EDP DPNC Busin sines ess R s Rec ecruit itmen ent EDPNC Projects and Real Estate Requests 2017-2018
Prima mary A y Acti tivi vity ty of Projec Pr ect Prim imar ary A Activ ivit ity 3% 3% 6% 50 508 P 8 Proj ojec ects 9% - Back Office/Shared Services 9% – 3% (17 projects) Back Office/Shared Services - Corporate HQ– 9% (45) Corporate HQ - Manufacturing/Assembly– 4% 66% (336) Manufacturing/Assembly - R&D– 4% (19) R&D - Service/Sales– 9% (45) Service/Sales - Warehouse/Distribution– 6% Warehouse/Distribution (31) - Other – 3% (15) Other 66% Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Prima mary y Acti tivi vity o ty of P Project Back Bac k Offic ffice/Shared S Servic ices Call C Cent enter er Cor orpor orate H HQ Data C Cent enter er Median Jobs - 365 Median Jobs - 500 Median Jobs – 289 Median Jobs - 54 Median Investment - $12.9 million Median Investment - $3.9 million Median Investment - $10.7 million Median Investment - $184 million Median Wages - $65,500 Median Wages - $39,613 Median Wages - $94,927 Median Wages - $50,000 17 Projects 4 Projects 44 Projects 10 Projects Man anufac acturin ing/Asse sembly ly R&D &D Servic ice/Sale ales War arehouse se/Dis Distrib ibutio ion Median Jobs - 100 Median Jobs - 200 Median Jobs - 200 Median Jobs - 100 Median Investment - $18.2 million Median Investment - $17 million Median Investment - $4 million Median Investment - $25 million Median Wages - $42,173 Median Wages - $84,012 Median Wages - $65,822 Median Wages - $35,074 336 Projects 19 Projects 45 Projects 31 Projects Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Sour urce o e of Pr Projec ects Sou ource of of Proj ojects 9% 50 508 P 8 Proj ojec ects 3% - -Direct Call from Company – 27% 4% (136 projects) 26% - -Foreign Office – 7% (38) Direct Call From Company - -Internal Referral – 6% (28 ) Foreign Office - -Local/County Developer – 13% Internal Referral (66) Local/County Developer - -Site Selection Consultant – 32% (160) Site Selection Consultant - -Statewide Agency/Partner – 4% Statewide Agency/Partner (18) 7% Trade Show 32% - -Trade Show – 3% (17) Other - -Other – 9% (45) 6% 13% Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Pr Projec ect I Ind ndus ustry ry Projec ect I Ind ndus ustry Sec ector Secto tor 68 Other Manufacturing Food, Beverage and Agriculture 53 Chemicals, Plastics and Rubber 52 46 50 503 P 3 Proj ojec ects Automotive/Motor Vehicles Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences 39 - Other Manufacturing – 14% (68 Information Technology 38 projects) 37 Other - Food, Beverage and Agriculture – Textiles, Apparel and Sporting Goods 34 11% (53) Business and Financial Services 29 - Chemicals, Plastics and Rubber – 22 Energy 10% (52) Computers and Electronics 19 - Automotive/Motor Vehicles – 9% Furniture and Home Furnishings 16 (46) 16 Aerospace/Aviation - Biotech., Pharma., and Life 9 Transportation & Logistics Sciences – 8% (39) Medical Equipment 9 - Information Technology – 8% 7 (38) Military/Defense - Textiles, Apparel, and Sporting 4 Waste/Recycling Goods – 7% (34) Boating and Marine 3 - Business and Financial Services – 1 Wood/Paper Products 6% (29) 1 Nanotechnology - Energy – 4% (22) 0 20 40 60 80 Sales Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Pr Projec ect I Ind ndus ustry ry Sec ector Aerosp spac ace/Avia iatio ion Aut utomotive/ e/Motor V Vehi ehicles es Biotec ech, h, Pha harma & & Life S e Scienc ences es Bu Busin siness s an and F Fin inan ancial S ial Servic ices Median Jobs - 80 Median Jobs - 150 Median Jobs – 200 Median Jobs - 365 Median Investment - $10.5 million Median Investment - $23.6 million Median Investment - $62.1 million Median Investment - $7.9 million Median Wages - $53,000 Median Wages - $44,431 Median Wages - $70,477 Median Wages - $81,207 16 Projects 46 Projects 39 Projects 29 Projects Chemic icals, als, Plas lastic ics, s, & & R Rubber Comput uter ers a and nd Elec ectroni nics Ener nergy Food, d, B Beverage ge & A Agr gricultu ture Median Jobs - 52 Median Jobs - 64 Median Jobs - 200 Median Jobs - 100 Median Investment - $11.7 million Median Investment - $53 million Median Investment - $50 million Median Investment - $14 million Median Wages - $42,432 Median Wages - $49,482 Median Wages - $49,417 Median Wages - $39,685 52 Projects 19 Projects 22 Projects 53 Projects Fur urni nitur ure & e & Home e Fur urni nishi hing ngs Inf nformation