X-REF tables X-REF tables Comparison EASA OPS with JAR-OPS 3 and EU-OPS Difference statements Status: under progress, when finalised available for stakeholders Difference to Difference to Reg. OPS Reg. OPS Reg. OPS EU-OPS/JAR-OPS3 EU-OPS JAR-OPS3 EU-OPS/JAR-OPS3 Difference to EU-OPS Difference to JAR-OPS3 EU-OPS JAR-OPS3 IR/AMC/GM rule reference rule title IR/AMC/GM/IEM rule reference rule reference rule title Description Description Classification Classification Added to define the term "competent Added to define the term "competent CAT.GEN.100 Competent Authority n.a. n.a. n.a. New New authority" in the context of CAT operations. authority" in the context of CAT operations. Includes rules for crew undertaking duties Includes rules for crew undertaking duties CAT.GEN.MPA.100 Crew responsibilities 1.085(a), (b), (c), (d) 3.085(a), (b), (c), (d) Crew responsibilities Amended Amended for more than one operator. for more than one operator. Crew responsibilities AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.100(b) 1.085(b)(3) 3.085(b)(3) Crew responsibilities No change No change COPIES OF REPORTS Crew responsibilities AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.100(c) 1.085(e) 3.085(e) Crew responsibilities No change No change ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Crew responsibilities To further describe the term "elapsed To further describe the term "elapsed GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.100(c) n.a. n.a. n.a. New New ELAPSED TIME BEFORE RETURNING TO FLYING DUTY time"; based on stakeholder comments. time"; based on stakeholder comments. Crew responsibilities scope of former ACJ extended to helicopter GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.100(c) ACJ 1.085(e)(3) Crew responsibilities Amended Updated with link to Part-MED New PART-MED operations Rules on the use of flight recorders Rules on the use of flight recorders CAT.GEN.MPA.105 Responsibilities of the commander 1.085(f), (g) 3.085(f), (g) Crew responsibilities Amended amended to align with recent amendments Amended amended to align with recent amendments to ICAO Annex 6. to ICAO Annex 6. Accessibility of emergency CAT.GEN.MPA.105(a)(13) Responsibilities of the commander 1.330 3.330(b) No change No change equipment Aligned with CAT operations with CAT.GEN.MPA.110 Authority of the commander 1.090 3.090 Authority of the commander No change Amended aeroplanes. The rule is addressed to the operator and not to passengers. Personnel or crew members other than cabin crew in CAT.GEN.MPA.115 1.040(b) Crew members No change the passenger compartment Personnel or crew members other than cabin crew in Text amendment should better describe the AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.115 the passenger compartment 1.989(b) Identification Amended intent of the rule. MEASURES TO PREVENT CONFUSION BY PASSENGERS Personnel or crew members other than cabin crew in providing guidance on crew members on GM1 CAT.GEN.MPA.115 the passenger compartment 1.989(b) Identification New positioning flights and to prevent confusion CREW MEMBERS ON POSITIONING FLIGHTS with operating cabin crew Aligned with CAT operations with A CAT.GEN.MPA.120 Common Language 1.025(a) 3.025(a) Common Language No change Amended aeroplanes. The rule does not mention other means acceptable to the authority. A CAT.GEN.MPA.125 Taxiing of aeroplanes 1.095 Authority to taxi an aeroplane No change 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 17
Outline Introduction Overview of Regulation on Air Operations Cover Regulation OPS Daniela Defossar, EASA Part-ORO Part-CAT Part-SPA FTL On-going/future rulemaking tasks – introduction HEMS, PIS Offshore operations Overview to Regulation Air crew Final remarks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 18
Cover Regulation Article 1 Subject matter and scope Article 2 Definitions Article 3 Oversight capabilities Article 4 Ramp inspections Article 5 Air operations Article 6 Derogations Article 7 Air operator certificates Article 8 Flight time limitations Article 9 Minimum equipment lists Article 10 Entry into force 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 19
Cover Regulation Scope OPS Regulation Applicable to all EU operators using EU or third country registered aircraft and the personnel involved in the operation of such aircraft Initial issue of cover regulation will address CAT by aeroplane and helicopter, except A-A operations with performance class B aeroplanes and non-complex helicopters and CAT by sailplane and balloons Amending regulations will cover (later): Non-commercial operations (NCC/NCO) Specialised operations (SPO) Operational Suitability Data (OSD) CAT A-A and CAT sailplanes and balloons 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 20
Cover Regulation Scope OPS Regulation Excluded for the time being: certain Annex II aircraft when used in CAT operations: to be operated in accordance with the conditions contained in a Commission Decision adopted under EU-OPS airships, tilt-rotor aircraft, tethered balloons and remotely piloted aircraft flights conducted by design or production organisations and related to this activity Those will be subject to future Rulemaking tasks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 21
