elementary particles lecture 3

Elementary Particles Lecture 3 Niels Tuning Harry van der Graaf - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Elementary Particles Lecture 3 Niels Tuning Harry van der Graaf Niels Tuning (1) Plan Theory Detection and sensor techn. Quantum Quantum Forces Mechanics Field Theory Light Interactions Scintillators with Matter PM

  1. Lecture 2: Quantum Mechanics & Scattering • Schrödinger equation – Time-dependence of wave function • Klein-Gordon equation – Relativistic equation of motion of scalar particles Ø Dirac equation – Relativistically correct, and linear – Equation of motion for spin-1/2 particles – Prediction of anti-matter Niels Tuning (20)

  2. Lecture 2: Quantum Mechanics & Scattering • Scattering Theory – (Relative) probability for certain process to happen – Cross section Scattering amplitude in Classic Quantum Field Theory • Fermi’s Golden Rule a → b + c – Decay: “decay width” Γ – Scattering: “cross section” σ a + b → c + d Niels Tuning (21)

  3. Resonances

  4. Quantum mechanical description of decay State with energy E 0 ( ) and lifetime τ To allow for decay, we need to change the time-dependence: What is the wavefunction in terms of energy (instead of time) ? Ø Infinite sum of flat waves, each with own energy Ø Fourier transformation: 1 = Ψ 0 i ⎛ ⎞ ( ) i E E − − Γ ⎜ ⎟ 0 2 ⎝ ⎠

  5. Resonance P max Probability to find particle with Breit-Wigner energy E: P max /2 E 0 - Γ /2 E 0 E 0 - Γ /2 Resonance-structure contains information on: § Mass § Lifetime § Decay possibilities

  6. Rutherford Ø 3d: incoming particle “sees” surface d σ , and scatters off solid angle d Ω Ø Calculate: Niels Tuning (25)

  7. Scattering Theory Let’s try some potentials • Yukawa: (Pion exchange) • Coulomb: (Elastic scattering) • Centrifugal Barier: (Resonances) Niels Tuning (26)

  8. Well-known resonances e + e - cross-section e + e - → R → e + e - Z-boson J/ψ

  9. Outline for today • Resonances • Quarkmodel – Strangeness – Color • Symmetries – Isospin – Adding spin – Clebsch Gordan coefficients Niels Tuning (28)

  10. Lecture 1: Standard Model & Relativity • Standard Model Lagrangian • Standard Model Particles Niels Tuning (29)

  11. Particles • Quarks and leptons…: Niels Tuning (30)

  12. Particles… Niels Tuning (31)

  13. The number of ‘ elementary ’ particles 1936: 1947: 1932: electron electron electron proton proton proton neutron neutron neutron muon muon pion

  14. 1947 1932: the positron had been observed to confirm Dirac ’ s theory, § 1947: and the pion had been identified as Yukawa ’ s strong force § carrier, Ø So, things seemed under control!? Ok, the muon was a bit of a mystery… § § Rabi: “Who ordered that ?”

  15. Quark model

  16. Discovery strange particles Discovery strange particles

  17. Discovery strange particles • Why were these particles called strange ? Ø Large production cross section (10 -27 cm 2 ) Ø Long lifetime (corresponding to process with cross section 10 -40 cm 2 ) Niels Tuning (36)

  18. Discovery strange particles • Why were these particles called strange ? Ø Large production cross section (10 -27 cm 2 ) Ø Long lifetime (corresponding to process with cross section 10 -40 cm 2 ) • Associated production! Niels Tuning (37)

  19. Discovery strange particles • Why were these particles called strange ? Ø Large production cross section (10 -27 cm 2 ) Ø Long lifetime (corresponding to process with cross section 10 -40 cm 2 ) • Associated production! Niels Tuning (38)

  20. Discovery strange particles • Why were these particles called strange ? Ø Large production cross section (10 -27 cm 2 ) Ø Long lifetime (corresponding to process with cross section 10 -40 cm 2 ) • Associated production! π New quantum number: Ø Strangeness, S π Ø Conserved in the strong K π interaction, Δ S=0 p Particles with S=+1 and § Λ S=-1 simultaneously π produced Ø Not conserved in individual decay, Δ S=1 Niels Tuning (39)

  21. Discovery strange particles • Why were these particles called strange ? Ø Large production cross section (10 -27 cm 2 ) Ø Long lifetime (corresponding to process with cross section 10 -40 cm 2 ) Production: • Associated production! π - p → K 0 Λ 0 π Decay: New quantum number: K 0 → π - π + Ø Strangeness, S Λ 0 → π - p π Ø Conserved in the strong K π interaction, Δ S=0 p Particles with S=+1 and § Λ S=-1 simultaneously π produced Ø Not conserved in individual decay, Δ S=1 Niels Tuning (40)

