edge extreme scale fused seismic simulations with the

EDGE: Extreme Scale Fused Seismic Simulations with the Discontinuous - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EDGE: Extreme Scale Fused Seismic Simulations with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method Alexander Breuer, Alexander Heinecke (Intel), Yifeng Cui What is EDGE? Extreme-scale Discontinuous Galerkin Environment (EDGE): Seismic wave

  1. EDGE: Extreme Scale Fused Seismic Simulations with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method Alexander Breuer, Alexander Heinecke (Intel), Yifeng Cui

 What is EDGE? • Extreme-scale Discontinuous Galerkin Environment (EDGE): Seismic wave propagation through DG-FEM • Focus: Problem settings with high geometric complexity, e.g., mountain topography • Written from scratch to support fused forward simulations 
 • “License”: BSD 3-Clause (software), CC0 for supporting files (e.g., user guide) 
 Example of hypothetical seismic wave propagation with mountain topography using http://dial3343.org EDGE. Shown is the surface of the computational domain covering the San Jacinto fault zone between Anza and Borrego Springs in California. Colors denote the amplitude of the particle velocity, where warmer colors correspond to higher amplitudes.

  3. Getting Started: Advection Equation q ( x, t ) t + v · q ( x, t ) x = 0 , v ∈ R • “Simplest” hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation (PDE) • Elastic wave equations similar: Linear system with variable coefficients Illustration of EDGE’s non-fused, third order (P2 elements) ADER-DG solver applied to the advection equation with sinusoidal initial values and periodic boundary conditions.

  4. Getting Started: Fused Solver q ( x, t ) t + v · q ( x, t ) x = 0 , v ∈ R • Non-Fused: o 1 = s ( i 1 ) o 4 = s ( i 4 ) o 3 = s ( i 3 ) o 2 = s ( i 2 ) • Fused: O 4 = ( o 1 , o 2 , o 3 , o 4 ) = S 4 ( I 4 ) = S 4 ( i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , i 4 ) Illustration of EDGE’s non-fused, third order (P2 elements) ADER-DG solver applied to the advection equation for four problem settings with sinusoidal initial values and periodic boundary conditions.

  5. Getting Started: Fused Solver q ( x, t ) t + v · q ( x, t ) x = 0 , v ∈ R • Non-Fused: o 1 = s ( i 1 ) o 4 = s ( i 4 ) o 3 = s ( i 3 ) o 2 = s ( i 2 ) • Fused: O 4 = ( o 1 , o 2 , o 3 , o 4 ) = S 4 ( I 4 ) = S 4 ( i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , i 4 ) Illustration of EDGE’s fused (4 simulations), third order (P2 elements) ADER-DG solver applied to the advection equation with sinusoidal initial values and periodic boundary conditions.

  6. DOFs: Non-Fused vs. Fused fused runs fused runs fused runs 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 12 13 14 15 24 25 26 27 3 6 1 2 3 modes modes 1 1 4 7 1 4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 28 29 30 31 2 2 5 8 2 8 9 10 11 20 21 22 23 32 33 34 35 0 0 1 2 1 2 elements elements Illustration of the memory layout for EDGE’s third order ADER-DG solver, line elements, and the advection equation (single quantity). Left: Non- fused memory layout, right: memory layout for 4 fused simulations.

  7. Key Advantages • Full vector operations, even 6.8 7 for sparse matrix operators relative arithmetic 6 4.9 5 4.0 intensity • Automatic memory alignment 3.3 3.1 4 2.7 2.5 2.4 3 2.0 2.0 • Read-only data shared 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 among all runs 1 0 1 2 4 8 16 1 2 4 8 16 1 2 4 8 16 1 2 4 8 16 1 • Lower sensitivity to latency (memory & network) Relative arithmetic intensities. Shown are convergence rates 2-5 for the fusion of 2,4,8,16 simulations vs. a non-fused simulation for the elastic wave equations, using an ADER-DG solver. [ISC17]

  8. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � “Similar Enough”: EDGE’s Approach 1 2 1. Identical mesh for all fused simulations 2. Identical simulations parameters: 3 4 1. Start and end time 2. Convergence rate 3. “Frequency” of wave field output, “frequency” and location of seismic receivers 5 6 3. Identical material parameters (velocity model) 4. “Sources”: � 1. Arbitrary initial DOFs 7 8 2. Kinematic sources: Fused or non-fused point sources 3. Spontaneous rupture: Identical friction law, other parameters � (e.g., nucleation, initial stresses, coefficients) arbitrary � mulations (SoA) with point sources at di � erent locations Illustration of the wave field for an exemplary fusion of eight simulations in EDGE with eight point sources at different locations.

