CSCI 2132: Software Development Norbert Zeh Dynamic Memory Faculty of Computer Science Dalhousie University Management Winter 2019
The Heap Memory region where we can freely request memory malloc : Request a chunk of heap memory free : Release a chunk of heap memory allocated using malloc (Size information stored close to the allocated block) Operating system keeps track of free (available) memory: • Simplest: A linked list of free blocks (can be very slow) • Better: Buddy system (CSCI 3136) Pros and cons of heap allocation: • Pro: very flexible, objects of arbitrary sizes, with arbitrary lifetimes • Con: Heap management has a cost, can become the program’s main bottleneck
Allocating and Freeing Memory void * malloc(size_t num_bytes) : • Argument: Number of bytes to allocate malloc returns a void * . • Return value: void * to allocated block or NULL if out of memory You assign to an int * . Some compilers may require you void free(void * ptr) : to include an explicit type cast • Argument: Pointer to block to be freed (int *) here. You need to figure (Must have been allocated using malloc) out how many bytes you need. #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int * array = malloc(1000 * sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; �+, i) Don’t forget to free array[i] = i; the memory. free(array); return 0; }
More Allocation Functions void * calloc(size_t num_elems, size_t elem_size) : • Allocates space for an array of objects • Sets all allocated bytes to 0 void * realloc(void * ptr, size_t size) : • “Resizes” the block referenced by ptr to size • Growing and shrinking is allowed • The location of the block may change! (Use ptr = realloc(ptr, size) ) • ptr �=> NULL ⇒ realloc behaves like malloc • size �=> 0 ⇒ realloc behaves like free
Resizable Arrays Vectors in C++, Java, Scala, Rust, ... grow automatically to accommodate more items. C arrays do not support this. How are these resizable vectors implemented? Supported operations push(array, item) Add a new item to the end of the array pop(array) Remove the last item from the array get(array, index) Retrieve the item at the given index put(array, index, item) Update the item at the given index
The Data Structure 8 3 7 3 15 typedef struct _vec_t * vec_t; struct _vec_t { int * data; size_t capacity, size; };
Creating and Destroying a Vector 8 3 7 3 15 vec_t make_vector() { vec_t vec = malloc(sizeof(struct _vec_t)); vec �-? data = malloc(8 * sizeof(int)); vec �-? capacity = 8; vec �-? size = 0; return vec; } void destroy_vector(vec_t vec) { free(vec �-? data); free(vec); }
Get and Put 8 3 7 3 15 int get(vec_t vec, unsigned int index) { return vec �-? data[index]; } void put(vec_t vec, unsigned int index, int val) { vec �-? data[index] = val; }
Push 8 3 7 3 15 void push(vec_t vec, int item) { if (vec �-? size �=> vec �-? capacity) { vec �-? capacity *= 2; vec �-? data = realloc( vec �-? data, vec �-? capacity * sizeof(int)); } vec �-? data[vec �-? size �+, ] = item; }
Pop 8 3 7 3 15 void pop(vec_t vec) { �-. vec �-? size; if (vec �-? size �<> vec �-? capacity / 4 �&' vec �-? capacity > 8) { vec �-? capacity �/> 2; vec �-? data = realloc( vec �-? data, vec �-? capacity * sizeof(int)); } }
A Doubly-Linked List A doubly-linked list stores a sequence of items NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL Supported operations append(list, item) Add item at the end of the list prepend(list, item) Add item at the start of the list insert_after(list, node, item) Add item after the given node delete(list, node) Delete the given node head(list) Access the first node of the list tail(list) Access the last node of the list get_item(node) Get the item stored at a node pred(node) Get the node before this node succ(node) Get the node after this node
The List and its Nodes NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL typedef struct _node_t * node_t; struct _node_t { int val; node_t pred, succ; }; typedef struct _list_t * list_t; struct _list_t { node_t head, tail; };
Creating and Destroying a List NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL list_t make_list() { list_t list = malloc(sizeof(struct _list_t)); list �-? head = list �-? tail = NULL; return list; } void destroy_list(list_t list) { node_t curr, next; for (curr = list �-? head; curr �!> null; curr = next) { next = curr �-? succ; free(curr); } free(list); }
Append Operation NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL node_t append(list_t list, int val) { node_t new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct _node_t)); new_node �-? val = val; new_node �-? succ = NULL; new_node �-? pred = list �-? tail; if (list �-? tail) list �-? tail �-? succ = new_node; else list �-? head = new_node; list �-? tail = new_node; return new_node; }
Insert Operation NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL node_t insert_after(list_t list, node_t node, int val) { node_t new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct _node_t)); new_node �-? val = val; new_node �-? succ = node �-? succ; new_node �-? pred = node; node �-? succ = new_node; if (list �-? tail �=> node) list �-? tail = new_node; else new_node �-? succ �-? pred = new_node; return new_node; }
Delete Operation NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL void delete(list_t list, node_t node) { if (node �=> list �-? head) list �-? head = node �-? succ; else node �-? pred �-? succ = node �-? succ; if (node �=> list �-? tail) list �-? tail = node �-? pred; else node �-? succ �-? pred = node �-? pred; free(node); }
The Other Operations NULL 15 3 9 11 2 NULL Supported operations append(list, item) Add item at the end of the list prepend(list, item) Add item at the start of the list insert_after(list, node, item) Add item after the given node delete(list, node) Delete the given node head(list) Access the first node of the list tail(list) Access the last node of the list get_item(node) Get the item stored at a node pred(node) Get the node before this node succ(node) Get the node after this node
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