Cover Regulation Scope OPS Regulation Derogations applicable to helicopter operations: Additional conditions and approval for helicopter offshore operations Helicopter operations to public interest sites may continue outside performance class 1 and under conditions defined by the MS On-going rulemaking tasks will gradually address these issues 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 22
Cover Regulation Conversion of JAR-OPS 3 AOC MS to establish conversion report describing: the national requirements on the basis of which the AOCs were issued; the scope of privileges that were given to the operators; the differences between the national requirements on the basis of which the AOCs were issued and the requirements of Part-ORO/CAT/SPA, together with an indication of how and when the operators will be required to ensure full compliance with those Annexes New AOC to be issued when full compliance is shown 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 23
Cover Regulation Entry into force and applicability Expected publication date by end October 2012 Enters into force and applies 3 days after publication in Official Journal MS may postpone applicability by 2 years for CAT Existing rules remain in force during that time 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 24
Outline Introduction Overview of Regulation on Air Operations Cover Regulation OPS Part-ORO Julia Egerer, EASA Arthur Beckand, EASA Daniela Defossar, EASA Part-CAT Part-SPA FTL On-going/future rulemaking tasks – introduction HEMS, PIS Offshore operations Overview to Regulation Air crew Final remarks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 25
Annex III: Part-ORO ‘Cover’ Regulation Air operations Applicability: Annex I Annex II Definitions Part-ARO CAT operators NCC operators Annex III Annex IV Part-ORO Part-CAT SPO operators Commercial Annex V Annex VI Part-SPA Part-NCC Non-commercial with complex aircraft Annex VII Annex VIII Part-NCO Part-SPO 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 26
Annex III: Part-ORO Part-ORO .GEN – general requirements .GEN .AOC – air operator certification .AOC .DEC – declaration .DEC .MLR – manual, logs, records .MLR .SEC – security .SEC .FC – flight crew .FC .CC – cabin crew .CC .TC – technical crew .TC .FTL – flight time limitations .FTL 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 27
ORO.GEN Part-ORO Competent authority Definition of principle place of .GEN ORO.GEN.105 business as Reg. (EC) No 1008/2008 .AOC Changes to organisations .DEC Prior approval for some major .MLR changes, see GM in ORO.GEN, e.g. changes to management system ORO.GEN.130 .SEC Minor changes: procedure agreed with competent authority .FC Management system .CC Implements ICAO standards on safety management systems (SMS) .TC ORO.GEN.200 Lists the elements that the organisations must address. .FTL Safety concern for all personnel 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 28
ORO.GEN.200 : KEY POINTS SMS is addressed as part of “Organisation Requirements – Management System” Organisation requirements • are compatible with existing management systems • encourage integrated management • provide proportionality (complex versus non-complex organisations) • provide flexibility (details in AMC) These organisation requirements set the standard for implementing SMS in the other areas within EASA’s remit. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 29
Management System most relevant IR: ORO.GEN.200 (extract) (a) An operator shall establish, implement and maintain a management system that includes: (1) clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the organisation, including a direct safety accountability of the accountable manager; (2) a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the organisation with regard to safety, referred to as the safety policy ; (3) the identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the organisation, their evaluation and the management of associated risks , including taking effective actions to mitigate the risk ; (4) maintaining personnel trained and competent to perform their tasks; (5) documentation of all management system key processes, including a process for making personnel aware of their responsibilities, and its amendment procedure; (6) a function to monitor compliance of the organisation with the relevant requirements. Compliance monitoring shall include a feedback system of findings to the accountable manager to ensure effective implementation of corrective actions as necessary. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 30
SMS integrated approach Safety management Compliance Finance & Budget monitoring Management System Responsibilities & Contracting Accountability Personnel Facilities requirements 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 31
Integrated approach SMS should not be implemented through an additional management system requirement superimposed onto the existing rules, but be fully integrated in the organisation’s existing management system. Safety management should include every facet of management that may impact aviation safety (financial, operational, health and safety, etc…). Safety, as well as compliance with rules, should be a concern for all personnel and for all activities of the organisation. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 32
