Egon PElzEdEr ?? ??— octobEr 11, 1931 We have no photo of Captain Egon Pelzeder. A tragic mishap on October 11, 1931 took his life and the lives of two 12 year old boys from RI, when his plane caught fire and crashed at the airport. Captain Pelzeder was buried at the Wallkill Valley Cemetery. The American Legion post used to annually decorate the grave of this famous pilot.
Egon PElzEdEr (The Times mistakenly states the Montgomery Airport as the crash site, but local witnesses report it was the former Tilson’s Walden Airport .)
WE can’t find caPtain PElzEdEr’s gra vE. can You ? sEction d, Plot # 712
sEth MakEPEacE caPron No drawings could be found of me but my father, Dr. Seth Capron, is pictured below. I entered West Point in October of 1817. Many of my Cadet classmates were just 14 and 15 years old! I graduated In 1820 and settled in Walden, marrying 1 st Caroline A. Scofield in 1826, and much later, Helen Bard in 1850. I took over my father’s business after he died.
sEth MakEPEacE caPron
sEth MakEPEacE caPron Family Monument—his father Dr. Seth C. Capron
lEvi l. goWdY diEd JunE 16, 1870 aE 68 YEars 29 daYs No pictures of me are available, but I did help found Rider Engine Works and this building . The company later became Rider Ericsson (of The Monitor fame), and later Spence Engineering; the building still stands on Grant Street.
lEvi l. goWdY also callEd thE goWdY - daWson housE Now Gone! oak strEEt
lEvi l. goWdY Levi & Margaret’s son, Henry, died as a result of wounds received during the Civil War in Chancellorsville
col thoMas W. bradlEY aPril 6, 1844 — MaY 30, 1920
col thoMas W. bradlEY
col thoMas W. bradlEY
JosEPhinE & louisE bradlEY col bradlEY’s WifE & daughtEr Paintings from the Josephine-Louise Public Library
bradlEY hoME on ulstEr avEnuE
JosEPhinE - louisE Public librarY
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