edal 664 school leadership

EDAL 664 School Leadership By Franklyn Baldeo, Ph.D November 13, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

University of the Southern Caribbean School of Education & Humanities Graduate Education Department The Controlling Influence of Leadership (Module # 17) Professional Presentation for Course: EDAL 664 School Leadership By Franklyn

  1. University of the Southern Caribbean School of Education & Humanities Graduate Education Department “The Controlling Influence of Leadership” (Module # 17) Professional Presentation for Course: EDAL 664 School Leadership By Franklyn Baldeo, Ph.D November 13, 2017 1

  2. Learning Objectives / Outcomes 1. Be familiar, with all the twenty-one laws of leadership; 2. Be prepared to share with the group, which of the Laws would have had the greatest impact on your philosophy of leadership; 2 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  3. Introduction This presentation mainly comes from the Book: “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” By John C. Maxwell. Maxwell has been, over the last 25 years, an expert and knowledgeable professional in the field of Leadership. This has been interspaced with the writings of other professionals, as well as the course facilitator. 3 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  4. Qualifying Test to These Becoming Laws 1. Not based on culture, gender or age; 2. Relate and apply to all communities; 3. Recognized by other leaders as Leadership Laws; 4. Stand the test of time; Observations: 1. These Laws can be learned; 2. These Laws stand alone; 3. These Laws carry consequences; 4 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  5. LAW # 1 - The Law of the ‘Lid’. The organization cannot rise any higher that the level of your leadership. Everything rises or falls on leadership; 1. If you are the leader, learn to lead; 2. You are take responsibility as a leader for your 3. organization, people, success of your organization, not blame someone else, “Going from failure to success is easier than going from excuses to success.” - F.N. Baldeo  What is the lid number of your leadership?  Would those around me agree with my assessment?  What is your plan to increase your lid number?  What are the lid numbers of those that work with me? What’s my plan to increase their lid numbers?  5 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  6. LAW # 2 - The Law of Influence . The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less . The five Levels of Influence  Position level – (rights) People follow you because they have to;  Permission level – (relationships) people follow you because they want to;  Production level (results) people follow because of what you have done for the organization;  People development level – (reproduction/ loyalty) “people become loyal to you because of what you have done for them” when you start developing people, they are yours for life; You build an organization one person at a time.  Personhood level – (respect) you have done it so well, people look up to you;  6 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  7. LAW # 3 - The Law of Process Leadership develops daily, not in a day.  If you can understand process, you will be an effective leader;  Leaders are born with certain propensities, they can have a leaning to be leaders;  Leaders sometimes over-estimate the event and under- estimate the process Events lead to decisions, motivates people, is a calendar a. issue, challenges people, easy, Process encourages development; matures people, is a b. culture issue, changes people, difficult, 7 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  8. LAW # 3 - The Law of Process (cont’d) Leadership develops daily, not in a day; Leadership has many facets: the ability to learn a great amount of things that make you a great leader;  Influence  Navigation  Empowerment  Relationships  Timing  Momentum  Sacrifice  Attitude The secrete of the successes of leaders is that these facets have been an integral part of their daily agenda. Success is not a destination, it is a journey; 8 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  9. LAW # 4 The Law of Navigation Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a Leader to Chart the Course . You have to know where you are. “A good leader remains focused. Controlling your destination is better than being controlled by it.” - Jack Walters  A leader is someone who sees more than what others see;  A leader is someone who sees farther than others see;  A leader is someone who sees before others see;  “Realistic leaders are objective enough to minimize illusions, they understand that self deception can cost them their vision.” – Bill Easum 9 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  10. LAW # 4 - The Law of Navigation (cont’d) PLAN AHEAD : P - Pre-determine your course of action L – Lay out your goals A – Adjust your priorities N – Notify key personnel A – Allow time for acceptance H – Head into action E - Expect problems A - Always point to your successes D – Daily review your progress. • The secrete of Navigation is preparation 10 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  11. LAW # 5 - The Law of E.F. Hutton When the Real Leader speaks, the People Listen; a. Positional leaders – have a title but not always a following; b. Real leaders – have a following but not always a title; c. Positional leaders influence positional people; d. Real leaders influence everyone; Who are Real Leaders a. Real leaders become real leaders because of character (who they are); b. Real leaders become real leaders because of relationships (who they know); c. Real leaders become real leaders because of knowledge (what they know); 11 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  12. LAW # 5 - The Law of E.F. Hutton (cont’d) d. Real leaders become real leaders because of intuition (what they feel); e. Real leaders become real leaders because of experience (where they’ve been); Real leaders become real leaders because of past f. successes (what they’ve done); g. Real leaders become real leaders because of ability (what they can do); 12 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  13. LAW # 6 - The Law of Solid Ground Trust is the Foundation of Leadership  “trust is the glue that holds an organization and its leaders together.”  To build trust you must demonstrate consistent competence  To build trust you must demonstrate consistent character;  You lose your character much quicker that you can get it back;  You have to be a person with consistent integrity;  You either have it or you don’t (ethics)  You cannot make change in the organization unless you are part of that change; 13 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  14.  A leader cannot continually break trust with people, and continue to influence them; The integrity Test  With integrity, the longer you lead, the better it gets.  Without integrity, the longer you lead, the worst it becomes; 14 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  15. LAW # 7 - The Law of Respect People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves; • You cannot grow an organization bigger than you are; • It would not allow you to attract people better than you; • As you improve yourself as a leader, as you grow, you can grow your organization, and you will start to attract better leaders; • “the more leadership ability a person has, the more quickly that person recognizes good leadership, or its lack in others; 15 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  16. LAW # 7 - The Law of Respect (cont’d) • How do you, as a leader find potential leaders? • You have to know what they look like; • You can’t attract potential leaders if you are not a leader yourself; • As you grow as a leader, you are not only going to increase the quantity (size) of leaders you attract, you will increase the quality of leaders; • When people respect you as a person, they admire you; • When people respect you as a friend, they love you; • When people respect you as a leader, they follow you; • Respect is not a given, its earned; 16 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"

  17. LAW # 7 - The Law of Respect (cont’d) How to Gain Respect from Other People  Have respect for other people  (when you have power over people, and you violate that, take advantage, manipulates or doesn’t respect them, it is a huge character flaw, you have violated your leadership.)  Courage – people would respect you when you make a courageous decision; decisions that benefits your organization, your people, and not necessarily you;  (A courageous decision is one that is right, not one that has a probability of passing, or not that it benefits me)  Success – people want to follow successful people;  Consistency – the ability to keep on keeping on and day in, day out, be the same; people want to follow someone who they can depend on . 17 November 13, 2017 "The Controlling Influence of Leadership"


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