Proportionality The management system shall correspond to the size of the organisation and the complexity of its activities, taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these activities. (see also ICAO Annex 6 Appendix 7) How is this achieved? different sets of AMCs for details of SMS implementation “complex” and “non - complex” are contained as AMC organisations 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 33
Proportionality Definition of organisational complexity - three criteria: Size, in terms of staffing Complexity of the activities number of operating sites number and type of contractors … Risks involved type of operations, e.g. specialised operations (helicopter external sling load) type of aircraft operating environment (offshore ….) 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 34
Flexibility Organisations may use means alternative to those established in the AMC issued by the Agency: “alternative means of compliance” Organisations need to apply to their competent authority and demonstrate that an equivalent level of safety can be reaiched. They may use such alternative means of compliance following approval by their competent authority. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 35
Annex III: Part-ORO Part-ORO .GEN – general requirements .GEN .AOC – air operator certification .AOC .DEC – declaration .DEC .MLR – manual, logs, records .MLR .SEC – security .SEC .FC – flight crew .FC .CC – cabin crew .CC .TC – technical crew .TC .FTL – flight time limitations .FTL 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 36
Subpart AOC – Air Operator certification 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 37
Main Issues/changes • Leasing • Non-commercial operations of aircraft listed in the operations specifications by the holder of an AOC 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 38
Leasing Main comments from stakeholders: Imposing Part-OPS and ORO will make wet lease-in impossible Realign with EU.OPS and Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 “Community or equivalent safety standards” Dry lease – in not addressed 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 39
Leasing 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 40
ORO.AOC.125 Non-commercial operations of aircraft listed in the operations specifications by the holder of an AOC No declaration is needed Identification of: the applicable requirements differences between operating procedures when used in commercial and non-commercial operations Update of personnel Prior approval 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 41
Annex III: Part-ORO Part-ORO .GEN – general requirements .GEN .AOC – air operator certification .AOC .DEC – declaration .DEC .MLR – manual, logs, records .MLR .SEC – security .SEC .FC – flight crew .FC .CC – cabin crew .CC .TC – technical crew .TC .FTL – flight time limitations .FTL 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 42
Subpart DEC- Declaration (ORO.DEC.100) This Subpart complements ARO.GEN.345 Applicability Non-commercial operators of complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC operators) to provide a declaration to the state of the operator. includes managed aircraft operations which are undertaken as non- commercial operations Intent operator acknowledges its responsibilities under the applicable safety regulations and that it holds all necessary approvals; informs the competent authority of the existence of an operator; and enables the competent authority to fulfil its oversight responsibilities 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 43
Subpart DEC- Declaration Procedure The operators submits the declaration to the competent authority before the intended starting date of operations In case of changes to the content of the declaration, the operator informs the competent authority thereof Declaration form is included as Appendix I to Part-ORO The competent authority acknowledge receipt of the declaration - such a receipt is not a condition for starting the operation 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 44
ORO.MLR: Manuals, Logs and Records Part-ORO Operations Manual- general ORO.MLR.100 Up to date & inform relevant personnel .GEN on changes to manual Structure of Manual for CAT ORO.MLR.101 .AOC Part A, B, C & D .DEC Minimum Equipment List .MLR Approved by competent authority ORO.MLR.105 MEL based on MMEL resulting from the .SEC OSD .FC ORO.MLR.110 Journey log .CC Record Keeping .TC ORO.MLR.115 Management System information 5 yrs Operational information 3 yrs .FTL 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 45
Annex III: Part-ORO Part-ORO .GEN – general requirements .GEN .AOC – air operator certification .AOC .DEC – declaration .DEC .MLR – manual, logs, records .MLR .SEC – security .SEC .FC – flight crew .FC .CC – cabin crew .CC .TC – technical crew .TC .FTL – flight time limitations .FTL 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 46
