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Emmy Arts Erasmus+ assessments for French National Agency Dutch - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

International Credit Mobility : Erasmus+ outside Europe Webinar T.I.M.E. 4 & 5 December 2019 Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019 Emmy Arts Erasmus+ assessments for French National Agency Dutch National

  1. International Credit Mobility : Erasmus+ outside Europe Webinar T.I.M.E. 4 & 5 December 2019 Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  2. Emmy Arts Erasmus+ assessments for French National Agency Dutch National Agency Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  3. For students: in a nutshell: Incoming and outgoing mobility : What: Study period and Traineeship Level: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Duration: from 3 months (90 days) to 12 months, from and to partner countries Combined mobilities: traineeship period included in study period Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  4. For staff: in a nutshell: Incoming and outgoing Mobility Duration: from 5 days to 2 months, excluding travelling time: Teaching activity : minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week, from and to Partner countries. Training activity : training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI Combined mobility: possibility to associate teaching ad training within the same period. Minimum number of teaching hours will then be 4 hours per week. Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  5. Which countries can participate: • African, Caribbean and Pacific countries • EU's neighbourhood regions: Eastern Partnership; South Mediterranean; Russian Federation • Western Balkans • Development cooperation regions: Asia; Latin America; Central Asia; South Africa; Middle East • Industrialised countries; Industrialised Asia; Industrialised America Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  6. Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  7. Restrictions per financial instrument • Argentina, Brazil, China (DCI countries) Outgoing Mobilities (Europe>partner) only on Doctorate Level • Australia, Canada, Japan (PI countries) No restrictions Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  8. Success rate applications France Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance : 100% European Neighbourhood Instrument : East: 38%, South: 33%, IEV : 21% Development Cooperation Instrument : 33/117 applications selected ICD Asie: 28% 9/20 applications selected for ICD Central Asia: 45% 13/75 applications selected for Latin-America: 17% 6/11 applications selected ICD Middle East: 55% 3/13 applications selected South-Africa: 23% European Development Fund: 50 % Partnership Instrument: 13/89 applications selected PI Americas:15%. 8/66 applications selected PI Asia:12% Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  9. Budget Organizational Support (OS): Amount per participant: 350 € Travel costs Distance Amount Between 10 - 99km 20€ per participant Betwee n 100 - 499km 180€ per participant Between 500 - 1999km 275€ per participant Between 2000 - 2999km 360€ per participant Between 3000 - 3999km 530€ per participant Between 4000 - 7999km 820€ per participant From 8000km 1500€ per participant Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  10. Budget Mobility Programme countries (Out) France (IN) Staff Mobility 180€ per day 160€ per day Teaching Staff Mobility 160€ per day 180€ per day Training activity Student Mobility 700€ per month 850€ per month Studies Student Mobility 700€ per month 850€ per month Internship Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  11. Application: 4 criteria: Mark /100 1. Relevance of the strategy (30/100) 2. Quality of the cooperation arrangements (30/100) 3. Quality of the project design and implementation (20/100) 4. Impact and Dissemination (20/100) Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  12. 1. Relevance of the strategy  In what way the requested mobilities are in accordance with the international strategy of the institutions? The strategies of all partners involved should be explained here.  Which is the reason to work with the country? Why these institutions? Are there any links with companies, ministries, embassies, regions, networks...  Where do the alumni work?  Why do these mobilities reinforce the objectives on an international level. It is important to explain why the partner countries have been chosen.  Indicate the number of students and the current flows from the institutions to justify the requested flows. Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  13. 2. Quality of the cooperation  Current cooperation (what agreements have been signed, since when, visits ..)  Are the institutions already involved in Actions (Erasmus Mundus, other KA 1)  What experience on an international level and project management?  Which courses and which levels?  What will the participants do?  How will participants be selected? All participants are concerned, so also teachers. Degree level (Bachelor, Master), academic results, language level, ..  What support and by whom for the organization of the visa, housing etc.? Mobility Kit, Mobility Tool, Erasmus + financial management by RI (not in detail, as this will be part of the following criterion)  How will the partners communicate? Mail, videoconferences, collaborative workspace, ...  The roles and tasks of each partner should be clearly indicated. Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  14. 3. Quality of project design and implemenation  Clearly indicate all stages of mobilities: preparation, implementation, monitoring. It is important to indicate this for all the mobilities concerned (not only students!) Before, during and after mobility.  Selection procedures by the different partners for the different mobilities. Selection Criteria, Schedule etc. Special attention must be given to equal opportunities (underprivileged backgrounds, scholarship students, students with disabilities)  Information and support provided to participants: housing, language courses, study contracts, mobility check, administrative support for insurance, visa.  Recognition of mobility for all mobility: students and staff (the mention of a certificate is sufficient). Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  15. 4. Impact & dissemination  Explain the expected impact of the mobility project on participants, beneficiaries, partner organizations and on local, regional and national levels.  Describe the measures that will be put in place to disseminate the results of the mobility project at the university and institutional levels and beyond, as appropriate, both in the Program Countries and in the Program Partner Countries.  Impact on the participants: cultural and scientific openness, network, internships, scientific knowledge, employability, language. Internationalization at home.  Impact on institutions: internationalization of the campus, alumni network, double degree program: reinforcement, research links, co-supervision of thesis. Attract the best students with grants.  Dissemination: networks, high schools, reports, presentations., Region, companies with cooperation in both countries ...(jobfair)  How will the results be measured? What assessments? Send survey to participants. Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  16. How to participate  Annual call - deadline February 2020  International Relations play an important r ole, but can’t do it all alone  Find relevant European partners (T.I.M.E. network ideally)  European Commission’s 'Do’s and don'ts for higher education institutions' http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/library/credit- mobility-dos-donts_en  Form sample for 2020: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus- plus/resources/documents/erasmus-higher-education-student-and-staff- mobility-between-programme-and_en Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

  17. Important points  European partners apply, but the application and the project have to be carried out by all partners involved  Erasmus procedures and structures need to be known by all partners involved  Annual call  Very competitive action depending on the region Emmy Arts, International Relations, Centrale Marseille, November 2019

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