  9. Performance: LOH.1 • Layer Over Halfspace (LOH.1): Benchmark used for code verification • Orders: 2-6 (non-fused), 2-4 (fused) LOH.1 Benchmark: Example mesh and material regions [ISC16_1] • Unstructured tetrahedral mesh: 350,264 elements 1 0.8 0.6 • Single node of Cori-II (68 core Intel 0.4 0.2 Xeon Phi x200, 
 u (m/s) 0 -0.2 code-named Knights 
 -0.4 -0.6 Landing) reference -0.8 EDG Ǝ O4 -1 • EDGE vs. SeisSol (GTS, git-tag -1.2 201511) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 time (s) Synthetic seismogram of EDGE for quantity u at the ninth seismic receiver located at (8647 m, 5764 m, 0) in red. The reference solution is shown in black. Detailed setup: [ISC17]

  10. Fused Simulations: Speedup 4.60 EDGE over speedup: 4 SeisSol 2.87 3 1.82 2 1.24 0.91 0.96 0.80 0.74 1 0 O2C1 O2C8 O3C1 O3C8 O4C1 O4C8 O5C1 O6C1 configuration (order, #fused simulations) Speedup of EDGE over SeisSol (GTS, git-tag 201511). Convergence rates O2 − O6: single non-fused forward simulations (O2C1-O6C1). Additionally, per-simulation speedups for orders O2 − O4 when using EDGE’s full capabilities by fusing eight simulations (O2C8-O4C8). [ISC17]

  11. Weak: Setup • Regular cubic mesh, 5 Tets per Cube, 4th order (P3) and Illustration of meshes used for convergence benchmarks in EDGE. 6th order (P5) 1 10 • Imitates convergence 0 10 -1 benchmark 10 O1 Q8 C1 O1 Q8 C4 -2 10 O1 Q8 C8 • 276K elements per node O2 Q8 C1 linf error -3 10 O2 Q8 C4 O2 Q8 C8 • 1-9000 nodes of Cori-II (9000 -4 O3 Q8 C1 10 O3 Q8 C4 nodes = 612,000 cores) O3 Q8 C8 -5 10 O4 Q8 C1 O4 Q8 C4 -6 10 O4 Q8 C8 O5 Q8 C1 -7 10 O5 Q8 C4 Convergence of EDGE in the L ∞ -norm. Shown are orders O1 − O5 for quantity v (Q8) when utilizing O5 Q8 C8 -8 EDGE’s fusion capabilities with shifted initial conditions. For clarity, from the total of eight fused 10 50 25 20 10 5 3 1/3 2.5 2 simulations, only errors of the first (C1), fourth (C4) and last simulation (C8) are shown. [ISC17] edge length (m)

  12. Weak: Results ���� ���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ��� • O6C1 @ 9K nodes: �� 10.4 PFLOPS (38% �� of peak) �� �� � ���� 10.4 PFLOPS (double precision) �� • O4C8 vs. O4C1 @ �� 9K nodes: 
 �� 2.0x speedup �� � � � � �� �� �� �� �� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� Weak scaling study on Cori-II. Shown are hardware and non-zero peak efficiencies ������ in flat mode. O denotes the order and C the number of fused simulations. [ISC17]

  13. Strong: LOH.1 • Orders: 4 & 6 (non-fused), 4 (fused) • Unstructured tetrahedral LOH.1 Benchmark: Example mesh and material regions [ISC16_1] mesh: 172,386,915 elements 0.02 • 32-3200 nodes of Theta (64 core Intel Xeon Phi x200, 
 2 0.01 frequency (Hz) 1 code-named Knights Landing) 0 0.4 • 3200 nodes = 204,800 cores -0.01 -0.02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time (s) Time-frequency misfit for quantity u at the ninth seismic receiver located at (8647 m, 5764 m, 0) and in a frequency range between 0.13Hz and 5Hz. Detailed setup: [ISC17], Visualization: TF-MISFIT_GOF_CRITERIA, http://nuquake.eu

  14. Strong: Results ���� ���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ��� • O6C1 @ 3.2K nodes: �� 3.4 PFLOPS (40% of �� 100x peak) �� 50x � ���� �� • O4C8 vs. O4C1 @ �� 3.2K nodes: 
 �� 2.0x speedup �� � �� �� �� �� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� Strong scaling study on Theta. Shown are hardware and non-zero peak efficiencies ������ in flat mode. O denotes the order and C the number of fused simulations. [ISC17]

  15. EDGE: Current and Upcoming • Elements: Line, rectangular quads, 3-node • Sparse, fused assembly 
 triangles, rectangular hexes, 4-node tets kernels for orders 5+ • Equations: Advection (FV+ADER-DG: 1D, • Kinematic Sources 
 2D, 3D), Shallow Water (FV: 1D), Elastic Wave Equations (FV+ADER-DG: 2D, 3D) (Standard Rupture Format): • Parallelization: Assembly kernels for WSM, Support for fused and 
 SNB, HSW, KNC (non-fused), KNL (fused & non-fused source non-fused), OpenMP (custom), MPI (overlapping) descriptions • Continuity: Continuous Integration (sanity • Spontaneous Rupture checks), Continuous Delivery incl. Simulations automated convergence + benchmarks runs, automated code coverage, automated • Grouped Local Time Stepping license checks, container bootstrap • “License”: BSD 3-Clause (software), CC0 • EDGEcut: Automated surface 
 for supporting files (e.g., user guide) and volume meshing http://dial3343.org


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