empirical evaluation of anytime weighted and or best

Empirical Evaluation of Anytime Weighted AND/OR Best-First Search - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Empirical Evaluation of Anytime Weighted AND/OR Best-First Search for MAP joint work with Radu Marinescu and Rina Dechter Summary Best first search (A*) is *best* combinatorial optimization algorithm, but is not anytime. (First solution

  1. Empirical Evaluation of Anytime Weighted AND/OR Best-First Search for MAP joint work with Radu Marinescu and Rina Dechter

  2. Summary  Best first search (A*) is *best* combinatorial optimization algorithm, but is not anytime. (First solution at termination only). It also requires excessive memory, and therefore rarely used for Graphical models.  Depth-first branch-and-bound is less effective, but is anytime and requires far less memory. It is the main search scheme for Graphical models.  Recent work in path-finding heuristic search showed that weighted A* facilitates anytime scheme with accuracy guarantees.  Weighted A* finds approximate solution faster [Pohl 1970]  Anytime A* finds an approximate solution and improves it over time [Hansen, Zhou 2007]. Other weighted anytime best first schemes [Likhachev et al. 2003, Richter et al. 2010, van den Berg et al. 2011]

  3. Summary: our work  we adapt the weighted anytime best first search to AND/OR search spaces. Specifically,  We investigate the extensions of AOBF to anytime schemes and compare with the most effective anytime scheme to date: Breadth-Rotating AOBB (BRAOBB).  We also investigate the theoretical properties of the search space explored by a weighted Best First search.  Ongoing work: investigation of the potential of Weighted Branch and Bound

  4. Background: Weighted A* A* search Weighted A* search admissible heuristic non-admissible heuristic • • evaluation function: Evaluation function: • • f(n)=g(n)+h(n) f(n)=g(n)+ w∙h (n) guaranteed optimal Guaranteed w-optimal • • solution, cost C* solution, cost C ≤ w∙ C* t t s s explored smaller (hopefully) search space explored search space

  5. Background: AND/OR Best First (AOBF) [Marinescu, Dechter 2009]  Time, space worst-case time complexity:  h  AND/OR tree: O ( N k )    AND/OR graph: w * O ( N m k )  Mini-bucket heuristics are known to be efficient for AND/OR search [Kask&Dechter 1999, Marinescu&Dechter, 2009]  The i-bound parameter flexibly controls accuracy  Extreme case: Bucket Elimination produces exact heuristic [Dechter 1999]

  6. Background: BRAOBB [Otten, Dechter 2011]  OR Branch-and-Bound is anytime.  But AND/OR breaks anytime behavior of depth-first scheme:  First anytime solution delayed until last subproblem starts processing  Breadth-Rotating AOBB:  Take turns processing subproblems.  Solve each subproblem depth-first. rotate

  7. Our contribution  We adapted for the AND/OR search space 3 existing anytime best first search schemes:  ARA* [Likhachev, M.; Gordon, G.; and Thrun , S. NIPS’03]  ANA* [van den Berg, J.; Shah, R.; Huang, A.; and Goldberg, K. AAAI’11]  Anytime AO* [Bonet, B, Geffner H. AAAI’12]  We proposed 3 original schemes:  a simple iterative anytime weighted Best First scheme wAOBF  2 hybrid schemes that interleave Depth First search and Best First search, using some ideas of ANA*

  8. Anytime weighted AOBF (wAOBF)  Weighted AOBF : Run ordinary AOBF with evaluation function f(n)=g(n)+ w∙h (n)  Anytime weighted AOBF (wAOBF):  ( is similar to Restarting weighted A* [Richter et al. 2010 ] )  Consider some starting weight w  until w=1 or out of time  with current weight w run Weighted AOBF from scratch to completion  output the solution found by Weighted A* a lot of computation is  Decrease w by fixed positive value δ repeated -> wasteful! Theorem: The cost of each solution is bounded by current weight: C ≤ w ∙ C* [Pohl 1970]

  9. Anytime Repairing AOBF (wR-AOBF)  wAOBF repeats a lot of computations at each iteration – wasteful!  Solution: reuse results of previous iterations  Keep track of the partially explored AND/OR graph  After w decreases update evaluation for all nodes whose f(n) changed with new weight, bottom-up from leaves to the root  Identify a new best partial solution tree and continue search

  10. Anytime Nonparametric AOBF (wN-AOBF)  how to choose weight? nobody knows, always done ad hoc  wN- AOBF doesn’t use input parameters  Main Idea:  assign to each node n a function e(n)=(C- g(n))/h(n). where C is the current best solution  e(n) is equal to the maximum value of w such that f(n) ≤ C, so the algorithm improves the solution as greedily as possible, automatically adapting the implicit value of w as the path quality increases.  Original ANA* at each step expanded the node in OPEN with max e(n). However, AOBF- style algorithms don’t keep explicit OPEN list and the implementation is more involved

