVM policies in OrBAC Use case Java client application accessing a database Modelisation limited to FilePermission and SocketPermission Reuse organizational entities Existing roles, activities and views Organizational structure JVM hosts modelisation An organization models a set of machines running the same applications Represented as an array of host names/ip Absolute keystore URL Use of an organization hierarchy A default JVM organization as the hierarchy root 9

  10. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Expressing JVM policies in OrBAC FilePermission modelisation Path name Set of actions ( read , write , execute and delete ) Example permission Java.io.FilePermission "${user.home}${/}foo", "read,write"; Activities: read , write , execute , delete and handle handle as a super-activity of read , write and delete Views: depends on the target application In our use case: directory structure Objects have a targetPath attribute 10

  11. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Expressing JVM policies in OrBAC SocketPermission modelisation Host specification host = (host name | IPaddress)[:portrange] portrange = portnumber | -portnumber | portnumber-[portnumber] Set of operations which specifies how connections can be established with the host ( accept , connect , listen and resolve ) Example grant signedBy "Bob" { permission java.net.SocketPermission "some.server.com:8080", "connect, accept"; }; 11

  12. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Expressing JVM policies in OrBAC SocketPermission modelisation Activities: abstraction of network services all protocols , tcp , udp and icmp bidirectionnal , send and receive defined in JVM organization Actions have a port attribute Views: sets of hosts Example: toDatabase represents hosts with a database Objects have an address attribute View definitions can be used use ( hospital , H , toDatabase ) :- networkAddress ( H , A ), subNet ( A , 10 . 0 . 0 . 0 , 24), ¬ use ( hospital , H , toBackup ) . 12

  13. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Expressing JVM policies in OrBAC Contexts: modelisation of code source and signed code codeBase context hold ( JVM , S , , , codeBaseFoo ) :- byteCode ( S , B ), codeBase ( B , database . intranet . mycompany . com ) . signedCode context hold ( JVM , S , , , signedCodeFoo ) :- byteCode ( S , B ), signedBy ( B , someDevelopper ) . 13

  14. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Example Physicians in a hospital using a mobile device. A java applet is used to access the patients data in a database The java applet must be signed by the main developer bob The applet can connect to the database but not the opposite The applet uses four directories appletDir Three sub directories: resource (read only), log (write only) and temp (read and write) Applet started by visiting http : // applet . intranet . hospital . com Mysql 5 database hosted on database . intranet . hospital . com 14

  15. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Example OrBAC abstract security policy Policy defined in the appletOrg organization, sub-organization of JVM Three contexts: hold ( appletOrg , S , , , cbCtx ) :- byteCode ( S , B ), codeBase ( B , applet . intranet . hospital . com ) . hold ( appletOrg , S , , , scCtx ) :- byteCode ( S , B ), signedBy ( B , bob ) . visitTime temporal context 15

  16. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Example OrBAC abstract security policy Abstract rules: permission ( appletOrg , doctor , send , database , scCtx & cbCtx & visitTime ) permission ( appletOrg , doctor , read , resource , scCtx & cbCtx ) permission ( appletOrg , doctor , write , log , scCtx & cbCtx ) permission ( appletOrg , doctor , handle , temp , scCtx & cbCtx ) 16

  17. Outline Introduction JVM sandbox Modelisation Example and implementation Conclusion Example OrBAC concrete security policy Inferred concrete rules: permission ( daniel , mysql , db 1) permission ( daniel , readFilesystem , resource applet 1) permission ( daniel , writeFilesystem , log applet 1) permission ( daniel , readFilesystem , temp applet 1) permission ( daniel , writeFilesystem , temp applet 1) Generated JVM policy: grant signedBy "bob", codeBase "http://applet.intranet.hospital.com" { permission Java.io.FilePermission "\${user.home}\${/}appletDir\${/}resource", "read"; permission Java.io.FilePermission "\${user.home}\${/}appletDir\${/}log", "write"; permission Java.io.FilePermission "\${user.home}\${/}appletDir\${/}temp", "read,write"; permission Java.net.SocketPermission "database.intranet.hospital.com:3306", "connect"; }; 17


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