ORO.FC Section I NCC & all commercial Common operators requirements Section III Section II Additional com SPO & requirements CAT CAT (A-to-A) 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 47
ORO.FC commercial NCC CAT SPO and CAT (A-to-A) in addition: based on annual based on ICAO proficiency JAR-OPS 3 Annex 6 check 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 48
ORO.FC Highlights CRM for single pilot operations now mandated (ORO.FC.115) Integration of Operational Suitability Data (OSD) (ORO.FC.145) for operators to account for OSD standards and recommendations when developing their training programmes FSTD “user approval” for commercial operators: FSTD shall replicate the aircraft, as far as possible management of differences between FSTD and aircraft management of changes to the FSTD 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 49
Annex III: Part-ORO Part-ORO .GEN – general requirements .GEN .AOC – air operator certification .AOC .DEC – declaration .DEC .MLR – manual, logs, records .MLR .SEC – security .SEC .FC – flight crew .FC .CC – cabin crew .CC .TC – technical crew .TC .FTL – flight time limitations .FTL 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 50
ORO.TC – applicability and main change Applicability: technical crew members in commercial air transport HEMS, HHO, NVIS operations further experience and training requirements for HEMS, HHO and NVIS operations are contained in the specific Part-SPA subparts aerial work task specialists are included in Part-SPO 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 51
ORO.TC – applicability and main change Main change compared to JAR-OPS 3: no limitation on number of types in IR anymore operator to specify the maximum number of types in the OM, taking into account the specific operating environment, equipment, procedures 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 52
Outline Introduction Overview of Regulation on Air Operations Cover Regulation OPS Part-ORO Part-CAT Willy Sigl, EASA Bas van der Weide, EASA Giovanni Cima, EASA Part-SPA FTL On-going/future rulemaking tasks – introduction HEMS, PIS Offshore operations Overview to Regulation Air crew Final remarks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 53
Annex IV: Part-CAT ‘Cover’ Regulation Air operations Applicability: Annex I Annex II Definitions Part-ARO CAT operators complex aircraft: A,H Part-III Annex IV Part-ORO Part-CAT non-complex aircraft: A, H, S, B Annex V Annex VI Part-SPA Part-NCC A-to-A operations Annex VII Annex VIII Part-NCO Part-SPO 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 54
Annex IV: Part-CAT Part-CAT CAT – commercial air transport .GEN – general requirements .GEN .OP .POL .IDE .OP – operational procedures .POL – performance and .MPA .MPA .A .A operating limitations .IDE – instruments, data, .NMPA .NMPA .H .H equipment .MPA – motor-powered aircraft .MAB .S .NMPA – non-motor-powered aircraft .S .B .A, .H, .S, .B - aeroplanes, helicopters, sailplanes, balloons .B .MAB – mass and balance 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 55
Annex IV: Part-CAT General remarks Part contains technical rules for all CAT operations Part structured into aircraft-specific sections/chapters Part can be easily amended for other aircraft categories, e.g. tilt rotor, airships, remotely piloted aircraft systems Rule material aligned with the content of Section 1 of JAR-OPS 3 Section 2 material of JAR-OPS 3 Improved balance between Implementing Rules and AMC/GM JAR-OPS 3 text has been given precedence over ICAO SARPs 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 56
CAT.GEN.MPA – amendments Crew responsibilities CAT.GEN.MPA.100 / 3.085(a), (b), (c), (d) Includes rules for crew undertaking duties for more than one operator Portable electronic devices AMC 1 CAT.GEN.MPA.140 Transposing and amending parts of TGL29: new approach to risk assessment general allowance for Bluetooth is removed definition for switched-off status added criteria for demonstrating that radiation levels are tolerable to the aircraft systems added 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 57
CAT.GEN.MPA – amendments Documents, manuals and information to be carried CAT.GEN.MPA.180 / 3.050, 3.125, 3.130, 3.135 extends the use of electronic documents clarifies which documents need to be original: CoR, CoA, radio licence copy of the AOC to be a certified true copy journey log to be carried alleviations for A-to-A and local operations Preservation, production and use of flight recorder recordings CAT.GEN.MPA.195 / 3.160 rule updated with recent ICAO amendments 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 58
CAT.GEN.MPA – amendments Transport of dangerous goods CAT.GEN.MPA.200 / 3.1160, 3.1165 CAT.GEN address the circumstances under which DG might be carried without holding an SPA.DG approval Dynamic reference to T.I. Extracts from the T.I. are not repeated except those specifying certain operator responsibilities 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 59
