educating radiation therapists in developing countries

Educating Radiation Therapists in Developing Countries Professional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Educating Radiation Therapists in Developing Countries Professional Education for Change ISCARO Vienna - 2009 Penelope Engel-Hills African Perspective Transferable Developing Countries Advances in Radiation Oncology KNOWLEDGE++++++

  1. Educating Radiation Therapists in Developing Countries Professional Education for Change ISCARO Vienna - 2009 Penelope Engel-Hills

  2. African Perspective Transferable Developing Countries

  3. Advances in Radiation Oncology

  4. KNOWLEDGE++++++

  5. -shaped people ‘Industry seeks “T-shaped people”, in which the down-stroke represents depth and specialist knowledge in a discipline and the cross-stroke represents breadth and flexibility’. Report of a meeting sponsored by ESF with Science Magazine (Next Wave) and the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm in 2002

  6. Profession Practice Experience-based knowledge Traditional disciplines With acknowledgement to Prof. A Rip, University of Twente.

  7. Radiation Oncology Service and RTT Education in Developing World Spectrum of Provision and Quality Excellent, Good, Inadequate and Many Countries without Service or Training at All

  8. STEP 1 � Document available services � Document education and/or training available � Be aware of standards in radiation oncology according to the developed world � Explore appropriate response for low income countries to technological developments

  9. STEP 2 � Shift away from Radiation Oncology that has palliative focus to a model that encourages: � education for prevention � health care directed towards early detection � appropriate, quality treatment This needs EDUCATION to prepare practitioners that are effective in and for the environment.

  10. EDUCATING RTTs Outline � The impact of a changing context on therapists and the preparation of RTT graduates for practise � Proposed structure for RTT programmes � Curriculum response to change

  11. GLOBAL CHANGE � Rapid technological development applied to radiation oncology environment � Changing status of RTTs � Partners in the multidisciplinary team � Role extension with increasing responsibility

  12. National/Regional Agendas Health and Education � Health care focus/needs/priorities � Budgetary constraints � Disease and trauma burden/profile � Positioning of Oncology as tertiary health care � Higher Education priorities � Resources available for RTT Education and Training � Financial allocations

  13. Local Environment Health and Education � HEI availability and desire to educate RTTs � Faculty of Health Sciences � Hospital suitability for training � Radiation Oncology Department � Collaboration – national, regional and international � Hospital budget cuts affect workplace T&L

  14. Structure of Education Programme Radiation Therapy RT Diagnostic Radiography Shift from in-put to outcome curriculum

  15. Outcomes Based Education � Identify professional learning outcomes (actions, attitudes and behaviours) � Design & Plan a curriculum to prepare for achievement of the outcomes (roles) � Focus on professional competence � Develop underpinning knowledge (foundational and core) � Provide support and enrichment

  16. Key to Success � Teaching, Learning and Assessment Aligned � Focus on performance (doing with understanding) � Transparent outcomes (no surprises, fair, well prepared) � Criterion referenced assessment (focus on measurable outcomes for the individual)

  17. Teaching, Learning and Assessment Curriculum Response Integrated approach to

  18. Characteristics and Rationale of an ‘Integrated Learning Curriculum’ Characteristics Rationale Evidence based sources Venter, 2003; Learning How to Learn, Meta-learning Hendry, Become: Frommer, & life long learners Walker, 1999; practitioners able to adapt to Malhotra, 1996 rapidly changing technology and environment.

  19. Transparent These are the essential Harris, learning competencies Heard & objectives Everingham, 2005 Radiation Therapist: Safe and Accurate Treatment Preparation and Delivery Excellent patient care

  20. Thematically Learning objectives Bebb & Pittam, organised learning integrated into themes 2004; Graham (eg ‘Ca Cervix’) which & Wealthall, Content are meaningful for both 1999; Pirrie, Scope academic study and Hamilton, & clinical practice. Scope, Wilson, 1999 Sequence level and sequencing appropriate to the level of the learner.

  21. Knowledge RTTs as life long learners Freeman, who can adapt to changing Miller & generating contexts and build Ross, 2000 professional knowledge is an outcome of a knowledge- generating curriculum.

  22. Engel-Hills, et at, Work-integrated Variety of curricular practices, 2005; Adamson, learning (problem-based-learning, work- Harris & Hunt, based, project-based, in-service, 1997. clinical placement) facilitate the transition from academic classroom to professional work place. Winberg, 2005; Contextual To build competent and caring Philotheou, learning professionals, there is need for 2004; Waghid, contextually based learning: 2002; Adamson, Harris & Hunt, including learning in ‘high tech’ 1997; environments, and in community- based contexts.

  23. Sustainable Assessment practices that Boud, assessment are not only be aligned 2000 . with integrated teaching and learning practices, but that support learning beyond the higher education setting e.g. changing clinical practice environment.

  24. Continuum of Learner Participation Passive Conservative Moderate Considerable Active Participation

  25. CHALLENGES for improving Radiation Oncology Service in Developing Countries � Socio-Political environment � Infra-structure � Funding � Collaboration and Support (internationalization) � EDUCATION � Buy in from HEI and Clinical Facilities � Identifying suitable motivated individuals as academics and develop them � Design & Plan a suitable curriculum � Select suitable students � Offer quality programme � Optimising support

  26. Acknowledgements � IAEA � Cape Peninsula University of Technology � Prof. C Winberg and the WILRU � Radiography team


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