Elementary MTSS Framework
SVSD Mission: Educating all Snoqualmie Valley children to prepare them for college, career, and citizenship Strategic Plan Goal 1: Increase preparedness of all students for college, career, and citizenship. 1B: Research, review and implement activities, curriculum, and structural changes at schools to facilitate program alignment, reduce opportunity gaps and produce more personalized student learning environments. (12) Review elementary daily schedule models for possible changes that better align, enable differentiation opportunities in the core curriculum, and help address the opportunity gap. 1D: Implement a tiered, system-wide approach focused on improving District capacity to address student behavior and make evidence-based social and emotional learning an integral part of education from preschool through high school.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports OSPI - Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): is a framework to help students graduate from high school ready for career, college, and life. It offers different levels of academic and nonacademic services and supports based on individual student needs. MTSS is formerly known as RTI ➔ Grounded in differentiated instruction ➔ MTSS is defined as "the practice of providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched ➔ to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals, and applying child response data to important educational decisions" (Batsche et al., 2005). MTSS provides a framework for school teams in designing, implementing, and evaluating ➔ educational interventions through: Providing scientific, evidence-based instruction and interventions in general education ● Monitoring and measuring student progress in response to the instruction and interventions ● Using these measures of student progress to guide instruction and make educational decisions ●
Elements in Developing an MTSS Framework 1. The first step to support an MTSS Framework is a master schedule 6.5 hours of instruction ◆ 2. Classroom rosters are systematically created based on tiered criteria 3. Systems alignment between stakeholders is essential Classroom Teachers ◆ Special Education ◆ Interventionist ◆ Coaches ◆ Counselors ◆ Administration ◆ District level support ◆ Parents ◆
Master Schedule The first step to support a MTSS Framework is a Master Schedule Elements of a MTSS Master Schedule include: ➔ Provide consistency within the instructional day and in the implementation of the district ◆ curriculum Protect instructional time for the optimal delivery of both Core and Specialist Educational ◆ Standards Provide time for special services, intervention and enrichment programs within the school ◆ day that supports core instruction and accountability requirements Established blocks of time for interventions/Cluster Grouped Classrooms (Gifted) ● Common blocks within grade spans create flexibility and movement within the systems ● Common blocks provide an educational service model that promotes the least ● restrictive environment Alignment to SEL/ PBIS ● Instructional minutes driven by research based best practice ◆
Instructional Minutes ➔ ELA: Research shows that students need at least 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instruction per day in order for sufficient student reading development * Florida Center for Reading Research and University of Oregon Reading First Center, NCTE ➔ Math : Research shows that for best instructional practice, the mathematics block would require a minimum of 60 minutes or as much as 90 minutes, depending upon the instructional needs of the student. The emphasis on research studies in mathematics is more around how instructional minutes are used as opposed to how many minutes are delivered *NCTM ➔ Science : Research shows that students need at least 45-60 minutes of inquiry based, hand-on, science instruction per day in order for sufficient higher level of student understanding *National Assessment for Educational Progress, NTCS
Instructional Minutes SVSD Elementary Master Schedule Objective: To utilize a master schedule built to support a MTSS framework, that is designed to meet the needs and increase preparedness of all students for college, career, and citizenship. Schedule is built around a MTSS framework (Principals, Coaches, Content Specialists) ➔ Schedule is aligned with appropriate, research based, best practice in instructional minutes ◆
Sample Intervention Master Schedule
Sample Intervention Groups
Sample Intervention Master Schedule with Specialist Planning Time
Sample Master Schedule
Elementary Class Roster Development GOAL: to create well-balanced learning communities that provide the best instructional setting for each child Inline with a MTSS Framework and to best support all students, elementary ➔ class rosters: Focus on minimizing the academic range found in each classroom. ◆ a smaller range of ability levels enables teachers to better differentiate ● instruction and better address the needs of the individual child. Classroom rosters are systematically created based on tiered criteria ➔
Parent Feedback
Next Steps Work through sample schedules with Principals and Assistant Principals ➔ Principals work with Learning Improvement Teams ◆ Hire and Train Intervention Teachers for Math and ELA ➔ Happening this week ◆ Train Coding teachers ➔ In process ◆ Build class rosters ➔ May ◆ Questions???
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