CAT.OP.MPA – amendments Aerodrome operating minima CAT.OP.MPA.110 / 3.225, 3.430, Appendix 1 to 3.430 Part-CAT contains the operator requirement to establish aerodrome operating minima The associated AMC material contains the detailed rules for take-off (except LVTO), NPA, APVs, CAT I and circling operations All rules below related to LVTO and operations below CAT I minima are prescribed in SPA.LVO System minima tables have been amended with operations using GNSS facilities Airborne radar approaches (ARAs) for overwater operations do not need a prior authorisation 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 60
CAT.OP.MPA – amendments Fuel policy CAT.OP.MPA.150 / 3.255 The fuel policy and any change to it require a prior approval by the competent authority Carriage of special categories of passengers (SCPs) CAT.OP.MPA.155 / 3.260, 3.265 Redrafted taking into account Regulation (EC) No 1107/2006 concerning the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 61
CAT.OP.MPA – amendments Ground proximity detection TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM (TAWS) FLIGHT CREW TRAINING PROGRAMMES CAT.OP.MPA.290 Transposes with minor amendments TGL 27 Use of airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS) CAT.OP.MPA.295 / 3.398 The operator shall establish operational procedures and training programmes; the IR links to AUR.ACAS, Commission Regulation (EU) No 1332/2011 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 62
CAT.OP.MPA – amendments Commencement and continuation of approach CAT.OP.MPA.305 / 3.405 The outermarker is replaced by 1 000 ft; additional rule for approaches where the DH/MDH is above 1 000 ft of the aerodrome height. A new AMC summaries the specifications for visual references for different approach operations. The rule sources for this AMC are the specifications for visual references contained in Appendix 1 OPS 3.430. The text for EVS has been amended to align with SPA.LVO.110(c) 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 63
CAT.POL.H Scope of CAT.POL.H Performance and operating limitations (POL) for CAT operations with helicopters (H) Containing all performance requirements, including specific approvals (except HEMS and HHO) CAT.POL.H consists of 4 Chapters following JAR-OPS 3 structure Chapter 1 – General requirements Chapter 2 – Performance class 1 Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 3.005(i) – Public Interest Site Chapter 3 – Performance class 2 Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 3.517(a) – Operations without an assured safe forced landing capability Chapter 4 – Performance class 3 Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 3.005(e) – Mountain and remote areas in Performance class 3 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 64
CAT.POL.H Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 3.005(c) not transposed - contradicting the Essential Requirements (4.a.) This issue is currently being addressed by RMT.0132 Agency task foreseen to be concluded by 2016 Operations without an assured safe forced landing capability For legal clarity reason, the ‘set of conditions’ to be implemented to operate without an assured safe forced landing capability is spelled out and no longer explained in an AMC There will be a new GM to explain under which circumstances FADEC can be considered as a recording device for the purpose of recording the required engine parameters 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 65
CAT.POL.H Specific approvals CAT.POL.H.225 – Helicopter operations to/from a Public Interest Site CAT.POL.H.420 – Helicopter operations over a hostile environment located outside a congested area The obligation for obtaining a prior approval of the authority of the State in which it is intended to conduct these operations has been changed into the obligation to obtain an endorsement. In cases where that authority is not the same as the authority issuing the AOC. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 66
CAT.POL.H Specific approvals CAT.POL.H.225 – Helicopter operations to/from a Public Interest Site Changes have been made to reflect EASA competence Aerodromes, including equipment, located in the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty, open to public use and which serve commercial air transport and where operations using instrument approach or departure procedures are provided, and: (a) have a paved runway of 800 m or above; or (b) exclusively serve helicopters; shall comply with this Regulation. Personnel and organisations involved in the operation of these aerodromes shall comply with this Regulation . EASA can therefore not mandate a site improvement programme for hospital sites EASA will endeavour to make Member States aware of this necessity by promoting its inclusion in the SSP of the Member States and investigate the inclusion in the EASP/EASp. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 67
CAT.POL.H Chapter 1 – General requirements Small changes, to better differentiate between the objective and method of compliance Definitions aligned with CS definitions, and updated since EASA is the authority responsible for the TC Several are deleted, as they have become obsolete as a result of definitions used in the Basic Regulation CAT.POL.H.110 – obstacle accountability 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 68
