sirius web

Sirius Web 100% open source cloud modeling platform Our Crew - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sirius Web 100% open source cloud modeling platform Our Crew Mlanie Bats Stphane Bgaudeau CTO @ Obeo Software Architect @ Obeo @melaniebats @sbegaudeau Sirius-II Mission Countdown

  1. Sirius Web 100% open source cloud modeling platform

  2. Our Crew Mélanie Bats Stéphane Bégaudeau CTO @ Obeo Software Architect @ Obeo @melaniebats @sbegaudeau

  3. Sirius-II Mission Countdown

  4. Principles of Sirius + = Metamodel Sirius configuration Graphical modeler Sirius specifier Workbench end users

  5. Principles of Sirius + = Metamodel Sirius configuration Graphical modeler Application RCP Sirius specifier Workbench end users

  6. Principles of Sirius + = Metamodel Sirius configuration Graphical modeler Application Web Sirius specifier Workbench end users

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  8. 2

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  10. Sirius Web! Cloud-based evolution of Sirius 100% open source To deploy modeling tools to the web Available in Sirius project at Eclipse Foundation

  11. Sirius Web Architecture Sirius Web Application Sirius Components EMF-JSON Frontend Backend Components Components

  12. Technical Details Backend Protocols Frontend React Spring (Framework, MVC, HTTP Security, Data JPA) RollUp Websocket Reactor Create React App GraphQL EMF-JSON Webpack Java TypeScript

  13. How to try Sirius Web? DEMO

  14. The Sirius ecosystem Open Source Obeo Community Edition Desktop All you need to work with Sirius Desktop Web

  15. The Sirius ecosystem Open Source Obeo Team Edition Community Edition Desktop For real time collaborative All you need to work edition in Eclipse based with Sirius Desktop workbenches Web

  16. The Sirius ecosystem Open Source Obeo Team Edition Community Edition Desktop For real time collaborative All you need to work edition in Eclipse based with Sirius Desktop workbenches Sirius Web Web Cloud-based evolution of Sirius for deploying modeling tools to the web

  17. The Sirius ecosystem Open Source Obeo Team Edition Community Edition Desktop For real time collaborative All you need to work edition in Eclipse based with Sirius Desktop workbenches Sirius Web Cloud Platform Web Professional Cloud-based evolution of platform to deploy Sirius for deploying easily to the cloud modeling tools to the web

  18. Team Collaboration DEMO

  19. Try in OCP So you can create graphical models collaboratively from your browser!

  20. Take away 100% 100% Open Source Enterprise Sirius Web Obeo Cloud Platform Specify a modeler dedicated to a domain and Enterprise solution relying on Sirius Web to deploy render it in a browser: modeling tools to the cloud: ● Configuration file ● Professional support ● CRUD ● Authentication ● Diagram ● Projects sharing ● Assisted Layout ● Team collaboration

  21. Thanks! Do you have any questions? @melaniebats @sbegaudeau Join us on our booth : CREDITS : This presentation template was created by Slidesgo , including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik


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