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e-LOCATE An International Traceability Framework for the Irish - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

e-LOCATE An International Traceability Framework for the Irish Fishing Industry January 18 th , 2017 Introduction to Ireland . . . The Irish Seafood Industry (2015) The Irish Seafood Industry (2015) Who are GS1 ? Global Standards Body

  1. e-LOCATE An International Traceability Framework for the Irish Fishing Industry January 18 th , 2017

  2. Introduction to Ireland . . .

  3. The Irish Seafood Industry (2015)

  4. The Irish Seafood Industry (2015)

  5. Who are GS1 ?  Global Standards Body  Not for profit  Neutral - Membership Based  Open, Free-to-use standards  Special Consultative NGO to UN  Over 40 years Experience  Fully Integrated Global Presence  Operate in many Industry Sectors (Food, Non-Food, FMCG, Pharma, Healthcare, Aviation, Transport, etc.)  Operate at every point in the supply chain (Growing/Harvesting/Fishing, Processing/Manufacturing, Storage, Distribution, Retailing, etc.)

  6. Who are GS1 ? Countries with a GS1 Member Organisation Countries served on a direct basis from GS1 Global Office (Brussels) 111 Member Organisations . . . in 155 Countries . . . with over 2,000,000 Users (majority are SME’s)

  7. e-LOCATE GS1 Global Traceability Programme

  8. Legislative Framework  EC No. 1224/2009  Traceability of all lots of fishery products  EC No. 404/2011  Implementation of 1224/2009  Interoperability and sharing of data  2011/431/EU  Planned Irish expenditure: New technologies and I.T. Networks € 1.0m Weighing and Associated Hardware € 0.4m

  9. Implementation  Partnership of competent authorities  Establishment of a national project  Steering Committee  Stakeholder Forum  Industry Assessment  Launch of Grant-Aid Scheme

  10. Grant-Aid Scheme E-LOCATE from L ots to O rigin; the C ontrol, A ssurance and T raceability of EU seafood

  11. Tranche 1 Opened: 01-Nov-2013 Closed: 22-Nov-2013 (31-Mar-2014) Target: High Volume First Point of Sale Applications Received: 13 Valid Applications: 8 Total Eligible Expenditure: € 1,181,950 Grant Aid: € 827,110

  12. Tranche 2 Opened: 05-Feb-2014 Closed: 21-Feb-2014 Target: Lower Volume First Point of Sale Applications Received: 24 Valid Applications: 8 Total Eligible Expenditure: € 2,015,862 Grant Aid: € 320,195

  13. Financial Summary € 1,400,000 Planned Expenditure: Grant Aid Funding: € 1,147,305 Project Manager/Admin: € 17,215 Technical/Training/Audits: € 167,020 € 1,331,540 Final Expenditure: ( € 68,460)

  14. Applicants Clogherhead Co-op Foyle Co-op

  15. Applicants Castletownbere Co-Op Clogherhead Co-Op Dunns Seafare Ltd Foyle Co-Op Galway & Aran Co-Op Glenmar Shellfish Good Fish Kerry Fish Kingfisher Fresh Ltd Kish Fish Normandy Ireland Oceanpath Ltd Rockabill Shellfish Seafood Cuisine Shellfish De La Mer Sofrimar

  16. Industry Assessment . . . Held several meetings with; Fishing Vessel skippers Fishing co-operatives Private processors Solution Providers 6 Software 12+ Hardware

  17. Industry Assessment . . .

  18. Industry Assessment . . . Complex Supply Chain . . . Multi-Faceted   Many stake-holders Fishermen, Co-Ops, Auctions, Distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers, Fresh/Frozen, ‘Wet’/Processed Unique Requirements  Species, Dates of catch, Production, Freezing, Catch Areas, Fishing Gear, etc.  Full Visibility  Truly Global Need for a common global approach

  19. Industry Assessment . . . Low level of technology utilisation  Some Barcode & EDI technology in use Complex Traceability Requirements   One - one, one - many, many - many Transactions  Multi-tier logistics units  Product Aggregation & Dis-Aggregation Product Transformations (Mixing & Blending)  Minimal use of . . . Common Industry Standards  Product Identification Trading Party Identification  Data sharing technologies Traceability Technology 

  20. e-LOCATE Traditional Traceability Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer

