effect of perched water conditions in msw landfills

Effect of Perched Water Conditions in MSW Landfills: Considerations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Effect of Perched Water Conditions in MSW Landfills: Considerations for Landfill Operators Timothy Townsend Department of Environmental Engineering University of Florida ESD 17 th Annual Solid Waste Technical Conference East Lansing, Michigan

  1. Effect of Perched Water Conditions in MSW Landfills: Considerations for Landfill Operators Timothy Townsend Department of Environmental Engineering University of Florida ESD 17 th Annual Solid Waste Technical Conference East Lansing, Michigan April 4, 2006

  2. Motivation • A common observation at solid waste landfills is the possible presence of saturated waste layers in the deeper parts of landfills. • The presence and cause of these saturated layers can be interpreted differently. • The question that we asked: “what should one expect?”

  3. Consider a MSW Landfill MSW LCRS Liner

  4. Install Gas Wells

  5. Consider a MSW Landfill MSW LCRS Liner

  6. Landfill Gas Well MSW LCRS Liner

  7. Landfill Gas Well Water Surface LCRS Liner

  8. Implications of Perched Water • Problems with gas recovery? • Slope stability concerns? • Leachate collection system problems? • Future side slope seepage issues?

  9. Landfill gas well equipped with liquid pumping system

  10. Pump repair and maintenance

  11. Landfill Gas Slope stability Well concerns LCRS Liner

  12. Landfill Gas Slope stability Well concerns LCRS Liner

  13. Landfill Gas Slope stability Well concerns LCRS Liner

  14. The implications of the perched liquids depend on their true nature within the landfill

  15. Landfill Gas Well Water Surface LCRS Liner

  16. Landfill Gas Well Phreatic surface LCRS Liner

  17. Landfill Gas Well LCRS Liner

  18. Landfill Gas Slope stability Well concerns LCRS Liner

  19. Landfill Gas Slope stability Well concerns LCRS Liner

  20. Landfill Gas Slope stability Well concerns LCRS Liner

  21. Let’s examine the scenario where only waste around the well is saturated Some source of water is added to the well at a rate greater that it can drain out. Possible sources: • Gas condensate • Perched zones of leachate in the landfill • Short circuiting from liquids addition

  22. Gas Well

  23. Perched Liquids Soil Layer

  24. Vertical Injection Wells at New River Regional Landfill Flow 2 Flow 3 Flow 1

  25. Modified Version of Richard’s Equation ∂ ∂ ψ ∂ ψ ∂ ∂ ψ     kK + + + =     r K k K k k ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ r z     r r r r z z ∂ ψ ∂ ψ ( ) = ψ + C S ∂ ∂ s t t Richard’s equation was solved using a USGS program called SUTRA

  26. r 0 5 10 15 20 0 S=0.2 5 S=1 10 z 15 20

  27. r 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 ψ=0 ψ=2 m 10 ψ=4 m z 15 20

  28. r (ft) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 Simulation Parameters K = 10 -5 cm/sec 10 Q = 17 gallons/day z (ft) Duration of Moisture Addition = 20 10 days Head in the well ~ 0 ft 8 ft 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 30 5 ft

  29. Landfill Gas Well Phreatic surface LCRS Liner

  30. Let’s examine the scenario where saturated conditions will develop in the landfill even if barrier layers are not present • If the liquids are added to the landfill at a rate greater than the hydraulic conductivity, saturated conditions will result

  31. Consider a Liquids Infiltration Pond • The waste underneath the pond will become saturated • In the absence of cover soil layers, a saturated zone will extend to the leachate collection system

  32. Consider a MSW Landfill with an Infiltration Pond MSW LCRS Liner

  33. Consider a MSW Landfill with an Infiltration Pond MSW LCRS Liner

  34. Consider a MSW Landfill with an Infiltration Pond h + h d = i d d LCRS Liner

  35. Consider a MSW Landfill with an Infiltration Pond MSW LCRS Liner

  36. Consider a MSW Landfill with an Infiltration Pond MSW LCRS Liner

  37. Consider a MSW Landfill with an Infiltration Pond Water Level MSW LCRS Liner

  38. Can saturated conditions develop if the liquids are added at a rate less than the permeability of the waste? Decreasing Permeability • Yes, if the permeability of the waste is reduced with depth

  39. 10 -3 At ~1400 pcy Hydraulic Conductivity (m/sec) 10 -4 K = 8x10 -5 cm/sec 10 -5 Col 21 vs Col 22 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Density (t/m 3 )