T n Tec echno hnology Other her M Manuf nufactur uring ng Texti tiles, A Appa pparels & S Spo porti ting g Goods ds Median Jobs - 120 Median Jobs - 249 Median Jobs - 100 Median Jobs - 100 Median Investment - $23.5 million Median Investment - $9.4 million Median Investment - $14.5 million Median Investment - $11.8 million Median Wages - $40,000 Median Wages - $73,500 Median Wages - $44,304 Median Wages - $32,000 16 Projects 38 Projects 68 Projects 34 Projects Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Int nterna ernationa nal Int nter erna nationa nal P Projec ect? Projec Pr ect? 2% 50 508 P 8 Proj ojec ects - Yes – 41% (210 projects) - No – 57% (289) - Unknown – 2% (9) 41% 57% Yes No Unknown Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Int nter erna nationa nal P Projec ect – Count untry? Int nterna ernationa nal Projec Pr ect – Count untry ry? China 28 Italy 23 23 Germany 16 India 15 Canada United Kingdom 14 Japan 13 12 Korea 10 OTHER Spain 6 210 P 21 Project cts Denmark 6 Austria 5 - China – 13% (28 projects) 4 Turkey - Italy – 11% (23) 4 Taiwan Netherlands 4 - Germany – 11% (23) Israel 4 - India – 8% (16) 4 France - Canada – 7% (15) 3 Switzerland - United Kingdom - 7% (14) 2 United Arab Emirates Poland 2 - Japan – 6% (13) Finland 2 - Korea – 6% (12) 2 Czech Republic - Spain – 3% (6) 2 Belgium - Denmark – 3% (6) Australia 2 - Austria – 2% (5) Vietnam 1 1 Sweden - Turkey – 2% (4) 1 Mexico - Taiwan – 2% (4) 1 Indonesia - Netherlands – 2% (4) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 - Israel – 2% (4) - France – 2% (4) - Switzerland – 1% (3) Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Build Bu ildin ing Bu Build ildin ing or S Sit ite? Or Si Or Site? 21% 415 P 5 Proj ojec ects - Building – 55% (229 projects) - Site or Building – 24% (99) - Site – 21% (87) 55% 24% Building Site or Building Site Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Manuf Ma nufacturi uring ng Build Bu ildin ing or S Sit ite? Pr Projec ects – Bu Build ildin ing o or S Sit ite? 24% 315 P 5 Proj ojec ects - Building – 50% (158 projects) - Site or Building – 26% (81) 50% - Site – 24% (76) Bus usine ness R Recr crui uitment nt Proj ojec ects f s for or 2 2017 and 26% 201 018 – Onl nly i incl clud udes Manuf nufact ctur uring ng & & Wareh ehou ouse/ se/Dist. Proj ojec ects Building Site or Building Site Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Squa uare F e Footage e Req eques uest Manuf Ma nufacturi uring ng Projec Pr ects – Squ Square 40 Footage R e Req eques uest 35 30 232 P 23 Project cts 25 - < 20,000 SF – 11% (26 projects) - 20-50,000 SF – 16% (37) 20 - 50-70,000 SF – 15% (35) - 70-100,000 SF – 9% (21) - 100-150,000 SF – 16% (38) 15 - 150-200,000 SF – 8% (19) - 200-250,000 SF – 4% (9) 10 - 250-300,000 SF – 3% (8) - 300-350,000 SF – 3% (8) - 350,000+ SF – 13% (31) 5 0 < 20,000 20,001 - 50,001 - 70,001 - 100,001 - 150,001 - 200,001 - 250,001 - 300,001 - 350,000 + SF 50,000 SF 70,000 SF 100,000 SF 150,000 SF 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 SF SF SF SF SF Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Ma Manuf nufacturi uring ng Cei eiling ng H Hei eight ht Req eques uest Projec Pr ects – Ceilin iling 18 Hei eight ht R Req eques uest 16 14 12 101 P Proj ojec ects - < 16 – 5% (5 projects) 10 - 17-18 – 8% (8) - 19-20 – 17% (17) 8 - 21-22 – 7% (7) - 23-24 – 16% (16) - 25-26 – 9% (9) 6 - 27-28 – 14% (14) - 29-30 – 8% (8) 4 - 30+ – 17% (17) 2 0 < 16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 30+ Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Manuf Ma nufacturi uring ng Acrea eage R e Req eques uests Projec Pr ects – 40 Acrea eage R e Req eques uest 35 30 42 P Project cts 25 - < 10 – 14% (6 projects) - 10-20 – 26% (11) 20 - 21-30 – 12% (5) - 31-40 – 5% (2) - 41-60 – 14% (6) 15 - 61-90 – 3% (1) - 91-150 – 3% (1) 10 - 151-200 – 7% (3) - 201-250 – 7% (3) - 251-300 – 0% (0) 5 - 301-400 – 5% (2) - 401-500 – 0% (0) 0 - 501-750 – 0% (0) - 751-1,000 – 3% (1) - 1,000+ - 3% (1) Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
Manuf Ma nufacturi uring ng Buy o Bu or Lease ase? Pr Projec ects – Buy uy o or L r Lea ease? 21% 20 201 P Project cts - Buy – 21% (42 projects) 47% - Lease – 32% (64) - Buy or Lease – 47% (95) 32% Buy Lease Buy or Lease Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
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