Future Work • Compute Private Coreset on the Cloud – Using Homomorphic Encryption (with Shafi Goldwaser & Daniela Rus) • Compute coresets of error polynomial in d – (with Daniela Rus & Kobbi Nissim) • Fit the error function to Face Identification – (With Rita Osadchy and Kobbi Nissim?) • Private coresets for other machine learning problems
Input A set of n point s P ½ R d , k ¸ 1.
Output N : a small bicrit eria approximat ion t o t he k median of P
The Algorithm 1) t à 1 Count er for it erat ions 2) N à ; T he out put set of cent ers 3) Const ruct a weak ( 1 8k ) -net N t for P 4) N à N [ N t 5) 8p : Comput e dist (p; N t ) 6) Remove P t : t he half of P t hat is closer t o N t 7) t à t + 1 8) Repeat st eps 3 t o 6 t ill t here are no more input point s. 9) Ret urn N
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