  22. Intermezzo: conserved quantities • What is conserved in interactions? – Decays & Scattering Ø Energy, momentum Ø Electric charge Ø Total angular momentum (not just spin) • Strangeness? • Baryon number • Lepton flavour • Colour? • Parity? • CP ? • … Niels Tuning (41)

  23. Kinematics π - π + K 0 S m 1 m 2 Specific (m 1 =m 2 =m): M before after What is the energy of final-state particles?

  24. Kinematics p Λ 0 π - m 1 m 2 M Specific: (m 1 =m 2 =m) What if masses of final-state particles differ, m 1 ≠ m 2 ? General: ( ) 2 2 M m ± Δ p 1,2 =? E = 1 , 2 2 M

  25. Strange particles Strangeness Mesons Baryons Particle Mass S Particle Mass S K 0 497.7 +1 Σ + 1189.4 -1 K + 493.6 +1 What is different…? 1192.6 -1 Σ 0 K - 493.6 -1 1197.4 -1 Σ - K 0 497.7 -1 Λ 0 1115.6 -1 1314.9 -2 Ξ 0 1321.3 -2 Ξ - Corresponding anti-baryons have positive Strangeness

  26. 50’s – 60’s • Many particles discovered à ‘particle zoo’ • Will Lamb: “ The finder of a new particle used to be awarded the Nobel Prize, but such a discovery now ought to be punished with a $10,000 fine. ” • Enrico Fermi: “If I could remember the names of all these particles, I'd be a botanist.” • Wolfgang Pauli: “Had I foreseen that, I would have gone into botany." Niels Tuning (45)

  27. The number of ‘elementary’ particles “Particle Zoo”

  28. Strange particles The 8 lightest strange baryons: baryon octet Particle Mass S n 938.3 0 p 939.6 0 Σ + 1189.4 -1 Σ 0 1192.6 -1 1197.4 -1 Σ - Λ 0 1115.6 -1 1314.9 -2 Ξ 0 Ξ - 1321.3 -2 Breakthrough in 1961 (Murray Gell-Mann): “ The eight-fold way ” (Nobel prize 1969) Also works for: Eight lightest mesons - meson octet Other baryons - baryon decuplet

  29. Strange particles The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal The 8 lightest strange baryons: baryon octet teachings of the Buddha, who described it as the way leading to the cessation of suffering and the achievement of self-awakening. Particle Mass S n 938.3 0 p 939.6 0 Σ + 1189.4 -1 Σ 0 1192.6 -1 1197.4 -1 Σ - Λ 0 1115.6 -1 1314.9 -2 Ξ 0 Ξ - 1321.3 -2 Breakthrough in 1961 (Murray Gell-Mann): “ The eight-fold way ” (Nobel prize 1969) Also works for: Eight lightest mesons - meson octet Other baryons - baryon decuplet

  30. Strange particles The 8 lightest strange baryons: baryon octet strangeness: Particle Mass S n 938.3 0 p 939.6 0 Σ + 1189.4 -1 Σ 0 1192.6 -1 1197.4 -1 Σ - Λ 0 1115.6 -1 1314.9 -2 Ξ 0 Ξ - 1321.3 -2 Breakthrough in 1961 (Murray Gell-Mann): “ The eight-fold way ” (Nobel prize 1969) Also works for: Eight lightest mesons - meson octet Other baryons - baryon decuplet

  31. Discovery of Ω - Not all multiplets complete… 1232 MeV 1385 MeV 1533 MeV Gell-Mann and Zweig predicted the Ω - … and its properties

  32. Discovery of Ω - Not all multiplets complete… 1232 MeV 1385 MeV 1533 MeV 1680 MeV Gell-Mann and Zweig predicted the Ω - … and its properties

  33. Discovery of Ω - Discovered in 1964: K – + p à Ω – + K + + K 0 Not all multiplets complete… Ξ + π 1232 MeV 1385 MeV 1533 MeV 1680 MeV Gell-Mann and Zweig predicted the Ω - … and its properties

  34. Discovery of Ω - Discovered in 1964: K – + p à Ω – + K + + K 0 Not all multiplets complete… Ξ + π 1232 MeV 1385 MeV 1533 MeV 1680 MeV Gell-Mann and Zweig predicted the Ω - … and its properties

