e m e r g i n g i s s u e s o n r o a d s a f e t y

E M E R G I N G I S S U E S O N R O A D S A F E T Y : R E S P O N S E - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E M E R G I N G I S S U E S O N R O A D S A F E T Y : R E S P O N S E U N D E R M O T O R V E H I C L E S ( A M E N D M E N T ) B I L L , 2 0 1 7 Dr. Bhargab Maitra Professor Civil Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

  1. E M E R G I N G I S S U E S O N R O A D S A F E T Y : R E S P O N S E U N D E R M O T O R V E H I C L E S ( A M E N D M E N T ) B I L L , 2 0 1 7 Dr. Bhargab Maitra Professor Civil Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur |9 th August 2018| Safety Symposium & Exposition 2018

  2. R OAD S AFETY SCENARIO Number of deaths due to road accident 1,50,785 In 2016 1,46,133 In 2014 Serious Injury and Disabled persons 3 Lacs 2

  3. M YTHS Accident occurs only due to human error • Drivers (often the drivers of bigger vehicle) are always the • one at fault 3

  4. A SPECTS OF R OAD S AFETY Infrastructure Road user Legal Framework Traffic management Vehicle 4

  5. I NFRASTRUCTURAL D EFICIENCIES Infrastructural deficiencies increasing the probability of human error or fatality How to create safe and forgiving infrastructure??? 5

  6. F ORGIVING N ATURE OF I NFRASTRUCTURE Pedestrian Crossing Crash Barrier Ghost Islands 6

  7. I NFRASTRUCTURE Design of Operation and Construction of Infrastructure Maintenance Infrastructure Safety Audit of Infrastructure 7

  8. R OAD S AFETY A UDIT No diversion sign No diversion sign & No barrier near deep with less chevron No barrier excavation Un-delineated and No night visibility Heavy equipment Unprotected drain without any reflector 8

  9. V EHICLE Anti-Collision Devices Cruise Control Electronic brake-force distribution (EBD) 9

  10. V EHICLE Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Anti-lock braking system(ABS) How safe are the vehicles in India ??? 10

  11. L ACK OF K NOWLEDGE Driver Lack of understanding about Prone to Traffic Rules & Regulations make Control Device, etc. error S a f e Knowledge + Skill Traffic Rules & Regulations D r i v i n g Control Device, etc. 11

  12. S KILL VS K NOWLEDGE Driver SKILL Knowledge + Skill Skill is likely to Improve with ? Driving but not the knowledge 12

  13. K NOWLEDGE I MPARTMENT Know Your Road 1. Road Signs 2. Road Markings 3. Rules For Safe Driving 4. Driving in Complex and Sensitive Environment 5. Vulnerable Road Users 6. Alertness and Attitude 7. How to take it to Accidents and Emergencies 8. the larger First Aid 9. segments??? Legal Aspects of Driving 10. 13

  14. A WARENESS Need sustained campaign using all forms of media to reach all segments of road users 14

  15. T RAFFIC M ANAGEMENT Violation • Use of Mobile Conventional Technology Driven device while driving Traffic Management • Traffic Management Jumping Red Signal • Over speeding • Rash Driving Human Limitations • Micro Sleep • Poor Vision • Reaction time • Static Signs Concentration loss • Stress during long driving 15 Speed Humps

  16. M OTOR V EHICLES A MENDMENT B ILL 2017 The bill aims Increase Online of Fines Learning and License Penalties Increase Promotion License of Good License Renewal Promoting Samaritans for Period Public and Differently Rural Abled Transport Persons 16

  17. E LECTRONIC M ONITORING & E NFORCEMENT Salient Features Speed Camera CCTV Speed Guns Body Wearable Camera Use of technology in fine collection??? 17

  18. S EGREGATION OF V EHICLE C ATEGORIES Regulation on access of non-mechanically propelled vehicles & pedestrians at NHs and Public Places Bicycle Rickshaw Pedestrians Slow moving mechanically propelled vehicles??? 18

  19. N ATIONAL R OAD S AFETY B OARD Constitution of National Road Safety Board by Central Govt. with State representatives & Other members Participation of Technical Experts 19

  20. O N R OAD P ROTECTION FOR R OAD U SERS Use of Protective Headgear Protective Headgear Seatbelt for all conforming design for children above 4 passengers including standards years children Comprehensive education of drivers during licensing 20

  21. D RIVERS T RAINING C OURSE Driver training course to be completed for obtaining driving license & Driver refreshing course for suspended driving license Responsibility of Motor Training School??? Knowledge and Skill??? 21

  22. O THER S ALIENT F EATURES Digitalization of License • Direct application by applicant for trained class of vehicle • Interval between successive renewals of transport licence • increased from 3 years to 5 years Establishment of National Register for data containing all • driving licences Automated fitness testing for transport vehicles from 1 st Oct • 2019 Fixed increase in all fines by 10% annually – Obligations on • the States Stringent penalties for offences by juveniles and • Accountability for adults Punishment for vehicles not giving way to ambulance, fire • service and other emergency vehicles 22

  23. S OME P OINTS N EED F URTHER I NTERVENTIONS • Minimum qualification of drivers – Is omission a right step? • Upgradation of licence from lower transport vehicle to upper transport vehicle through proper training • Road Safety Audit to be made mandatory – Standardisation across the country • Comprehensive and interlinked database for vehicle registration, driving license, PUC, fitness, insurance etc 23

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