ebats is open to public submission of bats which public

eBATS is open to public submission of BATs Which public-key systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

eBATS is open to public submission of BATs Which public-key systems (Benchmarkable Asymmetric are smallest? Fastest? Tools). eBATS (ECRYPT Benchmarking e.g. submit encrypting BAT of Asymmetric Systems): with three functions: new project to

  1. eBATS is open to public submission of BATs Which public-key systems (Benchmarkable Asymmetric are smallest? Fastest? Tools). eBATS (ECRYPT Benchmarking e.g. submit encrypting BAT of Asymmetric Systems): with three functions: new project to measure keypair() to generate keys, time and space consumed by ciphertext() to encrypt, public-key signature systems, plaintext() to decrypt. public-key encryption systems, BATs are measured by BATMAN public-key secret-sharing systems. (Benchmarking of Asymmetric http://ebats.cr.yp.to Tools on Multiple Architectures, Non-Interactively). Inspired by eSTREAM timings.

  2. eBATS is open to Measured BATs enter public submission of BATs (Comparison and ey systems (Benchmarkable Asymmetric Environment). astest? Tools). (ECRYPT Benchmarking e.g. submit encrypting BAT Systems): with three functions: measure keypair() to generate keys, consumed by ciphertext() to encrypt, signature systems, plaintext() to decrypt. encryption systems, BATs are measured by BATMAN secret-sharing systems. (Benchmarking of Asymmetric http://ebats.cr.yp.to Tools on Multiple Architectures, Non-Interactively). eSTREAM timings.

  3. eBATS is open to Measured BATs enter the CAVE public submission of BATs (Comparison and Visualization (Benchmarkable Asymmetric Environment). Tools). e.g. submit encrypting BAT with three functions: keypair() to generate keys, ciphertext() to encrypt, plaintext() to decrypt. BATs are measured by BATMAN (Benchmarking of Asymmetric Tools on Multiple Architectures, Non-Interactively).

  4. to Measured BATs enter the CAVE Measured BATs enter submission of BATs (Comparison and Visualization (Comparison and able Asymmetric Environment). Environment). encrypting BAT functions: generate keys, to encrypt, to decrypt. measured by BATMAN of Asymmetric Multiple Architectures, Non-Interactively).

  5. Measured BATs enter the CAVE Measured BATs enter the CAVE (Comparison and Visualization (Comparison and Visualization Environment). Environment).

  6. Ts enter the CAVE Measured BATs enter the CAVE Measured BATs enter and Visualization (Comparison and Visualization (Comparison and Environment). Environment).

  7. Measured BATs enter the CAVE Measured BATs enter the CAVE (Comparison and Visualization (Comparison and Visualization Environment). Environment).


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