  35. Quark model Gell-Mann en Zweig (1964): “ All multiplet patterns can be explained if you assume hadrons are composite particles built from more elementary constituents: quarks ” § First quark model: 3 types: up, down en strange (and anti-quarks) § Baryons: 3 quarks § 26 � 3+3 Mesons: 2 quarks § mesonen up down strange baryonen p = uud n = udd Σ + = uus Λ 0 = uds Ξ 0 = uss

  36. Quark model • Mesons: – Octet • Baryons: – Octet – Decuplet Niels Tuning (55)

  37. New last year: Ω c 0 (css) • Just discovered 5 excited (ccs) states • Still active research! + with K – : + = csu state 2. Combine Ξ c 1. Reconstruct Ξ c + K – + à p K – π + Strong decay: Ω c 0 à Ξ c Ξ c 0 states ! 5 narrow Ω c 0 = css state Ω c Spectrum Ξ c+ sideband Niels Tuning (56)

  38. The number of ‘elementary’ particles

  39. “Problems” 1) Are quarks ‘real’ or a mathematical tric? 2) How can a baryon exist, like Δ ++ with (u ↑ u ↑ u ↑ ), given the Pauli exclusion principle? Niels Tuning (58)

  40. “ Problem ” of quark model s s Intrinsic spin: = symmetric Ω - s quarks: = symmetric u u Intrinsic spin: = symmetric Δ ++ u quarks: = symmetric J=3/2, ie. fermion, ie. obey Fermi-Dirac statistics: anti-symmetric wavefunction New quantum number: color! s s s s - 3 values: red, green, blue � - Only quarks, not the leptons

  41. The Particle Zoo mass Force carier: γ <1x 10 -18 eV Leptons: e - ,µ - , τ - , υ e , υ µ , υ τ ~0 – 1.8 GeV Mesons: π + , π 0 , π - ,K + ,K - ,K 0 , ρ + , ρ 0 , ρ - 0.1-1 GeV Baryons: p,n, Λ , Σ + , Σ - , Σ 0 , Δ ++ , Δ + , Δ 0 , Δ - , Ω ,… 1-few GeV http://pdg.lbl.gov/

  42. Protons and neutrons Proton and neutron identical under strong interaction proton neutron m p = 938.272 MeV m n = 939.565 MeV ? Nucleon + internal degree of freedom to distinguish the two

  43. Multiplets Pattern (mass degeneracy) suggest internal degree of freedom m = 1232 MeV m = 1385 MeV m = 1530 MeV m = 1672 MeV Baryon decuplet

  44. Eightfold way • Introduction of quarks • Introduction of quantum numbers – Strangeness – Isospin Niels Tuning (63)

  45. Tetra- and pentaquarks ?? • Tetraquark discovered in 2003 – X(3872) – Also charged cc and bb states… • Pentaquark discovered in 2016 – P c + (4450) ce, called hereafter the Λ ⇤ decay chain matrix element. Ne c ! ψ p , ψ ! µ + µ � decay sequence, e Λ 0 b ! P + c K � , P + Niels Tuning (64)

  46. Timeline • Active research…: Niels Tuning (65)

  47. In the news last year In the News Niels Tuning (66) Patrick Koppenburg Pentaquarks at hadron colliders 18/01/2017 — Physics at Veldhoven [2 / 33]

  48. [LHCb, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 072001, arXiv:1507.03414] What is a Pentaquark? > 300 papers citing the result, with many possible interpretations. Niels Tuning (67) Patrick Koppenburg Pentaquarks at hadron colliders 18/01/2017 — Physics at Veldhoven [26 / 33]

  49. Symmetries

  50. Conserved quantities Time dependence of observable U: Hamilton formalism: If U commutes with H, [U,H]=0 (and if U does not depend on time, dU/dt=0) Then U is conserved: d/dt<U> = 0 U conserved à U generates a symmetry of the system Niels Tuning (69)

  51. Other symmetries: Transformation Conserved quantity Translation (space) Momentum Translation (time) Energy Rotation (space) Orbital momentum Rotation (iso-spin) Iso-spin

  52. Quantum mechanics: orbital momentum L x and L y cannot be known simultaneously Sequence matters! L 2 and L i (i=x,y,z) can be known simultaneously Can both be used to label states Provided V = V(r), ie not θ dependent [ L 2 , H ] = [ L z , H ] = 0 L 2 and L z label eigenstates

  53. Quantum mechanics: orbital momentum f l m =Y l m spherical harmonics L z m = -l, -l+1, …, 0, … , l-1, l 2 2 1 Different notation: 0 L y -1 L x -2

  54. Quantum mechanics: (intrinsic) spin Spin is characterized by: - total spin S - spin projection S Z Rotations: SO(3) group similar Internal symmetry: SU(2) group Spin is quantized, Eigenfunctions |s,m s >: just as orbital momentum