CAT.POL.H Chapter 2 – Performance class 1 Small changes, to delete duplication Chapter 3 – Performance class 2 Already mentioned before the ‘set of conditions’ to be implemented to operate without an assured safe forced landing capability is spelled out and no longer explained in an AMC New GM addressing FADEC for the purpose of recording the required engine parameters 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 69
CAT.POL.H Chapter 4 – Performance class 3 CAT.POL.H.420 – helicopter operations over a hostile environment located outside a congested area Redrafted following the outcome of discussions in the EASA committee Approval can only be given following a safety risk assessment by the operator Elements to be considered in this safety risk assessment are now included in a new AMC An example of a safety risk assessment is provided in new GM Current text agreed with the Commission 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 70
CAT.POL.MAB Scope and content of CAT.POL.MAB Implementing Essential Requirements for air operations referred to in Article 8 of Reg. (EC) No 216/2008 Annex IV: 2. Flight preparation 2.a.3. (iv) Mass and balance 2.a.3. (v) Loading while preserving as much as possible existing standards (JAR-OPS 3 subpart J & related Section 2 material) CAT.POL.MAB consists of two chapters: Chapter 1 – motor-powered aircraft Chapter 2 – other-than motor-powered aircraft 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 71
CAT.POL.MAB Scope and content of CAT.POL.MAB (cont.) Unlike the rest of Subpart POL, where the performance requirements are broken down into aircraft-specific sections, mass and balance requirements were kept together, since only a few differences exist between aeroplanes and helicopters. Only two implementing rules in the final version: CAT.POL.MAB.100 Mass and balance, loading CAT.POL.MAB.105 Mass and balance data and documentation Appendices are transposed at AMC level Some further changes have been introduced after the public consultation of the NPA and the CRD 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 72
CAT.POL.MAB Differences to JAR-OPS 3 Appendix 1 to OPS 3.605 and related IEM: Text on CG limits, operational CG envelope and in-flight CG has been merged and clarified at AMC level ( AMC1 CAT.POL.MAB.100(b) ). OPS 3.607 - Terminology Definitions have been moved to Annex I – Definitions and its AMC. OPS 3.620 and Appendices: Approval for alternative standard masses are no longer required. The approval process is replaced by the alternative means of compliance procedure. A similar change has been made for pooled weighing surveys performed by different operators. ( AMC1 CAT.POL.MAB.100(e) ) Additional criteria for the approval of standard masses for load items other than passengers and baggage is added. ( CAT.POL.MAB.100 (f) ) 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 73
CAT.POL.MAB Differences to JAR-OPS 3 (cont.) OPS 3.625 and Appendixes: Flexibility for managing tolerances when using fleet CGs has been allowed for, provided a proper risk assessment is completed by the operator. ( AMC1 CAT.POL.MAB.100(b) ) Mass and balance computer systems (CAT.POL.MAB.105(e) / GM1 & GM2 CAT.POL.MAB.105(e)) Mass and balance documentation provisions expanded to cover the use of different types of mass and balance systems. A GM has been added to provide definitions on “on -board integrated mass and balance computer system” and “stand alone computerised mass and balance system”. Electronic signature (AMC1 CAT.POL.MAB.105(c)) AMC added to clarify what can be considered equivalent to a signature. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 74
CAT.IDE.H Scope and content of CAT.IDE.H Implementing Essential Requirements for air operations referred to in Article 8 of EC 216/2008 Annex IV: 5. Instruments, data and equipment 5.a Equipment necessary for the intended flight 5.b Safety, medical, evacuation and survival equipment 5.c Data necessary for the execution of the flight while preserving as much as possible existing standards (JAR-OPS 3 subpart K, L & related Section 2 material), ensuring compliance with ICAO SARPs and taking into account certain JAA NPAs. Subpart IDE consists of four sections addressing different aircraft categories. Helicopters are covered in Section 2 . 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 75
CAT.IDE.H Scope and content of CAT.IDE.H (cont.) The rule sequence is aligned as much as possible with JAR- OPS 3 Subparts K and L respectively. Equipment and instruments specifications are, as far as possible, given at AMC level, being performance objectives set at IR level. This approach, while ensuring flexibility, will also facilitate the development of alternative AMCs in the future. Proportionality is ensured using criteria of Mass, Passenger seating configuration (MOPSC) or date of first issue of the CofA in order to define the applicability of certain requirements. Further changes have been introduced after the public consultation of the NPA and the CRD. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 76
