efficient and highly available peer discovery a case for

Efficient and Highly Available Peer Discovery: A Case for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Efficient and Highly Available Peer Discovery: A Case for Independent Trackers and Gossiping Gyrgy Dn Ilias Chatzidrossos Niklas Carlsson Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Linkping University Stockholm, Sweden Linkping, Sweden

  1. Efficient and Highly Available Peer Discovery: A Case for Independent Trackers and Gossiping György Dán Ilias Chatzidrossos Niklas Carlsson Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Linköping University Stockholm, Sweden Linköping, Sweden Proc. IEEE P2P, Kyoto, Japan, Aug/Sept. 2011

  2. Background BitTorrent  Arguably biggest source of p2p traffic  Contents split into many small pieces  Pieces are downloaded from both leechers and seeds  Distribution paths are dynamically determined  Based on data availability  At least one overlay per content

  3. Background Peer discovery in BitTorrent  Torrent file  “announce” URL  Tracker  Register torrent file  Maintain state information  Peers  Obtain torrent file  Announce  Report status  Peer exchange (PEX)  Issues  Central point of failure Swarm = Torrent  Tracker load

  4. Background Peer discovery in BitTorrent  Torrent file  “announce” URL  Tracker  Register torrent file  Maintain state information  Peers  Obtain torrent file  Announce  Report status  Peer exchange (PEX)  Issues  Central point of failure Swarm = Torrent  Tracker load

  5. Background Multi-tracked torrents  Torrent file  “announce - list” URLs  Trackers  Register torrent file  Maintain state information  Peers  Obtain torrent file  Choose one tracker at random  Announce  Report status  Peer exchange (PEX) Swarm  Torrent Swarm  Torrent  Issue  Multiple smaller swarms

  6. Background Multi-tracked torrents  Torrent file  “announce - list” URLs  Trackers  Register torrent file  Maintain state information  Peers  Obtain torrent file  Choose one tracker at random  Announce  Report status  Peer exchange (PEX) Swarm  Torrent Swarm  Torrent  Issue  Multiple smaller swarms

  7. Background Multi-tracked torrents  Torrent file  “announce - list” URLs  Trackers  Register torrent file  Maintain state information  Peers  Obtain torrent file  Choose one tracker at random  Announce  Report status  Peer exchange (PEX) Swarm  Torrent Swarm  Torrent  Issue  Multiple smaller swarms

  8. Scalable … Why an issue?? BitTorrent efficiency vs. swarm size Early analytical model N  k   log     1   N 1.05 1/  1 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of neighboring peers D. Qiu, R. Srikant, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to- Peer Networks”, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004

  9. Scalable … Why an issue?? BitTorrent efficiency vs. swarm size Early analytical model pieces neighboring peers efficiency N  k   log     1   N 1.05 1/  1 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of neighboring peers D. Qiu, R. Srikant, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to- Peer Networks”, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004

  10. Scalable … Why an issue?? BitTorrent efficiency vs. swarm size Early analytical model pieces neighboring peers efficiency N  k   log     1   N 1.05 1/  1 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of neighboring peers D. Qiu, R. Srikant, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to- Peer Networks”, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004

  11. Scalable … Why an issue?? BitTorrent efficiency vs. swarm size Early analytical model Early measurements Measured time to transmit 1KB, based on 500 torrents pieces neighboring peers efficiency N  k   log     1   N 1.05 1/  1 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of neighboring peers D. Qiu, R. Srikant, “Modeling and Performance X. Yang, G. de Veciana,”Service Capacity Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to- Peer Networks”, of Peer to Peer Networks,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004 Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2004

  12. Scalable … Why an issue?? BitTorrent efficiency vs. swarm size Early analytical model Early measurements Measured time to transmit 1KB, based on 500 torrents pieces neighboring peers efficiency N  k   log     1   N 1.05 1/  1 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of neighboring peers D. Qiu, R. Srikant, “Modeling and Performance X. Yang, G. de Veciana,”Service Capacity Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to- Peer Networks”, of Peer to Peer Networks,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004 Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2004

  13. Scalable … Why an issue?? BitTorrent efficiency vs. swarm size Early analytical model Early measurements Measured time to transmit 1KB, based on 500 torrents pieces neighboring peers efficiency N  k   log     1   N 1.05 1/  1 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of neighboring peers D. Qiu, R. Srikant, “Modeling and Performance X. Yang, G. de Veciana,”Service Capacity Analysis of BitTorrent-Like Peer-to- Peer Networks”, of Peer to Peer Networks,” Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004 Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2004