  21. e-LOCATE Main Challenge is Data Sharing Data to be shared must be; Complete, Consistent, Accurate, Standardised & Timely * Data should be shared; Easily, Quickly, Reliably, & Cheaply *Source: GCI/CapGemini Report: “Internal Data Alignment” Data Sharing Technologies; Barcodes EDI (Orders, Despatch Advice/ASN, Invoices) GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network) EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Info. System) Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer

  22. e-Locate 2 2

  23. e-Locate

  24. e-Locate

  25. e-Locate 2 5

  26. Fish Landing - RFID in action . . . 2 6

  27. Fish Landing . . . Manual Entry 2 7

  28. e-LOCATE Sharing Data via Barcodes

  29. e-LOCATE Sharing Data via Barcodes 010901234567001615140521101234563102003456700527.1 01 09012345670016 15 140521 10 123456 3102 003456 7005 27.1 21 May 2014 123456 34.56kgs 27.1 09012345670016 WEIGHT: 123456 09012345670016 PRODUCT: ERP Entries BEST BEFORE: 21.Mai 2012 DUBLIN BAY PRAWNS FAO AREA: 4321 BATCH/LOT: 123456

  30. EDI – Peer To Peer Data Sharing GS1 EDI Standards EANCOM and XML Manufacturer Customer /Processor Price Catalogue Purchase Purchase Orders Order Advance Shipping Notice Despatch Advice Despatch Advice Returns Note Invoice Invoice

  31. Sharing Product Master Data GDSN – THE PRODUCT INFORMATION NETWORK Manufacturer /Processor Distributor Distributor Distributor A or B ? ? X

  32. GDSN – The Product Information Network GDSN Manufacturer /Processor Distributor Distributor Distributor

  33. e-LOCATE Traditional Traceability Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer

  34. EPCIS Event Driven Traceability SFPA EPCIS Traw awler ler Co-op p Processo essor Distr stributo butor Retailer etailer

  35. EPCIS – Ultimate supply chain collaboration These EPCIS instances have information about this Product WHO HAS INFORMATION http://Fisherman ABOUT THIS WHO PRODUCT ? http://Co-Op WHAT http://Transporter WHEN http://Processor WHY http://Distribution http://Retailer http://Processor http://Processor http://Co-Op http://Co-Op http://Transporter http://Transporter http://Distribution http://Distribution http://Fisherman http://Fisherman http://Retailer http://Retailer Retailer Distribution Fisherman Co-Op Transporter Processor

  36. EPCIS: Event Driven Traceability EPCIS: Real examples Product Data Date of catch: 2013-12-11 For statistical purposes, 27 major fishing areas have Scientific Name: NEP been internationally established to date. These comprise ________________________ Product Data Additional Data - eight major inland fishing areas covering the inland waters of the continents, ________________________ Expiry date: 2013-2013-23-11 Weight : 400grm - nineteen major marine fishing areas covering the Fishing vessel: GS1 Ireland waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern Preservation: Fresh Oceans, with their adjacent seas. _________________________ Weight gain: Processor: Galway Co-op The major fishing areas, inland and marine, are identified by their names and by two-digit codes. The good: This food is a good source of Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin B6 and Selenium.

  37. EPCIS: Event Driven Traceability EPCIS: Real examples European Sea bass European Sea bass Product info Fishing Method Production Facility Production Facility Catch Method The European bass is a member of the Moronidae family. The name Dicentrarchus derives from the Fish Type presence of two dorsal fins. It has silver sides and a white belly. Juvenile fish maintain black spots on the back and Recipes sides, a feature that can create confusion with Dicentrarchus punctatus. This fish's operculum is serrated and spined. It can grow to a total length of over 1 m (3.3 ft) and 15 kg of weight.[1]

  38. Benefits: Event Driven Traceability Outc tcome me  Meets regulatory requirements  Trusted source of data  Reduces cost of bilateral communication Highlights ‘missing links’ in supply chain   ‘Missing Links’ do not cause complete traceability breakdown Opens New Markets  Major retailer already in contact with Irish processors

  39. Benefits Certified products are highly sought after by seafood retailers, food service buyers and consumers worldwide. The e-Locate programme extends the impact and reach of these, and other, certification schemes across the global seafood supply chain.

  40. e-LOCATE GS1 in Europe 28 EU Member States 18 Non-EU members

  41. Questions? Dr. Conor Nolan cnolan@bim.ie Denis O’Brien Denis.Obrien@GS1IE.Org

  42. Try it yourself . . . Search for App: FTrace or NeoReader


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