
Dynamic Commercial Directorate Purchasing System The new way DWP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dynamic Commercial Directorate Purchasing System The new way DWP will buy Sharon provision using the Cheetham Flexible Support Fund Steven Martin 1 Topics we intend to cover The use of Flexible Support Fund to purchase provision; An

  1. Dynamic Commercial Directorate Purchasing System The new way DWP will buy Sharon provision using the Cheetham Flexible Support Fund Steven Martin 1

  2. Topics we intend to cover • The use of Flexible Support Fund to purchase provision; • An overview of what DWP’s Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is; • How this approach was trialled and the benefits to both suppliers and DWP; • The types of provision we are seeking and how this is captured within the Employability Journey; • How DPS is now being rolled out nationally; • The procurement process to become a supplier on DPS; • How call off contracts will be awarded. Department for Work & Pensions 2

  3. Background to Flexible Support Fund • The Flexible Support Fund (FSF) is intended to help Jobcentre Plus District Managers to deliver elements of our service in the way they see fit for their Districts. • District Managers are best placed to deliver elements of our service effectively and efficiently, procuring external services where appropriate, in order to meet the needs of local Claimants supporting Government’s localism agenda. • The current procurement process is time and resource intensive for both DWP and potential suppliers. • A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is an electronic process for establishing and maintaining a list of suppliers from whom commonly used goods and services can be procured. Department for Work & Pensions 3

  4. Evaluation of POC Benefits for DWP: • Delivered a diverse range of suppliers and supplier offerings to DWP – many existing suppliers joined POC as well as new ones – large and small supporting Government’s SME agenda; • Enabled required provision to be put in place more quickly – on average within 3 weeks. Benefits for Suppliers: • Uploaded offer once removing the need to do this a number of times for individual procurements; • Ability to amend the offer and price at any stage; Following evaluation of POC, DWP decided to implement a new Dynamic Purchasing System covering the whole country incorporating the lessons learned from POC. Department for Work & Pensions 4

  5. National Dynamic Commercial Purchasing System Directorate 5

  6. DPS – the Employability Journey The Employability Journey outlines the provision that JCP is seeking to purchase via DPS. It consists of: • 8 categories with tailored outcomes and payment models; • 5 routeways to buy provision that covers more than one category; and • Narratives to provide more detail about each category. (These can be found on the PQQ on Bravo) • There is no minimum contract value, except for Category 6 Skills for Work, and the maximum value of contracts to be awarded under DPS is £499,999. Department for Work & Pensions 6

