elementary school wide plans

Elementary School-Wide Plans Report to Curriculum Committee - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Elementary School-Wide Plans Report to Curriculum Committee October, 2017 Created and Presented by Elizabeth Clarke, Melanie Ellsworth, Margaret Emery, Dan Hart, Tiffany Karnes, DJ Thorne and Mary Lou Peterson Changes This Year - Transition

  1. Elementary School-Wide Plans Report to Curriculum Committee October, 2017 Created and Presented by Elizabeth Clarke, Melanie Ellsworth, Margaret Emery, Dan Hart, Tiffany Karnes, DJ Thorne and Mary Lou Peterson

  2. Changes This Year - Transition from NCLB to ESSA More State Control - sought input from stakeholders ● Shift to a more cohesive system ● Including Strategic Plan ○ District Goals - coordinated with school level needs ○ District Priorities were determined by larger application development ● team at a needs assessment meeting in June 4 Goal areas were set for the district ●

  3. District View - Elementary Schools School goals were added, based on individual school needs ● District and each school wrote a profile report, and project ● 6 Schools have Title I school-wide plans ( in order of Rank & Distribution) ● Agnes Gray ○ Waterford ○ Oxford ○ Paris ○ Rowe ○ Harrison ○ Otisfield ○ Hebron ○ Percent Poverty

  4. District Goals Need: Math professional development district wide to provide staff instructional strategies that aid eliciting and using evidence of student thinking, and develop a district wide system for collecting data to assess student learning Goals: 95% of K-6 teachers will participate in math PD sessions and report the ways in which they have shifted their practice in a brief survey mid-year and at the end of the year. 100% of K-6 teachers will collect student work samples and enter data into a district database for summative math assessments

  5. District Goals Need: Reading achievement needs to improve, to have more students meet proficiency levels and a new reading curriculum (Calkins Units of Study) will be implemented to begin to address this need. The provision of professional development to move the district toward full implementation is needed. (Current proficiency is 68%) Goal: 75% of K-6 students who take the Teachers College Assessment will meet proficiency levels for their grade level

  6. District Goals Need: Behavior (social/emotional) needs must be addressed to lessen the negative impact they have on student learning Goal: 98% of PreK-6 teachers will name a minimum of 3 new strategies that they have implemented to manage student behavior over the course of FY 17-18, rating the impact each had on the targeted behavior.

  7. District Goals Need: New teachers need to understand the systems used in the district and get support with a variety of needs in their first three years of teaching. The district's system is at early stages of development and it needs to be more comprehensive . Goals: 100% of new teachers will engage in professional development that provides the core expectations of the district for curriculum and teaching standards, as well as supporting the needs of new staff. 75% of new teachers will rate the support they received as effective

  8. Agnes Gray School: Results 2016-2017 Goal 1: By June 2017, 85% of students in grades K-4 without reading IEP goals will achieve grade-level proficiency as measured by the Teacher’s College reading assessment. TOTAL SCHOOL WIDE %: 58% ● Lack of reading curriculum ● No literacy coach ● Needs at primary level not supported by enough intervention ● No phonics curriculum

  9. Agnes Gray Results 2016-2017 Kindergarten (19 students) - 37% Grade 2 (17 students) - 30% ● 7 students met or exceeded ● 10 students were part of the sample ● 12 did not achieve grade level proficiency ○ 3 students met or exceeded ○ 1 student has been identified as ELL ○ 7 students did not achieve grade level ○ 1 was retained proficiency ● Current reading data from fall 2017 ■ Two of these students are repeating ○ 9 are meeting/exceeding second grade ○ 6 are partially meeting ■ Two students are in referral as third ○ 2 DNM (one is ELL) graders Grade 1 (18 students)- 39% ● 7 students met or exceeded Grade 3 (18 students) - 100% ● 11 did not achieve grade level proficiency ○ 4 students entered 1st grade a year below Grade 4 (13 students) - 85% grade level and were unable to make two year’s worth of growth ○ 7 students - DHS involvement

  10. Agnes Gray School: Results 2016-2017 Goal 2: Based on the Learning Progression, 80% of students will increase at least one level overall in informational writing from the fall of 2016 to the spring 2017. TOTAL SCHOOL-WIDE %: 86% Kindergarten - 89% Grade 1 - 71% Grade 2 - 83% Grade 3 - 89% Grade 4 - class 100%

