e-LOCATE An International Traceability Framework for the Irish Fishing Industry January 18 th , 2017
Introduction to Ireland . . .
The Irish Seafood Industry (2015)
The Irish Seafood Industry (2015)
Who are GS1 ? Global Standards Body Not for profit Neutral - Membership Based Open, Free-to-use standards Special Consultative NGO to UN Over 40 years Experience Fully Integrated Global Presence Operate in many Industry Sectors (Food, Non-Food, FMCG, Pharma, Healthcare, Aviation, Transport, etc.) Operate at every point in the supply chain (Growing/Harvesting/Fishing, Processing/Manufacturing, Storage, Distribution, Retailing, etc.)
Who are GS1 ? Countries with a GS1 Member Organisation Countries served on a direct basis from GS1 Global Office (Brussels) 111 Member Organisations . . . in 155 Countries . . . with over 2,000,000 Users (majority are SME’s)
e-LOCATE GS1 Global Traceability Programme
Legislative Framework EC No. 1224/2009 Traceability of all lots of fishery products EC No. 404/2011 Implementation of 1224/2009 Interoperability and sharing of data 2011/431/EU Planned Irish expenditure: New technologies and I.T. Networks € 1.0m Weighing and Associated Hardware € 0.4m
Implementation Partnership of competent authorities Establishment of a national project Steering Committee Stakeholder Forum Industry Assessment Launch of Grant-Aid Scheme
Grant-Aid Scheme E-LOCATE from L ots to O rigin; the C ontrol, A ssurance and T raceability of EU seafood
Tranche 1 Opened: 01-Nov-2013 Closed: 22-Nov-2013 (31-Mar-2014) Target: High Volume First Point of Sale Applications Received: 13 Valid Applications: 8 Total Eligible Expenditure: € 1,181,950 Grant Aid: € 827,110
Tranche 2 Opened: 05-Feb-2014 Closed: 21-Feb-2014 Target: Lower Volume First Point of Sale Applications Received: 24 Valid Applications: 8 Total Eligible Expenditure: € 2,015,862 Grant Aid: € 320,195
Financial Summary € 1,400,000 Planned Expenditure: Grant Aid Funding: € 1,147,305 Project Manager/Admin: € 17,215 Technical/Training/Audits: € 167,020 € 1,331,540 Final Expenditure: ( € 68,460)
Applicants Clogherhead Co-op Foyle Co-op
Applicants Castletownbere Co-Op Clogherhead Co-Op Dunns Seafare Ltd Foyle Co-Op Galway & Aran Co-Op Glenmar Shellfish Good Fish Kerry Fish Kingfisher Fresh Ltd Kish Fish Normandy Ireland Oceanpath Ltd Rockabill Shellfish Seafood Cuisine Shellfish De La Mer Sofrimar
Industry Assessment . . . Held several meetings with; Fishing Vessel skippers Fishing co-operatives Private processors Solution Providers 6 Software 12+ Hardware
Industry Assessment . . .