  7. The Employability Journey Category 1 Engagement 2 Moving towards work 3 Support for hardest to help 4 Supporting hardest to help 5 Addressing barriers 6 Skills for work 7 Getting jobs 8 Keeping jobs with complex & multiple into work barriers Overview Encourage engagement by Support people who are Requirement for support for Tailored support for hardest to Support to overcome barriers to Skills training, but only Support people to be proficient In work support hardest to help – SJ outcome only help – with job outcome potential JCP customers unlikely to look for work getting a job and self sufficient in job hunting who traditionally find it without some help to increase expectation If contract is over £50,000 difficult to access our motivation/confidence or For a DPS ‘routeway’ - services across more than one category including skills training Content Outreach to promote DWP Full Diagnostic Interview & Tailored intensive support for Tailored intensive support for Support to improve Short certificated courses Realistic career / work planning Planning to stay in work Services Work Plan people with significant barriers people with significant barriers – motivation/confidence and leading directly to a job Finances Full Diagnostic Interview & Work who are too far away from the for those where work is an overcome practical barriers to Contingency Innovative Activities to Identifying primary & Short Sector specific Plan labour market to move straight immediate realistic prospect work engage people e.g. Young secondary barriers training and skills shortage into work. once barriers are addressed In work support Identifying primary & secondary People training leading directly to Full diagnostic interview and Buddying Understanding the world of barriers a job Suitable for people with Full diagnostic interview and work work plan to identify primary and Local or specialised delivery work including self  Mentoring moderate learning plan to identify primary and secondary barriers to overcome Skills Experience for specific communities employment difficulties secondary barriers with support to   Complex/multiple overcome Entrenched Personal Circs Black Minority Ethnic Self Awareness and Self barriers worklessness communities Presentation   Entrenched Literacy/ Health & Disability  worklessness Numeracy/ESOL Literacy/ Asian Women Skills Experience  Health & disability Numeracy/ESOL Personal Skills & Issues including Gang Members, Those Personal Circs Personal Resilience  Mental Health Debt and Money affiliated with gangs Health/Disability management Job hunting skills  Drugs/alcohol NEET Job Hunting Skills  CVs; Job Application substance abuse Caring techniques; Interview Isolated communities Attitude to finding work responsibilities  preparation; Interview skills; Mild learning 1 -1 mentoring / counselling Confidence building & difficulties follow up; Motivation  Homelessness Challenging negative attitudes Promoting positive attitudes  Offending Issues Pros & Cons of work versus non-work Devising work plan ESOL Literacy/Numeracy assessment only Funding model 30% start fee 20% start fee, 50% completion 10% start fee, 30% completion fee, 60% job outcome 25% start fee, 75% completion fee (single category) fee, 30% job outcome 70% completion fee 30% Job Outcomes – in work 45% Job Outcomes – in work 60% Job Outcomes – 45% Job Outcomes – Performance 100% of completers to complete an action plan 100% of completers to complete 100% - signed Mentoring Agreement an action plan 4weeks in a 13 week tracking 4weeks in a 13 week tracking Job Outcomes – in work Job Outcomes – in work 75% signing Mentoring Agreement window window will be in employment 13 weeks and/or 100 % to achieve an 4weeks in a 13 week tracking 4weeks in a 13 week tracking after date mentoring agreement agreed SJ outcome window window was signed Department for Work & Pensions 7

  8. The Employability Journey - Routeways Routeway Funding Model Performance R1: Engagement (1), 30% Start fee 100% of completers to complete an action plan Moving towards work (2) and Support for hardest to help with 70% completion fee complex and multiple barriers (3) 40% Job Outcomes – in work 4 weeks 13 weeks tracking R2: 20% Start Fee Supporting Hardest to help into work (4) and Skills for Work (6). 30% Completion Fee period. 50% Job Outcome R3: 45% Job outcomes – in work 4 weeks 13 weeks Tracking Addressing barriers (5) and 10% start fee Getting jobs (7) 30% completion fee 60% Job outcome R4: 60% Job outcomes – in work 4 weeks 13 weeks Tracking Skills for work (6) and 10% start fee Getting Jobs (7) 30% completion fee 60% Job outcome R5: Engagement (1), 20% Start Fee 100% of completers to complete an action plan Moving towards work (2) 50% Completion Fee 30% Job Outcomes - – in work 4 weeks 13 weeks Support for hardest to help with complex and multiple barriers 30% Job Outcome (3) Tracking Supporting hardest to help into work (4) Department for Work & Pensions 8

  9. Implementation Timetable An Invitation to Tender was issued on 14 July 2016 and runs to 31 July 2020. 22 August 2016 Central England DPS buyers can access Basware system and make call offs for that area 26 September 2016 Scotland and Southern England DPS buyers can make call offs for those areas 24 October 2016 North West and North East England DPS buyers can make call offs for those areas 21 November 2016 Wales, London & Home Counties DPS buyers can make call offs for those areas Department for Work & Pensions 9

  10. Dynamic Purchasing System Before we move on to talk about the procurement process do you have any questions on what you have heard so far? ? Department for Work & Pensions 10

  11. Dynamic Commercial Purchasing System Directorate Procurement Process 11

  12. Selection onto the DPS - overview Department for Work & Pensions 12

  13. Dynamic Purchasing System Process • 3 Stage process: Stage 1 Bravo Accreditation The Instructions to Potential Suppliers provides guidance on the Bravo Accreditation Process Stage 2 Basware Registration FSF Supplier Guide for Basware Registration Stage 3 Basware Content Upload Supplier Service Offer Factsheet Upload Guidance Department for Work & Pensions 13


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