egypt s administrative corruption perception index 2016

Egypts Administrative Corruption Perception Index 2016 February 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Egypts Administrative Corruption Perception Index 2016 February 2018 Egypts Administrative Corruption Perception Index Definition of Administrative Corruption The term The term of of admin adminis istration tration corrup

  1. Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index 2016 February 2018

  2. Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Definition of Administrative Corruption “The term “The term of of “admin “adminis istration tration corrup orruption” ion” is is a tec echnical cal expre xpress ssion ion means eans the spreading the preading of of infringing infringing on on public public funds funds and nd profiteering profiteering from from public public posts posts in the he soci society ety.”

  3. Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Importance of Measuring Administrative Corruption To support decision makers towards developing policies and procedures necessary for combating the phenomenon of administrative corruption across the various sectors of the State. Main Objective To construct an indicator for measuring administrative corruption in Egypt based on the opinions of citizens, companies’ managers and experts in order to measure the level of perception of population at the national level.

  4. Map of International Corruption Indicators Transparency International’s Corruption Average Score of the Perceptions Index (CPI) 2016 38 Middle East and North Africa Region 43 Global Average Score 34 Egypt Ranking among Country 2016 Score 176 Countries Egypt’s Ranking during (2012 ‐ 2016) Denmark 90 1 150 New Zealand 90 1 120 118 114 108 UAE 66 24 94 88 90 Egypt 34 108 60 North Korea 12 174 30 Somalia 10 176 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

  5. Results of Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Score of Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception 2016 High score of Egypt’s Corruption Perception Index Score: 31.2 Zero Highest Score of Administrative Lowest Score of Administrative 100 Corruption Perception Corruption Perception Highest Score of Administrative Lowest Score of Administrative Zero 100 Corruption Perception Corruption Perception The score ranges between zero (best score) and 100 (best score). Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index is based on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index in addition to other sub ‐ indices measuring the public perception of corruption across the Egyptian governorates as well as a number of governmental sectors.

  6. Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Index Components The The index’s ndex’s data data relies lies on on thr three types ypes of of field field sur urveys: veys: The The score core ind indicates cates the he perceived perceived level evel of of corruption corruption on on a scal cale of of 0 (highest (highest score ore of corrup orruption ion percep erception) ion) and and 100 100 (lowest (lowest score core of of corruption corruption perception). perception).

  7. Results of Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Sub-Indices Forming Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index 2016  Prominent experts in five fields (economic, Representative random sample consisting of 11.6 580 companies nationwide representing political, law, corporate management and thousand citizens from all over the country various sectors governance) who were selected based on (18 years +) expertise and professional competence Sc Score of of admi administrative ve co corrupti tion Score of Sc of admi administrative ve co corrupti tion Scor ore of e of admin administr istrativ tive corr corruptio tion pe perception rception perc percep eption fro from experts experts’ perc percep eption, , perception f rception from c om companies’ m mpanies’ mana nagers’ gers’ from citizen citizens’ perspec ’ perspective, M ive, Marc rch 2016 2016 March rch 2016 2016 perspect perspective, M ive, March rch 2016 2016 50 50 50 31.9 Score:28.8 29.6 Zero 100 Zero 100 100 Zero Highest Score Lowest Score Highest Score Lowest Score Highest Score Lowest Score

  8. Results of Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index differences in corruption perception by sex and place of residence Males are more perceptiv Males are more perceptive of of administrative corruption. administrativ corruption. 26.5 31.5 Urban ban cit itiz izens are re more re percept rceptive ve of adminis inistrat ativ ive corru corruption ption . . 30.9 26.3 Highe Highest Sc Score ore of of Adminis Administra rative Corrup Corruption ion Lowes west Sc Score of Adminis ore of Administra rative Corrup Corruption ion zero 100 Pe Percepti tion on Pe Percepti tion on The score ranges between zero (worst score) and 100 (best score).

