emulsions with nanoparticles for new materials

Emulsions with Nanoparticles for New Materials Short Project Title: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CONEX Program COOPERATION AND NETWORKING FOR EXCELLENCE Project Title: Emulsions with Nanoparticles for New Materials Short Project Title: EMMA Partners: Coordinator: O. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gnter Brenn Institute of Fluid Dynamics and

  1. CONEX Program COOPERATION AND NETWORKING FOR EXCELLENCE Project Title: Emulsions with Nanoparticles for New Materials Short Project Title: EMMA Partners: Coordinator: O. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Günter Brenn Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (IFDHT) Technische Universität Graz, Austria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil. Tomasz A. Kowalewski Department of Mechanics and Physics of Fluids (DMPF) Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Chemical Physics and Engineering (LCPE) Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

  2. Nano-structured materials – “hot topic” in the materials science: �� nanostructured surfaces for photoelectrochemical and photocathalytic processes; �� paint coatings of new optical properties; �� structured nanoporous materials using colloid crystal templates; �� preparation of core-shell colloid particles of various structures and compositions; �� micro-capsules for encapsulation of drugs, enzymes, minerals, dyes, phase-change materials; �� micro-reaction cages. The main purpose of the project: Use of emulsions stabilized by solid particles for fabrication of nano-composites (colloidosomes, microcapsules, core-shell and composite particles), nano-structured surfaces and porous layers by using emulsion droplets as precursors and/or t emplates

  3. "colloidosome" l a (b) capillary v o m e e r r o forces c f o (a) core core p a r t i c f l u e s i o n (c) adsorption core core-shell particle (a) Particle assembly on emulsion drops to produce (b) “colloidosome” or (c) “core-shell” particles evaporation convective flux capillary forces (d) Nucleus formation (e) 2D crystal growth due to by capillary forces evaporation driven convective flux Formation of particulate layers from colloid particles (including colloidosomes and core-shell particles) by the method of convective self-assembly.

  4. Formation of Pickering Emulsions (Emulsions Stabilized by Solid Particles) � The solid particles form a shell protecting the emulsion drops against coalescence; � The adsorption energy of the particles is very high, but they could encounter a barrier to adsorption; Oil Oil Water (a) (b) � � Water F 2 2 W R OW 1-cos kT � � � � � � �� ads P � A balance of electrostatic repulsion and capillary attraction lead to particle packing and ordering. Oil (c) (d) Water

  5. Kinds of Capillary Forces between Particles: Lateral Capillary Forces: F = � 2 �� Q 1 Q 2 q K 1 ( qL ) Q Q 1 2 for r k << L << q � 1 F 2 �� � � L (2D analogue of the Coulomb law in electrostatics) ( k ) F N Q k = r k sin � k ( k = 1, 2) � 2 �� � “ Capillary Charge” (characterises the interfacial deformation caused by the respective particle)

  6. New Aspects of Capillary Forces: (1) Interaction between Capillary Multipoles (the particles in Pickering emulsions are often rough-edged) Meniscus around particles of undulated contact line: � m qr ( A m cos m � + B m sin m � ) K ( ) � ( r , � ) = � m � 0 Analogy with electrostatics: m = 0 – “capillary charges” m = 1 – “capillary dipoles” m = 2 – “capillary quadrupoles” m = 3 – “capillary hexapoles” .................................................. The capillary force spontaneously rotates a floating particle to annihilate its dipole moment ( m = 1) � The leading multipole orders are the charges and quadrupoles.

  7. Interaction between “Capillary Quadrupoles” The signs “+” and “ � ” symbolize convex and concave local deviations of the contact line from planarity. (a) Initial state. (b) After rotation of the respective particles at angles � A and � B = � � A . 4 r 2 c W ( L ) 12 H cos( 2 2 ) , ( m = 2; L >> 2 r c ) A B � � � � �� � � 4 L � W = � (3/4) � � H 2 Particles in contact ( L / r c = 2 ); optimal orientation, cos(2 � A + 2 � B ) = 1 : For � = 35 mN/m: � W becomes greater than the thermal energy kT for undulation amplitude H > 2.2 Å. � Even a minimal roughness of the contact line could be sufficient to give rise to a significant capillary attraction, which may produce 2D aggregation of the colloidal particles. New Task: Derive general expressions for all types of capillary multipoles; rheology of particle monolayers

  8. New Aspects: (2) Electric-Field Induced Capillary Forces Oil The electric force pushes each particle toward the water phase. The overlap of the interfacial distortions around the two particles leads to a strong Colloidal particles lateral capillary attraction. Water D. Weitz et al. Nature (2002): A rather universal effect, appears with particles from nm to mm size! New Task: Develop a rigorous theory of: (1) electro-dipping force; (2) lateral capillary and electric force

