the effect of cooling water on magnet vibrations


NanoBeam2002 26 th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nanometer Size Colliding Beams September 2-6, 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland THE EFFECT of COOLING WATER on MAGNET VIBRATIONS R. Amann, W. Coosemans, S. Redaelli, W. Schnell CERN

  1. NanoBeam2002 26 th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nanometer Size Colliding Beams September 2-6, 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland THE EFFECT of COOLING WATER on MAGNET VIBRATIONS R. Aßmann, W. Coosemans, S. Redaelli, W. Schnell CERN CH-1211 Geneva 23 C L I C C L I C Switzerland

  2. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Overview of my talk: 1. Introduction 2. Simple theory of water induced vibrations 3. Experimental set-up 4. Results of the measurements 5. In-situ measurements (vibrations of CTFII quads) 6. Conclusions Acknowledgments : People of the CLIC Stability Study Group (G. Guigard, N. Leros, D. Schulte, I. Wilson, F. Zimmermann), A. Seryi, G. Yvon, D. Gros. Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 2

  3. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland 1. Introduction Performance of future Linear Colliders like CLIC will be limited by the vibrations of the focusing quadrupoles CLIC tolerances for uncorrelated motion above 4 Hz Quad type Number Horizontal Vertical ( Work done in the CLIC Linac 2600 14 nm 1.3 nm Stability Final Focus 2 4 nm 0.2 nm Group ) 4 Hz On earth exist places quiet enough for CLIC! 20 nm But the noise of the accelerator environment disturb this quietness! 0.1 nm Measurements in the LEP tunnel (W. Coosemans et al. , 1993) Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 3

  4. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Why do quadrupoles move? • Natural ground motion • Resonances of the support structures. � Amplification of the ground motion level. • Acoustical noise Cultural noise from equipment in • Air currents the tunnel (cooling system, vacuum pumps, air conditioning, • Mechanical vibrations particle detector,... ). • COOLING WATER This is what we are going to discuss! Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 4

  5. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland 2. Simple theory of water induced vibrations (1) Theory first proposed by W. Schnell ( CLIC Note 468 – Landau-Lifshitz, Vol. VI ) Vibrations supposed to by induced by TURBULENCE u : water velocity Re = udρ d : pipe diameter Reynold’s number: ρ =10 3 kg m 3 : water density η η =0 . 89 10 − 3 kg m − 1 s − 1 : viscosity Turbulence onset: Re ≈ 2000 u d/2 d Eddy-like local motion superimposed to drift u Length of larger coherence domains ~ d/2 f c = u Intrinsic frequency associated to turbulence: d Turbulence induced vibrations expected above f c Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 5

  6. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Simple theory (2) – Energy released in turbulent regime ∆ p = ρλ l d u 2 In turbulence, pressure drop ~ u 2 : 2 Weak dependence on Re (Blasius’ formula) 0 . 316 Re − 1 / 4 = 0 . 04 λ ≈ v = mean-square ρv 2 Power pump completely converted in ∂V ∂t ∆ p = ∂V of local turbulence irretrievable kinetic energy: velocity ∂t 2 Isotropy ⇒ Local momentum density: � � λl � � ρv RMS � = uρ � � v y = y 2 2 v / 3 � 3 d Assumptions : kin energy concentrated in � d m water � λ � RMS = √ n c n q � cells of coherence length d /2 � y 6 , � � � 2 π M Tot All energy released at f c Sum in quadrature of all cells Small dependence of motion on water flow! (and magnet coils) ( nc , nq = number of coils/quads) Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 6

  7. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland 3. Experimental set-up (1) – The CLIC linac quadrupole Coil Water pipe 142 mm • CTFII quadrupole - similar for CLIC • Resistive quadrupoles (copper coil) Yoke • Coils with 6 cables 76 mm • Cooled with water ( d = 3 mm) • 80mm(long)x76mmx142mm; 6.7 kg • Two quads on one support plate Geophone for vibration measurements Water feeding pipes Steel plate Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 7

  8. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Experimental set-up (2) Geophones Doublet L=1m d=8mm L=6m d=13mm System for active damping of ground motion Manifold • Active system isolates from ground motion , does not actively damp vibration on table top • Tap water, no pumps • Quadrupole doublet screwed on table top • Floor and table also measured simultaneously • Pipes of different diameter – all relevant for vibration! Pipe Re d [m] Flow [l/h] f c [Hz] u f c = Tap → Manifold 2000 0 . 013 16 . 4 10 . 5 d Manif. → Quad 2000 0 . 008 40 . 3 27 . 9 Quadrupole 2000 0 . 003 15 . 1 198 Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 8