  55. spin- ½ particles spin- spin- up down

  56. spin- ½ particles Complex numbers general | α | 2 prob for S z = + | β | 2 prob for S z = - - Pauli matrices: any complex 2x2 matrix can be written as: A = a σ 1 +b σ 2 +c σ 3

  57. Isospin

  58. Protons and neutrons Proton and neutron identical under strong interaction proton neutron m p = 938.272 MeV m n = 939.565 MeV ? Nucleon + internal degree of freedom to distinguish the two

  59. Protons and neutrons: Isospin Proton and neutron identical under strong interaction proton neutron m p = 938.272 MeV m n = 939.565 MeV Introduce new quantum number: isospin Proton and neutron (‘nucleons’): I en I 3 Nucleon + internal degree of freedom Isospin ’up’ Isospin ‘down’

  60. Possible states for given value of the Isospin

  61. Possible states for given value of the Isospin I z = +3/2 I z = +1 I z = +1/2 I z = +1/2 I z = 0 I z = -1/2 I z = -1/2 I z = -1 I z = -3/2

  62. Possible states for given value of the Isospin I z = +3/2 I z = +1 I z = +1/2 I z = +1/2 I z = 0 I z = -1/2 I z = -1/2 I z = -1 I z = -3/2 Δ ++ π + proton Δ + π 0 Δ 0 neutron π - Δ - m p ~ 939 MeV m π ~ 140 MeV m Δ ~ 1232 MeV

  63. I z =-1 I z =0 I z =+1 I = 3/2 π + π 0 π - I = 1 p n I = 1/2 I = 0 Baryon decuplet

  64. Adding spin

  65. Quantum mechanica: adding spin |s 1 ,m 1 > + |s 2 ,m 2 > à |s,m> 1) Conditions: - S z add up m= m 1 + m 2 S = |s 1 -s 2 |, |s 1 -s 2 |+1, .. , s 1 +s 2 -1 , s 1 +s 2 - S can vary between difference and sum 2) Notation: C: Clebsch-Gordan coefficient

  66. Adding spin of two spin- ½ particles S z S (1) +1 1 (2) 0 ? (3) -1 1

  67. Adding spin of two spin- ½ particles S z S (1) +1 1 ( ) + 1 0 (2a) ( ) - (2b) 0 0 -1 1 (3)

  68. Adding spin of two spin- ½ particles 2 2 3 1 ⊗ = ⊕ ( ) Triplet S=1 + (symmetric) ( ) - Singlet S=0 (anti-symmetric)

  69. Adding spin of two spin- ½ particles 2 2 3 1 ⊗ = ⊕ Triplet (symmetric) Singlet (anti-symmetric)

  70. Quantum mechanics: adding spin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient Specific: adding spin of two spin-1/2 particles: Triplet ( ) + (symmetric) ( ) - Singlet (anti-symmetric)

  71. Why is and not ? S z 1 ? 0 S y S x - 1 Griffiths Par 4.4.3

  72. Clebsch-Gordan coefficients Coefficients can be used “both ways”: 1) add |s 1 ,m 1 > + |s 2 ,m 2 > à |s,m> 2) decay |s,m> à |s 1 ,m 1 > + |s 2 ,m 2 >

  73. Clebsch-Gordan coefficients A) Find out yourself (doable, but bit messy…)

  74. decay Every coefficient has sqrt

  75. Every coefficient has sqrt scattering

  76. Every coefficient has sqrt

  77. Every coefficient has sqrt |s,m> à |s 1 ,m 1 > + |s 2 ,m 2 > Decay:

  78. Every coefficient has sqrt |s 1 ,m 1 > + |s 2 ,m 2 > à |s,m> 2-particle process:

  79. Example: π p scattering 1) π + p → π + p § I z = 3/2 § è Pure I = 3/2 ! 2) π - p → π - p § I z = 3/2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 | 1 , 1 | , | , | , − 〉 〉 = − 〉 − − 〉 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 § è Mixed I ! What is relative cross section to make the I=3/2 resonance? Niels Tuning (98)

  80. Example: π p scattering ( ) p p ~ 200 mb + + + + σ π → Δ → π Compare Δ resonance in elastic scattering: 1) π + p → π + p 2) π - p → π - p ( ) 0 p p ~ 25 mb − − σ π → Δ → π Niels Tuning (99)

  81. Group theory 3 3 8 1 ⊗ = ⊕ • Mesons: – 2 quarks, with 3 possible flavours: u, d, s – 3 2 =9 possibilities = 8 + 1 q=1 Niels Tuning (100)


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