Industry Assessment . . . Complex Supply Chain . . . Multi-Faceted Many stake-holders Fishermen, Co-Ops, Auctions, Distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers, Fresh/Frozen, ‘Wet’/Processed Unique Requirements Species, Dates of catch, Production, Freezing, Catch Areas, Fishing Gear, etc. Full Visibility Truly Global Need for a common global approach
Industry Assessment . . . Low level of technology utilisation Some Barcode & EDI technology in use Complex Traceability Requirements One - one, one - many, many - many Transactions Multi-tier logistics units Product Aggregation & Dis-Aggregation Product Transformations (Mixing & Blending) Minimal use of . . . Common Industry Standards Product Identification Trading Party Identification Data sharing technologies Traceability Technology
e-LOCATE Traditional Traceability Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer
e-LOCATE Main Challenge is Data Sharing Data to be shared must be; Complete, Consistent, Accurate, Standardised & Timely * Data should be shared; Easily, Quickly, Reliably, & Cheaply *Source: GCI/CapGemini Report: “Internal Data Alignment” Data Sharing Technologies; Barcodes EDI (Orders, Despatch Advice/ASN, Invoices) GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network) EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Info. System) Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer
e-Locate 2 2
e-Locate 2 5
Fish Landing - RFID in action . . . 2 6
Fish Landing . . . Manual Entry 2 7
e-LOCATE Sharing Data via Barcodes
e-LOCATE Sharing Data via Barcodes 010901234567001615140521101234563102003456700527.1 01 09012345670016 15 140521 10 123456 3102 003456 7005 27.1 21 May 2014 123456 34.56kgs 27.1 09012345670016 WEIGHT: 123456 09012345670016 PRODUCT: ERP Entries BEST BEFORE: 21.Mai 2012 DUBLIN BAY PRAWNS FAO AREA: 4321 BATCH/LOT: 123456
EDI – Peer To Peer Data Sharing GS1 EDI Standards EANCOM and XML Manufacturer Customer /Processor Price Catalogue Purchase Purchase Orders Order Advance Shipping Notice Despatch Advice Despatch Advice Returns Note Invoice Invoice
Sharing Product Master Data GDSN – THE PRODUCT INFORMATION NETWORK Manufacturer /Processor Distributor Distributor Distributor A or B ? ? X
GDSN – The Product Information Network GDSN Manufacturer /Processor Distributor Distributor Distributor
e-LOCATE Traditional Traceability Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer
EPCIS Event Driven Traceability SFPA EPCIS Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer
EPCIS – Ultimate supply chain collaboration These EPCIS instances have information about this Product WHO HAS INFORMATION http://Fisherman ABOUT THIS WHO PRODUCT ? http://Co-Op WHAT http://Transporter WHEN http://Processor WHY http://Distribution http://Retailer http://Processor http://Processor http://Co-Op http://Co-Op http://Transporter http://Transporter http://Distribution http://Distribution http://Fisherman http://Fisherman http://Retailer http://Retailer Retailer Distribution Fisherman Co-Op Transporter Processor
EPCIS: Event Driven Traceability EPCIS: Real examples Product Data Date of catch: 2013-12-11 For statistical purposes, 27 major fishing areas have Scientific Name: NEP been internationally established to date. These comprise ________________________ Product Data Additional Data - eight major inland fishing areas covering the inland waters of the continents, ________________________ Expiry date: 2013-2013-23-11 Weight : 400grm - nineteen major marine fishing areas covering the Fishing vessel: GS1 Ireland waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern Preservation: Fresh Oceans, with their adjacent seas. _________________________ Weight gain: Processor: Galway Co-op The major fishing areas, inland and marine, are identified by their names and by two-digit codes. The good: This food is a good source of Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin B6 and Selenium.
EPCIS: Event Driven Traceability EPCIS: Real examples European Sea bass European Sea bass Product info Fishing Method Production Facility Production Facility Catch Method The European bass is a member of the Moronidae family. The name Dicentrarchus derives from the Fish Type presence of two dorsal fins. It has silver sides and a white belly. Juvenile fish maintain black spots on the back and Recipes sides, a feature that can create confusion with Dicentrarchus punctatus. This fish's operculum is serrated and spined. It can grow to a total length of over 1 m (3.3 ft) and 15 kg of weight.[1]
Benefits: Event Driven Traceability Outc tcome me Meets regulatory requirements Trusted source of data Reduces cost of bilateral communication Highlights ‘missing links’ in supply chain ‘Missing Links’ do not cause complete traceability breakdown Opens New Markets Major retailer already in contact with Irish processors
Benefits Certified products are highly sought after by seafood retailers, food service buyers and consumers worldwide. The e-Locate programme extends the impact and reach of these, and other, certification schemes across the global seafood supply chain.
e-LOCATE GS1 in Europe 28 EU Member States 18 Non-EU members
Questions? Dr. Conor Nolan cnolan@bim.ie Denis O’Brien Denis.Obrien@GS1IE.Org
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