  9. Results of Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Qualitative differences in perception of corruption by educational level and age group University degree and above (23.6) 50-59 60 + Secondary school and less than 30-40 universities (26.5) 18-29 Less than Secondary school (28.3) Literate (31.1) 30.1 35.1 27.8 Illiterate (36.3) 26.3 zero High Highest Scor t Score of of Adm Administ strativ tive Corru Corrupti tion on Per Percepti tion on Lowe west S Score ore of of Admin Administra strati tive ve Corru rrupti tion on P Perce rception tion 100 The score ranges between zero (worst score) and 100 (best score).

  10. Results of Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Summary of the results regarding public people who are most perceptive of corruption Lowest Score of Lowest Score of Administrative Administrative Age groups Corruption Perception Corruption Perception 60 + 35.1 Rural 30.9 50 ‐ 59 30.1 Women are less perceptive of corruption than men. urban 30 ‐ 49 27.8 26.3 18 ‐ 29 26.3 Lowest Score of Administrative Highest Score of 23.6 26.5 28.3 31.1 36.3 Corruption Perception Administrative Corruption school and secondary Less than secondary school Literate Perception above University degree and above illiterate

  11. Most Common Forms of Corruption and Methods of Handling Them Society’s most common forms of corruption 20.1 21.5 38.6 35.1 Nepotism and seek Nepotism and seeking ing the help of the help of Stealing public money Stealing public money Misu Misuse of of public public Mone Money Bribes, gifts, tips Bribes, gifts, tips relatives and friends to relativ s and friends to facilita facilitate e government procedure government procedures Exposure to forms of corruption in Egypt Witness Witnessing appropriation of ng appropriation of Witnessing a civil servant Witnessing a civil servant Exposur posure th through rough nepotism potism Exposur posure th through paying rough paying public m ic money (c y (civil il serv rvant ant misusing misusing public money for public money for or or seek seeking the help of the help of bribes bribes, gifts or , gifts or tips tips disposing publi disposi g public money money personal gains personal gains acquaint aintances ances under h er his r responsib sponsibility) ility) 6.0 15.7 24.7 20.4 79.6 84.3 94.0 75.3 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No zero Highes est S Score o e of Admi minis nistrat rative ve Corrupt ptio ion n Lowe west S Score ore of of Admin Administra strati tive ve Corru rrupti tion on 100 Per Perception Per Perception The score ranges between zero (worst score) and 100 (best score).

  12. Most Common Forms of Corruption and Methods of Handling Them ID IDSC SC aske asked the he pop population tion 18+ 18+ about bout th the role ole of mass med mass media in incr ncreasi asing the heir ir awareness awareness 16.3% Not identified Not iden tified 68.8% 14.9% Ye Yes No No

  13. Role of community in combating corruption. Companies’ managers’ role Companies’ managers’ role in combating corruption in combating corruption Citizen’s role in combating corruption Citize n’s role in combating corruption 72% 41.2 50 40 24.3 30 18.4 16.1 20 10 0 I strongly I don’t I strongly I agree 21% agree agree disagree 41.2% of the 72 % of companies’ managers citizens Will repor Will report upon exp upon exposure to to corr corrupti tion on

  14. Egypt’s Administrative Corruption Perception Index Corruption P Corruption Perception in Egypt rception in Egypt (Egypt on the Map (Egypt on the Map of of Intern International Corruption Indicato ational Corruption Indicators) rs) Geographical and Sectoral Identifying Causes of Corruption Concentration of Corruption

  15. Important Recommendations Setting a maximum time for accomplishment of services to avoid manipulation of the public interest. This includes fixing 48 hours as the maximum duration of issuing licenses and completion of customs clearance within a specific period. First: Governance and disconnecting clients Adopting a clear and publicly announced system in from service providers respect of government procedures such as government licensing procedures. Automating government procedures and e-payment and activating smart government services.

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