  9. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland 4. Results of the Measurements – Turbulence onset Quadrupole vertical vibration (same feature for horiz) −6 0 l/h 10 12.5 l/h Power Spectral Density [ µ m 2 /Hz] 45 l/h −8 10 −10 10 Lines are superimposed −12 10 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency [Hz] Turbulence is a threshold phenomenon, effects for flow ≥ 15 l/h This value corresponds to turbulence onset in Pipe Re Flow[l/h] f c [Hz] the pipes feeding the quadrupole and in the Tap Manifold 2000 16.4 10.5 Manif. Quad 2000 40 3 . 27 .9 quadrupoles themselves Quadru pole 2000 15.1 198 Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 9

  10. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Low frequency content of the vibrations Vertical quadrupole vibrations Pipe Re Flow[l/h] f c [Hz] 0 l/h Tap Manifold 2000 16.4 10.5 −6 45 l/h 10 Manif. Quad 2000 40 3 . 27 .9 Power Spectral Density [ µ m 2 /Hz] 55 l/h Quadru pole 2000 15.1 198 −7 10 Overall increase of noise level + new peaks ! −8 10 Main contribution to vibration at low frequency −9 10 from the FEEDING PIPES. −10 Small quadrupole pipes 10 induce much higher frequency −11 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Peaks moving with u ? Frequency [Hz] u f c = d Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 10

  11. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland High(er) frequency content of the vibrations −8 10 Power Spectral Density [ µ m 2 /Hz] −9 10 −10 10 −11 10 0l/h 35l/h −12 10 45 l/h 55 l/h 70 l/h −13 10 100 150 200 250 300 Frequency [Hz] Again : Amplification of existing peaks + new peaks arising Increase of power spectral density of 1000 times! But what about the total motion? Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 11

  12. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Integrated RMS motion Vertical RMS motion Nominal of CTFII 4 f min = 4 Hz f min = 10 Hz 3.5 Vertical RMS motion above f min [nm] f min = 20 Hz f min = 60 Hz 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Effect of water: increase motion 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 above 4 Hz by ~ 3 nm Water flow [l/h] • CLIC tolerances are met!! Quad stabilized at 1.3 nm above 4 Hz • Main contribution induced by vibrations below ~60 Hz (~15Hz peak) • Strong dependence of motion on water flow → careful design! Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 12

  13. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Reproducibility of the measurement -6 10 April 23rd (night) April 26th (after) Vertical Power Spectral Density [ µ m2/Hz] April 27th (night) May 3rd (night) -7 10 Measure done in -8 10 the afternoon -9 10 -10 10 Flow = 25 l/h -11 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Frequency [Hz] Measurements reproducible – similar results over 10 days Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 13

  14. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Vibration measurement on air pressure stabilization system 70 f 0 = 4 Hz Peak at ~ 5 Hz 0l/h Integrated RMS motion above f 0 [nm] −2 10 40l/h f 0 = 5 Hz Power Spectral Density [ µ m 2 /Hz] 60 50 l/h f 0 = 6 Hz 70 l/h f 0 = 10 Hz −4 50 10 40 −6 10 30 RMS motion above 4 Hz is 3.3 nm −8 10 for flow = 30 l/h 20 10 −10 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Water flow [l/h] Frequency [Hz] • Much larger displacements – system less stiff, larger amplitudes below ~20Hz • RMS motion above 4 Hz at flow = 30 l/h is 3.3 nm • Monotone increase of displacement (at 4 Hz) with flow, driven by ~ 5 Hz peak • Still reduction of vibrations from 20 Hz to 40 Hz for flow above ~ 60 l/h Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 14

  15. NanoBeam2002, 2-6 September 2002 – Lausanne, Switzerland Recent measurements of stiff stabilization system −6 3.5 10 0l/h Integrated RMS motion above f 0 [nm] 30l/h f = 4 Hz Power Spectral Density [ µ m 2 /Hz] 3 −7 50 l/h 10 60 l/h 80 l/h 2.5 −8 10 f = 17 Hz 2 −9 10 1.5 −10 f = 30 Hz 10 1 −11 10 0.5 f = 60 Hz −12 0 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 Water flow [l/h] Frequency [Hz] • System with four feet (before three) – active feedback not yet optimized • Larger vibration without water (~ 2.5 nm instead of ~ 1 nm) • Smaller contribution from water to overall motion • Relevant contribution from high frequency vibrations (~ 1 nm above 60 Hz) Stefano Redaelli, Effect of Cooling Water on Magnet Vibrations, page 15


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