  11. Agnes Gray School: Results 2016-2017 Goal 3: By June 2017, 100% of students who received Special Education services for reading since September of 2016 will make at least one-year’s growth or meet grade level benchmarks as measured by the Teacher’s College reading assessment. Total SPED population - 100% Goal 4: By June 2017, 100% of staff will participate in Standard Operating Procedures work to improve school wide behaviors. Total staff participation -100%

  12. Agnes Gray School: Goals 2017-2018 Reading: 75% of students in grades K-2 will achieve grade-level proficiency or make a year's worth of growth Keyboarding: 100% of teachers will implement a keyboarding program Working Together to Support our Students: (Accountability Report) 95% of classroom and special education teachers will have participated in one full day colleague visit 95% of classroom, intervention, and special education teachers will have participated in a book study.

  13. Harrison Elementary School 2016-2017 Goals Goal #1: By June 2017, 86% of students in grades 3-6 will achieve grade level proficiency or make more than one year’s growth in written or verbal comprehension, as measured by district approved assessments. Results: School Wide- 92% Goal Met Grade 3- 96% Grade 4- 84% Grade 5- 93% Grade 6- 93%

  14. Harrison Elementary 2016-2017 Goals Goal #2: By June 2017, 65% students will meet proficiency standards for solving word problems as measured by an end of the year district approved assessment, school approved assessment, or as stated in students’ math IEP goals. Results: School Wide: 76% Goal Met Grade 3- 81% Grade 4- 64% Grade 5- 80% Grade 6- 72% IEP- 100%

  15. Harrison Elementary School 2016-2017 Goals Goal #3: By June 2017, 70% of students will increase at least one level overall in two out of the three types of writing (narrative, informational, opinion) from fall 2016 to spring of 2017, as measured by Units of Study by Lucy Calkins. Results: School Wide 81% Goal Met Grade 3- 88% Grade 4- 87% Grade 5- 60% Grade 6- 82%

  16. Harrison Elementary School 2017-2018 Goals Reading: 85% of students in grades 3-6 will achieve grade level proficiency or make more than one year’s growth in Reading, as measured by district approved assessments, Fall to Spring. Writing: 81% of students will increase at least one level overall in two out of the three types of writing (narrative, informational, opinion) from fall 2017 to spring of 2018 Math: 70% of students will meet proficiency standards for solving word problems. District Behavior Goal: In supporting the district behavior goal, the school will develop a working document that specifically focuses on positive relationships with students and specific consequences for inappropriate behaviors.

  17. Hebron Station School: Results 2016-2017 Goal #1: By June of 2017, 90% of students will achieve grade-level proficiency as measured by the Teacher’s College reading assessment. 61% of students met this proficiency goal. Kindergarten - 90% Grade 1 - 81% Grade 2 - 87% Grade 3 - 100% Grade 4 - 71% Grade 5 - 28% Grade 6 - 62%

  18. Hebron Station School: Results 2016-2017 Goal #2, Based on the Learning Progressions, 85% of students will increase at least one level overall in narrative writing from the fall of 2016 to the spring of 2017. 74% of students met this growth goal. Kindergarten -92% Grade 1 - 94% Grade 2 - 81% Grade 3 - 89% Grade 4 - 50% Grade 5 - 41% Grade 6 - 74%

  19. Hebron Station School: Results 2016-2017 Goal #3, By June 2017, 100% of staff will have incorporated (and the principal will have documented) restorative reflection conversations into our behavior management plan. We achieved this goal as 100% of staff incorporated restorative reflection conversations into our behavior management plan.

  20. Hebron Station School: Goals 2017-2018 For 2017-2018, Hebron Station School Goals will mirror the district goals 75% of K-6 students who take the Teachers College Assessment will meet proficiency levels for ● their grade level. 95% of K-6 teachers will participate in PD sessions and report the ways in which they have ● shifted their practice in a brief survey mid-year and at the end of the year. 100% of K-6 teachers will collect student work samples and enter data into a district database for summative assessments. 100% of new teachers will engage in professional development that provides the core ● expectations of the district for curriculum and teaching standards, as well as supports the needs of new staff. 75% of new teachers will rate the support they received as effective. 100% of Classroom and Special Education Teachers will take part in a cluster conference visit. ●


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