  40. Air permeability of waste at NRRL at different depths 15 Number of Locations 12 9 6 3 0 <0.1 0.1-2.5 2.5-5.0 5.0-7.5 7.5-10.0 10.0-12.5 12.5-15.0 15.0-17.5 17.5-20.0 20.0-22.5 22.5-25.0 >25.0 Air Permeability, k (X10 -12 m 2 )

  41. Air permeability of waste at NRRL at different depths 15 Number of Locations 12 9 6 3 0 <0.1 0.1-2.5 2.5-5.0 5.0-7.5 7.5-10.0 10.0-12.5 12.5-15.0 15.0-17.5 17.5-20.0 20.0-22.5 22.5-25.0 >25.0 Air Permeability, k (X10 -12 m 2 )

  42. Air permeability of waste at NRRL at different depths 15 Number of Locations 12 9 6 3 0 <0.1 0.1-2.5 2.5-5.0 5.0-7.5 7.5-10.0 10.0-12.5 12.5-15.0 15.0-17.5 17.5-20.0 20.0-22.5 22.5-25.0 >25.0 Air Permeability, k (X10 -12 m 2 )

  43. 27 Gpd K=10 -4 cm/s Compacted MSW 60 ft K=5X10 -5 cm/s Leachate Collection System Bottom Liner

  44. 0 10 20 Depth (ft) 30 40 50 60 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pressure (ft of w.c.)

  45. r (ft) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 Simulation Parameters Decreasing K = 10 -5 cm/sec (top) to 5X10 -6 cm/sec (bottom at 60 ft 10 deep) Q = 8.5 gallons/day z (ft) Duration of Moisture Addition = 10 days 20 Head in the well ~ 5 ft 0 ft 1 ft 2 ft 30 3 ft 4 ft

  46. Review • The existence of standing liquids in gas wells in landfills does not necessarily result from a phreatic liquid surface in the landfill. • Liquids added to wells as a result of perched layers in the landfill, gas condensate or other sources can result in relatively large depths of water in the well.

  47. Review • The decreasing permeability of landfilled waste with depth should have impact. • Saturated waste conditions may be present, but the pressure of this water may not be accurately reflected by the depth of water that would be measured if a well was installed. • At large liquid addition rates, saturated conditions in deeper layers may develop.

  48. Implications • The presence of liquids in gas wells in “dry” landfills should not automatically assumed to represent a phreatic surface. • In “wet” landfills, the liquid levels in wells may result from both situations. • When evaluating slope stability, careful thought must be given to the pressures that truly occur. • Leachate collection systems need to be designed and operated correctly.

  49. New Experiment in Florida Bury piezometers in waste vertical well and horizontal trench

  50. Well #1 Well #2 Injection Wells 10’ 5’ VW Piezometer Well 25’ Between Wells Current Bioreactor

  51. Injection Injection Well #1 Well #2 Data Station Cover Soil 10’ MSW 35’ 20’ 30’ 5’ 40’ 10’ VW piezometers 20’

  52. Piezometer • Is an instrument to measure pressure – Specifically, the Water Pressures within the Pores caused by Recirculating Leachate Installed in Cotton bags with moist sand

  53. Injection line Cross-Section Vibrating Wire Peizometer Grid

  54. Data logger for transducers installed in the summer

  55. Piezometer T212 14.85 14.8 14.75 Absolute Pressure (psi) 14.7 Barometer 14.65 T212 14.6 14.55 14.5 14.45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Days of December

  56. Bioreactor Research in Florida • Leachate recirculation has been practiced in Florida since the 1980s • Researchers are currently involved with bioreactor activities at multiple landfills

  57. New River Regional Landfill Alachua County Southwest Landfill Polk County North Central Landfill

  58. Instrumented Well Field

  59. C&D Debris Issues

  60. Crush and Load Gypsum Drywall

  61. Install Gas Distribution System

  62. Testing Plots Testing Plots n n d d S S a a 3% Ca(OH) 2 3% Ca(OH) 2 1% Ca(OH) 2 1% Ca(OH) 2 Fine concrete Fine concrete 10% CaCO 3 10% CaCO 3 S S a a m m p p l l i i n n g g T T u u b b e e s s Compost Compost

  63. N 2 Gas Flux Chamber Jerome Meter Flow Meter Thermometer

  64. EWaste Impacts on Landfills

  65. Cell Phones

  66. Contact Info • Tim Townsend – ttown@ufl.edu • www.ees.ufl.edu/homepp/townsend


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