  14. Measurements Two basic datasets  Screen scrapes of www.mininova.org  Popular torrent search engine  1,690 trackers (721 unique)  Tracker scrapes of known trackers (Oct. 10-17, 2008)  2.86 million unique torrents  Roughly 20-60 M concurrent peers (depending on day)  330,000 swarms overlap with screen scrape

  15. Throughput vs. swarm size  Throughput estimation FD LT

  16. Throughput vs. swarm size  Throughput estimation downloads (during period) file size FD time period number of leecher LT

  17. Throughput vs. swarm size  Throughput estimation downloads (during period) file size FD time period number of leecher LT 45 throughput/leecher [KB/s] S/L  4 Estimated swarm 40 1  S/L<4 35 S/L<1 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Number of peers in swarm [x t,r ] 0700 UTC 11-12.Oct.2008

  18. Throughput vs. swarm size  Throughput estimation downloads (during period) file size FD time period number of leecher LT 45 throughput/leecher [KB/s] S/L  4 The performance Estimated swarm 40 1  S/L<4 of small swarms 35 S/L<1 is worse 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Number of peers in swarm [x t,r ] 0700 UTC 11-12.Oct.2008

  19. Dynamic Swarm Management Improving BitTorrent performance  Trade-off in multi-tracking  Load sharing and increased availability  Smaller swarm sizes  lower throughput  Goals of dynamic swarm management  Efficient peer discovery  Avoid swarm partitioning (performance penalty)  High availability  Independent trackers  Load balancing (for large torrents)  Small overhead  Management traffic (at trackers and peers)

  20. Candidate approaches  Tracker-based protocol  Requires trackers to be modified (e.g., DSM) G.Dán, N.Carlsson, “Dynamic Swarm Management for Improved BitTorrent Performance ”,  Torrent-wide DHT Proc. of IPTPS 2009  Consistency and stale routing tables under churn  Overhead  Peer-based protocols  Independent trackers and gossiping  Transparent to the trackers  Constant overhead independent of torrent size

  21. Candidate approaches  Tracker-based protocol  Requires trackers to be modified (e.g., DSM) G.Dán, N.Carlsson, “Dynamic Swarm Management for Improved BitTorrent Performance ”,  Torrent-wide DHT Proc. of IPTPS 2009  Consistency and stale routing tables under churn  Overhead  Peer-based protocols  Independent trackers and gossiping  Transparent to the trackers  Constant overhead independent of torrent size

  22. What have we learned so far?  Good peer discovery mechanisms important  Small torrents bad ...  Centralized peer discovery (single central tracker)  Single point of failure  No load balancing opportunities  Multi-tracker approach  Connect with all trackers => High overhead  Connect with one tracker => Disjoint sets (smaller swarms)

  23. Main question addressed Is possible to achieve highly available and efficient peer-discovery, which avoids the formation of disjoint swarms, at low overhead by employing independent trackers and relying only on a gossip protocol?

  24. Two protocols  Random Peer Migration (RPM)  Random Multi-Tracking (RMT)

  25. Randomized Peer Migration (RPM)  Slightly Modified BitTorrent peer behavior  Component 1: Peer migration  Randomly chosen peer changes swarm  Intensity of migration (  ) [non trivial]  Component 2: Peer EXchange Protocol (PEX)  Peers exchange neighborhood info using gossiping

  26. Random Multi-Tracking (RMT)  Slightly Modified BitTorrent peer behavior  Component 1: Multi-tracked Peers  Random arriving peer connects to k trackers  Intensity of multi-tracking (  ) [non trivial]  Component 2: Peer EXchange Protocol (PEX)  Multi-tracked peers exchange neighborhood info using gossiping

  27. Random Multi-Tracking (RMT)  Slightly Modified BitTorrent peer behavior  Component 1: Multi-tracked Peers  Random arriving peer connects to k trackers  Intensity of multi-tracking (  ) [non trivial]  Component 2: Peer EXchange Protocol (PEX)  Multi-tracked peers exchange neighborhood info using gossiping

  28. Peer migration (using RPM) How to pick a good migration rule?? 

  29. Peer migration (using RPM) How to pick a good migration rule??  Migration probability Make choice after downloaded of the file


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