education improvement service challenge support

Education Improvement Service Challenge & Support STEVE COMPTON - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education Improvement Service Challenge & Support STEVE COMPTON Good or Better Ofsted Inspection 27/02/2017 31/03/2016 31/03/2016 Outcomes West by number of schools Shropshire National Midlands All schools inc TMBSS 89.47% 86%

  1. Education Improvement Service – Challenge & Support STEVE COMPTON

  2. Good or Better Ofsted Inspection 27/02/2017 31/03/2016 31/03/2016 Outcomes West by number of schools Shropshire National Midlands All schools inc TMBSS 89.47% 86% 83% All Primary 90.70% 87% 84% All Secondary 85.00% 76% 72%

  3. What makes Shropshire’s School Improvement so effective? A core team of very talented School Improvement Advisers/Commissioners and a traded/commissioned team of subject and equally talented subject/area specific School Improvement Advisers- making a super team – a good mix of skills and talents covering all primary and secondary phases with additional expertise from both EYFS and Post 16 sections. The core team comprises of expertise from headship, advisory roles, assessment, ICT, English, mathematics and wider subject knowledge and this team is supplemented as required from Associate SIACs, existing HTs who’s leadership and management has been judged as good or outstanding, NLEs and Ofsted Inspectors through secondments and Consultant HT arrangements.

  4. What makes Shropshire’s School Improvement so effective? In short, knowledgeable staff who know Shropshire schools well.

  5. Key features of EIS SLA include: 1. Standard - Headteacher briefings and primary HT workshops - Network meetings - Secondary senior leaders meetings - NQT observation 2. FFT Aspire 3. Management - HTPM - Website health check - two of the three additional HT ½ day workshops

  6. Challenge and support • Maintain core SIA role – with brokerage of targeted and traded service, including school-to-school support • LA QA role: to monitor, challenge, support and intervene – in LA maintained schools and in academies • Traded work including SIA support for academies

  7. Challenge and support for maintained schools SIA visits for schools: Low support schools – at least 1 visit per year Medium support schools - 2 visits per term High support schools – 2 visits per term plus attendance at monitoring meetings All maintained schools continue to have a rolling record and school performance in reviewed through the biannual SPM. Letters confirm category. Schools are also supported through the Ofsted process.

  8. Challenge and support through statutory QA Academy protocol – 1 annual visit LA reviews and pre-warning notices

  9. Challenge and support – SIA support for academies A purchased service that offers: - 3 visits per year - Rolling record - Support pre-ofsted and during Ofsted HTPM also available for academies Ed Visits and safe practice in PE/sports also offered as additional services.



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