CAT.IDE.H Differences to JAR-OPS 3 Approval of instruments and equipment The approval requirements on the instruments and equipment required by CAT.IDE.H.100 have been drafted with regard to Part- 21. Additional provisions have been added to ensure that instruments and equipment not required by Part-CAT, that do not need to be approved in accordance with Part-21, are not used for safety functions and do not affect airworthiness. MEL The former content of OPS 3.030 is transposed in Subpart IDE ( CAT.IDE.H.105 ) 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 77
CAT.IDE Differences to JAR-OPS 3 (cont.) Cockpit voice & flight data recorders These requirements ( CAT.IDE.H.185/190 ) have been revised in accordance with the latest developments of ICAO Annex 6 and EUROCAE standards taking into account certain JAA NPAs. Relevant AMCs and GMs have been developed Data link recording A requirement for recording of data link communications ( CAT.IDE.H.195 ) is added in accordance with ICAO Annex 6 The date for mandating data link communication recording ideally should be as soon as data link is used for essential VHF communications, but many comments requested sufficient notice to avoid costly retrofit. It is proposed to mandate two years after the OPS Regulation enters into force, i.e. 2014. Relevant AMCs and GMs have been developed 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 78
CAT.IDE.H Restraint systems The requirements on upper torso restraint (UTR) systems ( CAT.IDE.H.205 ) have been updated. Oxygen The alleviation for oxygen requirements for pilots ( CAT.IDE.H.240 ) is kept, as originally given in JAR-OPS 3, for other-than-complex helicopters operated between 10 000 ft and 13 000 ft for a period up to 30 minutes, after comments to the CRD. Further exemptions for short incursions between 13 000 ft and 16 000ft, originally foreseen by JAR-OPS 3 under a specific approval of the authority will have to be handled through Article 14 of the Basic Regulation. These further exemptions are not in line with ICAO SARPs and to be approved should be based on specific mitigating measures (e.g. operator’s experience, pilot’s physiological adaptation to certain altitudes. Furthermore, they would usually be achievable only in certain regions (i.e. mountainous areas). 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 79
CAT.IDE.H Differences to JAR-OPS3 (cont.) Fire extinguishers The JAR provision mandating the use of Halon have been removed to comply with Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 that forbids its use. The new rule ( CAT.IDE.H.250 ) contains a general safety objective on the efficiency of the fire extinguishing agent. In order to allow a smooth transition from Halon to new extinguishing agents. First-aid kits This requirement ( CAT.IDE.H.220 ) has been updated with regards to maintenance and replenishment of the kit after use and especially with regards to the content to comply with the latest ICAO developments and to take into account a JAA NPA. Emergency lighting and marking Requirements on emergency exit markings visibility are clarified and regrouped in the same rule ( CAT.IDE.H.275 ) for large helicopters and helicopters operated overwater under certain conditions. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 80
Outline Introduction Overview of Regulation on Air Operations Cover Regulation OPS Part-ORO Part-CAT Part-SPA Willy Sigl, EASA Bas van der Weide, EASA FTL On-going/future rulemaking tasks – introduction HEMS, PIS Offshore operations Overview to Regulation Air crew Final remarks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 81
Annex IV: Part-SPA ‘Cover’ Regulation Air operations Applicability: Annex I Annex II Definitions Part-ARO To all operators conducting an operation requiring a Part-III Annex IV specific approval Part-CAT Part-ORO Annex V Annex VI Part-SPA Part-NCC Annex VII Annex VIII Part-NCO Part-SPO 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 82
Annex V: Part-SPA .GEN – general requirements Part-SPA .PBN – performance based navigation .MNPS – minimum navigation performance .GEN .PBN specifications .RVSM – reduced vertical separation minima .MNPS .RVSM .LVO – low visibility operations .ETOPS – extended range operations with two- .LVO .ETOPS engined aeroplanes .DG – dangerous goods .DG .NVIS .NVIS – night vision imaging systems .HHO – helicopter hoist operations .HHO .HEMS .HEMS – helicopter emergency medical services 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 83
SPA.GEN SPA.GEN.100 Competent authority Competent authority for commercial operations: o perator’s principal place of business Competent authority for non-commercial operations: place where the operator is established or residing For non-commercial operators using aircraft registered in a third country, the approvals for PBN should be issued by the third country State of Registry. 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 84
SPA.GEN SPA.GEN.110 Documentation of specific approvals for commercial operations: “operations specifications” (OPSPECS) for non-commercial operations: “list of specific approvals” The corresponding authority requirements are specified in Part-ARO including the forms for OPSPECS and list of specific approvals 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 85