  9. New Aspects: (3) Particles at Meniscus of Non-uniform Curvature Water Water in Oil Oil Water (Fuller et al.) Oil Oil Water in Oil Water Possible explanation: The particles can be (1) attracted or (2) repelled from the flat zone. Electro-dipping force operative. Task: Investigate this effect

  10. Thermodynamic Aspects of Production of Pickering Emulsions Interfacial Work of Emulsification: phase 2 a 2 W A A A N 4 a 12 12 1 p 1 p 2 p 2 p b 2p � � � � r � � � � � c � � � � ( � = a / R 12 ) Direct Emulsion: 2 p � � � 1 p R 12 12 � 3 V � 12 1 � W ( 1 b ) [ f ( )( 1 b ) 2 b cos ] d � a a a � � � � � � � � phase 1 � � � � � a Reverse Emulsion: O 3 V 12 2 � W ( 1 b ) [ g ( )( 1 b ) 2 b cos ] r � a a a � � � � � � � � � � � � � a � W = W d � W r , provides an Emulsification Criterion (which emulsion will form upon agitation): � W < 0 � the direct emulsion is formed; � W > 0 � the reverse emulsion is formed.

  11. Calculated Work of Emulsification: Oil W d � W r < 0 � the direct emulsion is formed; � Water W d � W r > 0 � the reverse emulsion is formed. ( � = a / R 12 ) Catastrophic phase inversion (?) 70:30 Phase 1 / Phase 2 30:70 Phase 1 / Phase 2 0.04 0.12 � = 30 o �� 140 o Reverse 0.10 � � �� Emulsions � = 70 o 0.02 0.08 Reverse Emulsions � = 90 o 0.06 � = 120 o 0.00 � = 100 o 0.04 w d - w r w d - w r 0.02 -0.02 � � = 100 o � = 110 o 0.00 �� 90 o � � �� -0.04 � = 120 o -0.02 Direct �� 70 o -0.04 Direct � � �� -0.06 Emulsions Emulsions �� 50 o -0.06 � � �� � = 140 o �� 30 o � � �� -0.08 -0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 Dimensionless curvature, � Dimensionless curvature, �

  12. Membrane Emulsification Porous glass or ceramic membrane New Task: Apply this method to Pickering emulsions Produced monodisperse common emulsion: (pore diameter 3.2 � m) Surface of a membrane with 2 µm pore size

  13. Oil-in Water Emulsions Obtained by Hydrophilic Membranes 120 Mean drop diameter, d drop ( � m) 10 5 mM AOT + 20 mM NaCl; 100 � = 0.44 mN/m 2 wt % Tween 20 8 oil: hexadecane Number of droplets d pore = 3.2 � m 80 6 60 4 d drop / d pore � 3 40 2 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 Mean pore diameter, d pore ( � m) 0 10 20 30 Droplet diameter, � m Mean drop diameter, d drop ( � m) 10 5 mM AOT at various NaCl concentrations hexadecane drops; pore diameter = 1 � m 8 Typically d drop / d pore � 3 6 d drop / d pore is independent of the 4 pore size 2 d drop / d pore is independent of the interfacial tension 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Interfacial tension oil-water, � (mN/m)

  14. Basic Question: Theoretical Analysis: Why d drop / d pore � 3 ? Condition for Detachment of a Growing Drop from a Pore (irrespective of pore size, interfacial tension and viscosity of the liquid phases?) KEY: Analogy: detachment of a pendant drop �� Steady state growth: F tot = 0; �� At a given size the drop profile becomes unstable; �� The critical value of the body (gravitational) force is: F cr = � d drop � ( x ) x = d drop / d pore � ( x ) � known universal function � ( x ) � ( V max ) 2/3 ; V max – dimensionless maximum drop volume

  15. 10 �� For � P < � P cr emulsion drops are not released from the 9 membrane. 8 Point C: 7 �� For � P > � P cr drops with two different sizes, � P = � P cr 6 � P / � P cr corresponding to the points A 1 and A 2 , � two-peak drop- 5 size distribution; 4 3 �� For � P = � P cr (point C) monodisperse drops are produced A 1 A 2 2 with d drop / d pore � 3. C 1 � d drop / d pore � 3 (monodisperse drops), irrespective of the 0 type of the oily and aqueous phases, interfacial tension, bulk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 viscosities, surfactant adsorption kinetics, etc. d drop / d pore � P = 0.05 kgf/cm 2 ; 0.25 M SDS + 12 mM NaCl, � P = 0.02 kgf/cm 2 ; 0.25 M SDS + 12 mM NaCl, Pore diameter 10.4 � m; Oil: hexadecane Pore diameter 10.4 � m; Oil: hexadecane 120 250 100 � P > � P cr 200 � P � � P cr Number of drops Number of drops 80 150 60 100 40 50 20 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 (a) Drop diameter, � m (b) Drop diameter, � m


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