  11. Anytime Stochastic AOBF (p-AOBF)  Main idea:  allow search to also expand nodes that may not be on the optimal path  Specifically:  at each step it expands a tip node that does not belong to the current best partial solution graph with a fixed probability (1 − p)  Parameter 0 ≤ p ≤1 allows a trade off between exploration and exploitation of search space  does not provide optimality guarantees

  12. Experiments 1: anytime stochastic AOBF  Algorithms: MPE task – higher values are better!  wAOBF Simple weight schedule  p-AOBF (p=0.2) substract(0.1):  p-AOBF (p=0.8) w i+1 = w i -0.1  BRAOBB w 1 =32  3 datasets:  16 pedigree networks  17 binary grids  20 protein instances  time limit - 1 hour  memory limit - 2 Gb

  13. Experiments 1: anytime stochastic AOBF

  14. Experiments 2: anytime nonparametric AOBF  Algorithms:  wAOBF Simple weight schedule  p-AOBF (p=0.5) substract(0.1):  wN-AOBF w i+1 = w i -0.1  wR-AOBF w 1 =32  BRAOBB  3 datasets:  16 pedigree networks  17 binary grids  20 protein instances  time limit - 1 hour  memory limit - 2 Gb

  15. Experiments 2: anytime nonparametric AOBF

  16. Experiments 3: impact of the weight  Algorithms:  wAOBF Simple weight schedule  wR-AOBF substract(0.1):  3 datasets: w i+1 = w i -0.1  16 pedigree networks w 1 =4  17 binary grids  20 protein instances  time limit - 1 hour  memory limit - 2 Gb

  17. Experiments 3: impact of the weight

  18. Experiments 3: impact of the weight

  19. Experiments 3: impact of the weight

  20. Experiments 4: alternative weight schedules

  21. Experiments 4: alternative weight schedules  Algorithms:  wAOBF  wR-AOBF  3 datasets of hardest instances:  Pedigrees  Grids 5 weight schedules  WCSP  time limit - 1 hour  memory limit - 2 Gb

  22. Experiments 4: alternative weight schedules

  23. Experiments 4: alternative weight schedules

  24. Experiments 4: alternative weight schedules

  25. Experiments 5: large memory limit  Algorithms: MPE task – higher values are better!  wAOBF Two best weight schedule  wR-AOBF piecewise()  BRAOBB revsqrt() (=sqrt())  3 datasets of hardest instances:  Pedigrees  Grids  WCSP  time limit - 2 hour s  memory limit - 120 Gb

  26. Experiments 5: large memory limit: pedigrees

  27. Experiments 5: large memory limit: pedigrees

  28. Experiments 5: large memory limit: WCSPs

  29. Experiments 5: large memory limit: WCSPs

  30. Experiments 5: large memory limit: grids

  31. Experiments 5: large memory limit: grids

  32. ANA-RAGGED  Main idea:  Maintain best partial solution tree (as usual for AOBF) + feasible partial solution tree (constructed based on the e(n)), e(n)=(C- g(n))/h(n)  For each node:  q(n) – lower bound on the cost of the best solution below n  u(n) – upper bound; u(s) – upper bound on the overall optimal solution  Expand tip nodes of the feasible tree. If it has no tip nodes, expand tip node of best partial solution tree  Each time a new node is expanded, best partial solution tree is recalculated  If a new leaf found – recalculate u(n) for best partial solution tree  If an improved solution is found, it is outputted and the feasible partial solution tree is recalculated


  34. ANA-RAGGED  Problem: After feasible partial solution tree can no longer be expanded and before finding a new improved solution ANA-RAGGED performs BF search, which can take a lot of time, because we only update u(n) when a new leaf is found -> until then we can’t find new solution - > can’t re - compute feasible partial solution tree  -> long period between finding new solutions = not so good anytime performance

  35. ANA-SMOOTH  Main idea:  Run similar to ANA-RAGGED  After each new node expansion:  Update u(n) values -> possible to find a new solution  e-compute feasible partial solution tree -> possible to obtain new tip nodes and coninue depth-first dive  Drawback:  More updates at every step  Benefit:  More chances to find a new solution -> smoother anytime behaviour

  36. Experiments 6: nonparametric hybrid schemes  Algorithms:  wAOBF  wR-AOBF  BRAOBB  3 datasets of hardest instances ( no determinism ):  Pedigrees  Grids  WCSP  time limit - 2 hour s  memory limit - 120 Gb

  37. Experiments 6: nonparametric hybrid schemes

  38. Experiments 6: nonparametric hybrid schemes

  39. Experiments 6: nonparametric hybrid schemes


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