SPA.PBN Overview of operations and reference documents EASA AMC Other documents RNAV 10 AMC 20-12 FAA order 8400.12a RNAV 5 (B-RNAV) AMC 20-4 TGL 2 (approval not required) RNAV2 (non-European) To be developed RNAV 1 (~P-RNAV) To be developed TGL10 RNP 4 To be developed ICAO DOC 9613 BASIC-RNP 1 To be developed ICAO DOC 9613 RNP APCH (LNAV) AMC 20-27 ICAO DOC 9613 RNP APCH (LNAV/VNAV) AMC 20-27 ICAO DOC 9613 RNP APCH (LPV) AMC 20-28 RNP AR APCH AMC 20-26 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 86
SPA.LVO Sources: OPS 3.430 Appendix 1 to OPS 3.430 Related Section 2 material Containing: LVTO LTS CAT I CAT II OTS CAT II CAT III approach operation utilising EVS for which an operational credit on RVR minima is applied 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 87
SPA.LVO Key issues Operating minima Lowest minima are defined in Annex I – Definitions LVO-related rules transposed in Part-SPA Non-LVO related rules transposed in CAT.OP.110 Relevant provisions of Appendix 1 to OPS 3.430 moved to AMC Harmonisation with FAA provisions For LVTO: RVR minima depending on aerodrome lighting facilities For failed or downgraded equipment: effect on operating minima 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 88
SPA.LVO Key issues (cont.) LVTO Approval required for take-off with an RVR <400m For LVTO with RVR 150m<x<400m training programme required For LVTO with RVR <150m additional conditions EVS / OTS CAT II Amendments with safety justifications Operations with call-outs below 200ft the terrain ahead of the runway threshold should be surveyed 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 89
SPA.LVO Key issues (cont.) LVP Required for all LVO New subparagraph added to clarify the application of the requirement where the term LVP is not used 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 90
SPA.DG Changes to JAR-OPS 3 Dynamic reference to the ICAO Technical Instructions (T.I.) SPA.DG is shorter than Subpart R Extracts from the T.I. are not repeated Remind: CAT.GEN address the circumstances under which DG might be carried without holding an SPA.DG approval 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 91
SPA.NVIS Transposition of: JAR-OPS 3.005 (j) Inclusion of: JAA TGL-34 Changes: Deletion of all reference to covert operations References to IR lights/capability Only applicable to CAT(H) EASA (and rulemaking group) has no knowledge of NVIS operations outside CAT (within the remit) Therefore no expertise for determining what proportionate rules may be for other than CAT operations 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 92
SPA.HHO Transposition of: JAR-OPS 3.005 (h) Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 3.005(h) All related AMC, ACJ and IEM Inclusion of: JAA NPA-OPS 69, as AMC Changes: Based on comments received Communication requirements To better differentiate between the objective and method of compliance: Training objectives, versus methods of compliance with respect to detailed items to be included in the training programme 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 93
SPA.HEMS Transposition of: JAR-OPS 3.005 (d) Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 3.005(d) All related AMC, ACJ and IEM Inclusion of: JAA HSST Working Paper HSST-WP-07-03.4 New rule on fuel policy New/amended AMC and GM material to better explain the rule, based on comments received, e.g.: Explain ‘to afford every assistance’ in training ground emergency service personnel Possibility to train a Medical Passenger, rather then briefing before every flight Provide guidance in determining when 2 pilots should be required 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 94
SPA.HEMS Changes: To better differentiate between the objective and method of compliance: Training objectives, versus methods of compliance with respect to detailed items to be included in the training programme Primary and secondary task of a HEMS technical crew member To address the remit of EASA Reference to SAR deleted 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 95
Outline Introduction Overview of Regulation on Air Operations Cover Regulation OPS Part-ORO Part-CAT Part-SPA FTL Daniel Coutelier, EASA On-going/future rulemaking tasks – introduction HEMS, PIS Offshore operations Overview to Regulation Air crew Final remarks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 96
FTL State of play FTL for CAT operations with aeroplanes Other FTL tasks 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 97
Update FTL CAT aeroplanes Opinion 3 rd quarter 2012 Core FTL elements as in Subpart Q in IR Art. 8 provisions in CS 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 98
New elements New: • Delayed reporting • Standby: airport / short-call / long-call • Disruptive schedules Refined: • Acclimatisation • Accommodation • In-flight rest facility 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 99
Core element (1) – Flight Duty Period Maximum at night – 11 hours Sector reduction beyond 6 th sector ‘Minimum’ maximum 9 hours 20.09.2012 EHA Information Day 100
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